can people of color be racist?

More like a klansman under every corporation, even parts of the government, liberal and conservative
I don't know, I would venture to say most corporations are wealthist more so than racist. If a black dude can increase profit you best believe he's on the team. I'm not saying racism isn't a problem, in some cases it is, but I am a bigger subscriber to the theory that the people in power trump up racism to cloud the fact that it's really a war on all of us. If you're not in the top 10% you're on the wrong side, I just think most of white America hasn't had their comfort bubble sufficiently disturbed yet, but it's coming.
More like a klansman under every corporation, even parts of the government, liberal and conservative
I don't know what your experience is. My experience is that corporations don't really care about this issue. The leaders of corporations that I've known want to suppress everybody and squeeze the life out of them while maximizing profit. Government; yes, racial bias and racism pervades congress. But if you believe that overt malignant racism is everywhere in this country today, well that's your bag I see racial bias just about everywhere and overt racism in police actions.

Edit, NewtoMJ beat me to the statement on corporations, good one @NewtoMJ
I'm not saying racism isn't a problem, in some cases it is, but I am a bigger subscriber to the theory that the people in power trump up racism to cloud the fact that it's really a war on all of us.

dante l. johnson has to send out twice as many resumes as darren l. johnson to get the same number of callbacks from potential employers. even though it is the exact same resume.

racism does not get trumped up by institutions, it gets downplayed or exploited. all institutions are inherently conservative and thus to some degree racist.

your theory is not sound in any way shape or form. no i do not think you are racist.
dante l. johnson has to send out twice as many resumes as darren l. johnson to get the same number of callbacks from potential employers. even though it is the exact same resume.

racism does not get trumped up by institutions, it gets downplayed or exploited. all institutions are inherently conservative and thus to some degree racist.

your theory is not sound in any way shape or form. no i do not think you are racist.
But if Dante has proven to produce double the profit as Darren, I guarantee green trumps white and black. Not to say your statement isn't true, but it leads me to wonder if their practiced racism isn't just to keep the larger portion of the population content while they fuck us all.
are you slow? it is the exact same resume. they have done studies.

racism is pervasive and institutions do not trump it up. it is cooked in.
I'm high, not slow. I see what you're saying, I agree they practice racism, but I don't think it's for the sake of just being bigots, I think it's to keep the larger demographic from realizing the bull shit they are trying to pull. Darren is a lot less likely to fight for justice if he's employed with a house and a car.
....can people of color be racist?
Sure they can , just take a look at india, them hindis are so racist, they even arrange their own marriages ..the darker your skin the lower 'caste' you are, them Indian hindi's are allowed to kill cows, wash feet, clean out human ears ...and make sandals(work with leather)...also take care of the dead, just googlw for more
dante l. johnson has to send out twice as many resumes as darren l. johnson to get the same number of callbacks from potential employers. even though it is the exact same resume.

racism does not get trumped up by institutions, it gets downplayed or exploited. all institutions are inherently conservative and thus to some degree racist.

your theory is not sound in any way shape or form. no i do not think you are racist.
I was going down the same path as newtoMJ. You are right, I forgot about that study. Same person, different race on resume, biased results against the black person. Does this imply assumed superiority of one race over the other, hence racism or does this imply racial bias against the minority? Splitting hairs, but semantics are important too.
....can people of color be racist?
Sure they can , just take a look at india, them hindis are so racist, they even arrange their own marriages ..the darker your skin the lower 'caste' you are, them Indian hindi's are allowed to kill cows, wash feet, clean out human ears ...and make sandals(work with leather)...also take care of the dead, just googlw for more
is that classism or racism? Man we are one fucked up species aren't we?
racism....the lower your family based on the shade of your skin, the more outside you are the darker your skin, the lower in their society you are, its fucked up ...cause you are born into that world, many don't bother changing or trying to improve themselves at all

I once said to a bricklayer move to the uk(like everyone else) he said he is not worthy of such an endeavor, beside he had 14 kids to feed, he wasn't shitting me either
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is that classism or racism? Man we are one fucked up species aren't we?

when it's based on skin color, it's racism. and vostok is exactly right, that shit happens in India on the daily, as if it's normal, ok behavior.
I was going down the same path as newtoMJ. You are right, I forgot about that study. Same person, different race on resume, biased results against the black person. Does this imply assumed superiority of one race over the other, hence racism or does this imply racial bias against the minority? Splitting hairs, but semantics are important too.

you might have started down that road but you ended up down a different one.
I don't know, I would venture to say most corporations are wealthist more so than racist. If a black dude can increase profit you best believe he's on the team. I'm not saying racism isn't a problem, in some cases it is, but I am a bigger subscriber to the theory that the people in power trump up racism to cloud the fact that it's really a war on all of us. If you're not in the top 10% you're on the wrong side, I just think most of white America hasn't had their comfort bubble sufficiently disturbed yet, but it's coming.
yeah, well maybe its more like tacking upwind across an ocean. I don't know where I'm going but its an interesting journey.
Well that's interesting.
imo it is racisit for a white owned corporations (which are the majority) to go into ingenious lands around the globe and steal the people's resources. These sources range from water in Peru, to oil in the middle east. The corporations know what they are doing, they know they are hurting the people, but yet use force to opress the people.

We also see sexism in these oppressive tactics, women of color (and children) are the one that work the factories.

So yes racism is used by the corporations. As for my Kkk comment and corporations, well obviously probley not true, but i wouldn't doubt it.

Look at the connection of Coca-Cola and nazi germeny
Well that's interesting.
imo it is racisit for a white owned corporations (which are the majority) to go into ingenious lands around the globe and steal the people's resources. These sources range from water in Peru, to oil in the middle east. The corporations know what they are doing, they know they are hurting the people, but yet use force to opress the people.

We also see sexism in these oppressive tactics, women of color (and children) are the one that work the factories.

So yes racism is used by the corporations. As for my Kkk comment and corporations, well obviously probley not true, but i wouldn't doubt it.

Look at the connection of Coca-Cola and nazi germeny
OK, agreed by me. I was questioning this last night whether it was racial bias or racism going on. Its racism. Here's a link to a study that UB referred to, I include the link because I'm going to quote from it:

"By isolating elements of the resumes in this fashion, the authors can attribute the 50 percent lower callback rate for African-American applicants to name manipulation. While the cost of sending additional resumes might not be large, this gap can be substantial in relation to the rate of new job openings.

The results suggest a significant amount of discrimination in this first stage of the job recruiting process."

This study doesn't prove racism. Where I connect it to racism is in @NewtoMJ 's post where he says "But if Dante has proven to produce double the profit as Darren, I guarantee green trumps white and black.". If businesses indeed choose and hire candidates that they think will boost profits the most, then they are favoring people with white sounding names because they think that a person with this name/color will boost profits more. This is not bias, this is racism. And it does hurt people.

People that run these corporations do know what they are doing.
You don't have to be a republican to be racist, but if you're racist, you're more than likely a republican
The democrats have done a great job securing the black vote by way of welfare/public aid.. for generations now. Democrats brought us such blighted areas of crime and poverty as public housing projects. And very segregated communities. Plus making taxes so high no company wants to operate in a high crime areas and pay out there Ass in taxes. So these people are gonna stay on welfare and stay voting democrat thus continuing the decline. It's all a circle of bullshit.
you might have started down that road but you ended up down a different one.
I don't blame you. You have lived a sheltered life . You haven't seen some of the rawdamage democrats have done. You wouldn't understand untill you went to cleavland Detroit Chicago flint Rockford Camden ect. I bet you have always lived in a heavy majority white area no matter were you lived..