can people of color be racist?

Exactly, problem with these conversations is there will always be a bigot trying to justify racism with bullshit statistics.
Problem with these conversations is there will always be a liar trying to justify bullshit by claiming anyone disagreeing with them are bigots. So where exactly did I try to justify racism?
Statistically, whites recieve longer sentances than blacks. Hence, murderers of blacks (mostly blacks themselves) recieve shorter sentances than murderes of whites (mostly whites themselves) tend to receive shorter sentances. This was once a rallying cry for the race baiters untill it was pointed out they were in effect demanding longer sentances for blacks than whites for the same crime. He's trying to link racism with power. Power isn't necessary to racism.
I'd take a look at those stats if you care to share them. The other way to read what you are saying is that black lives are not valued as much as white lives. Wouldn't that be true if murderers of blacks are not serving as long as those that murdered whites?
I'd take a look at those stats if you care to share them. The other way to read what you are saying is that black lives are not valued as much as white lives. Wouldn't that be true if murderers of blacks are not serving as long as those that murdered whites?
That was the claim of the protesters "that black lives are not valued as much as white lives".. But a black defendant would be favored by the situation. Sucks for the victim, tho. Don't have a citation, but neither did those claiming blacks got longer sentances than whites. I'm sure there are studies somewhere, but these things tend to be done by someone with an agenda to promote, so the source would have to be vetted before accepting them
Problem with these conversations is there will always be a liar trying to justify bullshit by claiming anyone disagreeing with them are bigots. So where exactly did I try to justify racism?
Your bs statement about blacks having less of a sentencing then whites. Even if it's true (which I'm sure it isn't) seems like your disregarding or discrediting the true back that our jails are packed with people of color.
Your bs statement about blacks having less of a sentencing then whites. Even if it's true (which I'm sure it isn't) seems like your disregarding or discrediting the true back that our jails are packed with people of color.
You seem unsure my statement was false, yet had no problem stating the oposite as if it were a known fact. Sorry, but disportionate numbers don't prove bias. More Canadians are buried in Canadian cemataries than US citizens, but that doesn't prove Canadian cemataries discriminate.

Racist paint.
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Yakub (sometimes spelled Yacub or Yakob) is, according to the Nation of Islam (NOI), a black scientist who lived "6,600 years ago" and was responsible for creating the white race to be a "race of devils". He did this through a form of selective breeding referred to as "grafting", while living on the island of Patmos.

The Nation of Islam theology claims that Yakub is the biblical Jacob. Traditional Muslims do not have this belief, or anything similar to it. The story has caused disputes within the NOI during its history. Under its current leader Louis Farrakhan, the NOI continues to assert the truth of the story of Yakub, stating that modern science is consistent with it.
Scientists make conclusions from experiments all the time that are proven partially or wholly false Buck.

See NASA, physicists in general, the Bohr model of the atom, etc.

The fact is that you don't know what controls were placed on the experiments you described. My questions were completely valid.
Valid and retarded mean different things, Murdoch.