Can I stop Hating The U.S.?


Well-Known Member
You want me to write you an autobiography?
Yeah I have a sheet of paper.

I'd love to see some documentation. At least that would give me something to go on. I can't argue against facts. I can point out personal attacks to avoid a logical argument all night long.


Well-Known Member
Wow chuck,what am i the inviso man ?

Ive asked you questions in 2 different posts yet i cant get you to respond to either of my posts,should i repost my questions in an arguementitive manner so you'll respond ?

It seems that you only respond to those who give you fuel & ammunition for further attacks,this speaks volumes as to your intent with this thread,kinda sad if you think about it.


Well-Known Member
Wow chuck,what am i the inviso man ?

Ive asked you questions in 2 different posts yet i cant get you to respond to either of my posts,should i repost my questions in an arguementitive manner so you'll respond ?

It seems that you only respond to those who give you fuel & ammunition for further attacks,this speaks volumes as to your intent with this thread,kinda sad if you think about it.
I believe it's primarily because he finds it difficult to fully comprehend anything not written in crayon Panhead.


Well-Known Member
Ok,i see now,canada,thats cool i guess.

I have never lived in canada but ive been there 100's of times as the us canadian border is 30 minutes from my home,im not an all american hero as the usa has fuked me over for damm near 60 years now but i'll tell ya this,ive lived in 2 other countries briefly for my work,visited quite a few other countries, including Canada & shits fuked everywhere,not just here.

So whats the whole point of the thread ?,what do you hope to acomplish or what outcome do you wish to achieve ?,all i see is a bunch of pissed off people,that cant be fun for you,can it ?
Now here is a person I can respect. A good argument, although I'd like to hear more details on the "being fucked over for nearly 60 years" part, but sounds like you have an honest beef.

I have to admit. . . I want change too. . . I think a two party system could never work because what one party is in favor of, obviously the other party is going to oppose. Let's get some third party working in there. I like the Libertarian Ideals. . . and I can at least say I've read some of their arguments.

Anyone have something they can bring to the table that is more than juvenile personal attacks to really give us some viable perspective?


Well-Known Member
Be careful OregonMeds. . . you're starting to sound like a socialist too. Well. . .if you are from Oregon you're getting up there near America Light anyway.

Yep, it proves I'm a communist if I don't just wave the flag and spout off like we're the greatest country ever.

I'm so glad I don't live in other parts of america though, now that you brought it up.

Trying to imagine myself living in the bible belt...


New Member
Wow chuck,what am i the inviso man ?

Ive asked you questions in 2 different posts yet i cant get you to respond to either of my posts,should i repost my questions in an arguementitive manner so you'll respond ?

It seems that you only respond to those who give you fuel & ammunition for further attacks,this speaks volumes as to your intent with this thread,kinda sad if you think about it.
i answered you. Go back and look.

I love it.

I post something good for the U.S. and I still get beef.


Because there are WAYYYYYYY to many republican/conservative creepers just itching to start a fight with someone who is saying he finally has hope for the U.S.... why? because its Obama.

Consider him the kennedy of your generation kids. So full of hope. But there will always be resistors. No matter how pathetic the drivel they spout out is.



Well-Known Member
fuck Huck... i saw him on the daily show talking about his book... i think i disagreed with everything he had to say... John Stewart made him look retarded....

Bubba Kushman

Well-Known Member
After about 5 pages of observation Chuck is the one who will not debate the issue. Persoal attacks then more personal attacks. Im a conservative democrat and did not vote for your guy Chuck! Most democrats respond the same way you do with persoal attacks. No facts. Stop. Do a fat bowl and relax. Then debate the facts and stop the attacks. Thats what adults are supposed do!


Well-Known Member
fuck Huck... i saw him on the daily show talking about his book... i think i disagreed with everything he had to say... John Stewart made him look retarded....
Consider the source. He's right up their with Keith Oberman as a reporter. So we have a sports commentator and a comedian who think their voice is the voice the American people should listen to for political advice. It's like listening to the class jock who's been hit in the head too many times on the football field and the class clown.


Well-Known Member

Your joking, better to ask a deer and a wolf to get a long. The problem is that we are so similar that our differences seem gigantic, and thus are quite irreconciable.

Of course, part of the problem is that people like Chuck espouse a kind of philosophy that will destroy the United States through economic starvation that is incredibly similar in outcome to the kind of outcome that compassionate "conservatives", socialists/liberals/communists/progressives/whatever the hell they want to call themselves, and globalists seem hell bent on attaining. Well, of course they actually don't want their outcome ,but they are too close-minded to realize that their philosophies will lead to just that.

Of course, Chuck has yet to explain how his philosophy is any different from that of the socialists/liberals/communists/progressives/whatever the hell they want to call themselves and environmentalists and chooses to respond with insults when any one challenges him. I fully anticipate a string of insults from him in response to this post, either for calling him an environmentalist (which from what I've seen he is) or for calling him a liberal/socialist/communist/progressive/whatever the hell they want to call themselves (which from what I've seen he is.

But that doesn't change the fact that he has yet to do anything but pull the same exact stunt as Obama where he straddles a picket fence with the pickets up his ass trying to convince the people on either side that they are on the side that he is going to jump to (when he finally stops raping the fence.)

Of course, in the mean time he insults conservatives and libertarians by challenging the Constitution with out explaining on what grounds he's challenging it, but with a very large slew of insults and name calling when any one tries to call him out on the fact that he his as hollow as a drum, and only good at making great booming sounds. Of course it might be his skull that's being used as a drum, which would certainly explain the lack of anything meaningful coming out of his mouth when he flaps his gums (which irritates people that would actually like an intelligent debate (like Dave).)

Of course, for people like me, who have no qualm about getting into name-calling matches it doesn't matter if he continues to insult us, or actually finally gets off his ass and actually posts more than his typical fear-mongering and hate-mongering. Of course, I am seriously interested in figuring out exactly what kind of political philosophy he subscribers to, but it seems like he will never come out on that. I mean, earlier when I accused him of worshipping Obama like a hero (which he clearly does based on this post) he attacked me for it, with out providing any evidence to the contrary.

Then there's the fact that he has yet to remain consistent in his political views changing them every time he is attacked on something he says and swinging from moderate socialism to extreme socialism to even more extreme national socialism (the kind that Germany Practiced.)

Of course, like I said earlier, I fully anticipate a string of insults for this post instead of anything meaningful...

Guess it's time to sit back and enjoy the fireworks.


New Member

Your joking, better to ask a deer and a wolf to get a long. The problem is that we are so similar that our differences seem gigantic, and thus are quite irreconciable.

Of course, part of the problem is that people like Chuck espouse a kind of philosophy that will destroy the United States through economic starvation that is incredibly similar in outcome to the kind of outcome that compassionate "conservatives", socialists/liberals/communists/progressives/whatever the hell they want to call themselves, and globalists seem hell bent on attaining. Well, of course they actually don't want their outcome ,but they are too close-minded to realize that their philosophies will lead to just that.

Of course, Chuck has yet to explain how his philosophy is any different from that of the socialists/liberals/communists/progressives/whatever the hell they want to call themselves and environmentalists and chooses to respond with insults when any one challenges him. I fully anticipate a string of insults from him in response to this post, either for calling him an environmentalist (which from what I've seen he is) or for calling him a liberal/socialist/communist/progressive/whatever the hell they want to call themselves (which from what I've seen he is.

But that doesn't change the fact that he has yet to do anything but pull the same exact stunt as Obama where he straddles a picket fence with the pickets up his ass trying to convince the people on either side that they are on the side that he is going to jump to (when he finally stops raping the fence.)

Of course, in the mean time he insults conservatives and libertarians by challenging the Constitution with out explaining on what grounds he's challenging it, but with a very large slew of insults and name calling when any one tries to call him out on the fact that he his as hollow as a drum, and only good at making great booming sounds. Of course it might be his skull that's being used as a drum, which would certainly explain the lack of anything meaningful coming out of his mouth when he flaps his gums (which irritates people that would actually like an intelligent debate (like Dave).)

Of course, for people like me, who have no qualm about getting into name-calling matches it doesn't matter if he continues to insult us, or actually finally gets off his ass and actually posts more than his typical fear-mongering and hate-mongering. Of course, I am seriously interested in figuring out exactly what kind of political philosophy he subscribers to, but it seems like he will never come out on that. I mean, earlier when I accused him of worshipping Obama like a hero (which he clearly does based on this post) he attacked me for it, with out providing any evidence to the contrary.

Then there's the fact that he has yet to remain consistent in his political views changing them every time he is attacked on something he says and swinging from moderate socialism to extreme socialism to even more extreme national socialism (the kind that Germany Practiced.)

Of course, like I said earlier, I fully anticipate a string of insults for this post instead of anything meaningful...

Guess it's time to sit back and enjoy the fireworks.

I swear this dude "wins" arguments by posting the longest most boring posts in the world. Im smoking weed developed by the University Of British Columbia. Too rocked to read that, sorry, I will have to get to yo in the tomorrow TBT. I can only imagine the lies and whatnot your post will be riddled with


New Member
what are you talking about? this is normal happy behavior. they all really love each other. :hug:
Is it just me or am I the only one seeing this.

I am saying congratulations to the U.S. of A.
And I'm getting beef for it!?!?!?!

These cowards will jump at anything!:spew:


Well-Known Member

Your joking, better to ask a deer and a wolf to get a long. The problem is that we are so similar that our differences seem gigantic, and thus are quite irreconciable.

Of course, part of the problem is that people like Chuck espouse a kind of philosophy that will destroy the United States through economic starvation that is incredibly similar in outcome to the kind of outcome that compassionate "conservatives", socialists/liberals/communists/progressives/whatever the hell they want to call themselves, and globalists seem hell bent on attaining. Well, of course they actually don't want their outcome ,but they are too close-minded to realize that their philosophies will lead to just that.

Of course, Chuck has yet to explain how his philosophy is any different from that of the socialists/liberals/communists/progressives/whatever the hell they want to call themselves and environmentalists and chooses to respond with insults when any one challenges him. I fully anticipate a string of insults from him in response to this post, either for calling him an environmentalist (which from what I've seen he is) or for calling him a liberal/socialist/communist/progressive/whatever the hell they want to call themselves (which from what I've seen he is.

But that doesn't change the fact that he has yet to do anything but pull the same exact stunt as Obama where he straddles a picket fence with the pickets up his ass trying to convince the people on either side that they are on the side that he is going to jump to (when he finally stops raping the fence.)

Of course, in the mean time he insults conservatives and libertarians by challenging the Constitution with out explaining on what grounds he's challenging it, but with a very large slew of insults and name calling when any one tries to call him out on the fact that he his as hollow as a drum, and only good at making great booming sounds. Of course it might be his skull that's being used as a drum, which would certainly explain the lack of anything meaningful coming out of his mouth when he flaps his gums (which irritates people that would actually like an intelligent debate (like Dave).)

Of course, for people like me, who have no qualm about getting into name-calling matches it doesn't matter if he continues to insult us, or actually finally gets off his ass and actually posts more than his typical fear-mongering and hate-mongering. Of course, I am seriously interested in figuring out exactly what kind of political philosophy he subscribers to, but it seems like he will never come out on that. I mean, earlier when I accused him of worshipping Obama like a hero (which he clearly does based on this post) he attacked me for it, with out providing any evidence to the contrary.

Then there's the fact that he has yet to remain consistent in his political views changing them every time he is attacked on something he says and swinging from moderate socialism to extreme socialism to even more extreme national socialism (the kind that Germany Practiced.)

Of course, like I said earlier, I fully anticipate a string of insults for this post instead of anything meaningful...

Guess it's time to sit back and enjoy the fireworks.
yet everyone continues to respond to him. it's love i tell you. love. :-P :hug: