Can one be gay and not know it?

Who the heck would choose to be persecuted for what they do with another adult in the bedroom?I was born straight, why is it so hard to believe folks can be born bi or gay?
I'm not a liberal
I am not gay
If you were dating or married to my daughter, and decided to have sex with an HIV pos male, and somehow ( GEE I DON'T KNOW HOW THIS HAPPENED, honey), and infected this female, what do you think I have the morral right to do to you ?
That is MORAL right, not legal.
I think you would be pretty fuck'n dead, pretty fuck'n fast.

LIBERAL?! LIBERAL!? Please dont insult me lmao
I believe if someone married your daughter and CHEATED on your daughter with a HIV positive male, then gave your daughter HIV, that you should indeed kick his ass. If someone did that to my daughter or son, I would do the same. But because your daughter ha sa bisexual husband doesnt mean he'll be fucking guys or other chicks at all.
Oh...and if you have a significant other of the opposite sex, don't jerk them around.Break up with them before you go exploring.
I second that...its going to be really hard for them as it is...let them know so they can start moving on.

And, yeah, I think it's possible. The human mind is very adept at hiding the really uncomfortable stuff from itself. That's what denial is. I also think its really sad...I hope such a person can come to terms with theirself, and learn to live life and love theirself as they are.
See, sexually I only think about females... But I'd rather live with a dude... If that makes any sense...
Hopefully DMT can help me figure it out. I could just be an extremely sexist straight guy... :shrugs:
How old are you? Cause at a certain age, like late teens to early 20s, its pretty normal for guys to want to live with their buddies rather than a chick. They may like the sexual and romantic experiences they have with women, but at that age they want to hang with their friends and have fun. Doesn't make you gay. Have you ever had a sexual fantasy about a guy? (Not that that would mean you were gay necessarily, but it would be a clue.)
I'm not a liberal
I am not gay
If you were dating or married to my daughter, and decided to have sex with an HIV pos male, and somehow ( GEE I DON'T KNOW HOW THIS HAPPENED, honey), and infected this female, what do you think I have the morral right to do to you ?
That is MORAL right, not legal.
I think you would be pretty fuck'n dead, pretty fuck'n fast.
Who the hell would decide to have sex with an HIV positive person? :dunce:
<--- in on 11th

if you look @ a wiener and say "hmm that doesnt look that bad" YOUR GAY

OR here is a 2nd test

should =
Yes, you can be GLBTQ(etc.) and not consciously know it. In my opinion and experience, on some deep level a person knows their sexuality, but for whatever reason (usually stigma/fear), they don't admit it to themselves, or don't allow themselves to believe it.

That said, sexual definitions and categories exist for society's sake. Sexuality is fluid.

I identify as a lesbian, but I believe in the Kinsey scale and I believe we move along it. As a society we are too focused on labels.

Don't allow someone else to define you.

I know plenty of people who find both men and women attractive and yet only may be attracted sexually to women but are sexually/romantically attracted to men or vice versa or some other combination of these types of factors.

I think the bottom line is the individual.

Perhaps there could be a man who I would love or be attracted to on so many levels that biology wouldn't matter. That has not been the case for me. I came out to myself when I was 12, to my parents when I was 19. I've done the denial and the self-hate thing and it's just destructive. I've had relationships with men and women. Men just don't do it for me.

That said, I've been in love with my GF for 5 wonderful years, and although I find her amazingly attractive sexually, if the circumstances were different and she were a man, I believe I would still have fallen in love with her because she's the most amazing person I've ever known.

I hope maybe something in here helps and if nothing else...

Attempt to find and listen to your own truest voice.

Best advice I could ever give anyone.
How old are you? Cause at a certain age, like late teens to early 20s, its pretty normal for guys to want to live with their buddies rather than a chick. They may like the sexual and romantic experiences they have with women, but at that age they want to hang with their friends and have fun. Doesn't make you gay. Have you ever had a sexual fantasy about a guy? (Not that that would mean you were gay necessarily, but it would be a clue.)

man u aint never lie! i love girls no doubt in my mind that im not gay! but i cant live with a girl! ne longer then 2 days and she gots to go! i hate argueing! and girls love that shit! i think its cuz me n my boys r like brothers and we never fight! i mean we get pissed at each other! but for like 10 mins till he fires up! lol its cuz we do everything the same! work slap fuck hoes wake up and do it all again!