Can someone list some benefits of vertical growing?

here is what made me go vertical. So when i was a younger chap, less experienced then I am now, I was blooming under a 8B T5 unit. had a 4 bulb for veg. I WAS ROCKING THAT SHIT. But it didnt put out enough. So I decided to get a 600 watt. But im cheap. I scrubed websites for the cheapest prices vs quality on and on forEVER. So i found my Ballast (Solistek still running). then i came across Heath Robinson. First let me say that the number of crazy hydro things i came up with was astounding. Sorta. I was really high. I digress. So all i had seen was people tearing apart cool tubes for barebulbs. Then i came across a vertical socket. 35 bucks. vs 190 i was about to spend on a reflector. Umm.... SOLD! Simple as that

So Barth, strip away all your wall o text about 135% or what ever you were talking about that i glazed over after 10 words, And that makes it Better. Its cheaper. you can say WHATEVER in the world you want about a vertical vs horizontal and the answer is still the same. Vertical is cheaper. Cheaper is better. Therefore Vertical wins.

Also you are sorta coming off like a giant tool. You should stop that. Its ugly and doesnt make friends well. Socializing is great and one of the wonderful things about the internet. However youre asshatness totally kills that vibe. Stop that. Stop it now.

(see i can put random things in my posts to fuck with people too)
I myself wouldnt do it because i have space enough. It is true though i used to run 2 4×4 flood tables and they actually took up 54"×54". Bigger than u may think. But we used a 9×19 sun room and 3800 watts of light.

Now i ask what about big operations with multiple free hanging lights over a big ass room. Since the light is vertical is that considered a vertical grow?
Not really. Vertical is the idea of lighting the side of the plant. Warehouse growers stay open bulb cause its cheaper in set up and easier to cool
....and we have a WINNER!

I wouldn't even go as far as saying it saves space, just arranges/uses it differently.

See i am stating facts here .5 1800 watt grow is a fucking DISASTER grown Horizontally but i guess in the vert world you killed it lol
I just don't get it

View attachment 3544962

Gee, I wonder why that grow only got 0.5g/w... I could cherry pick a bunch of shitty horizontal grows too, doesn't prove that horizontal is shitty period.

PS wanna see what a real pound plant looks like ? So pease Feed us some more first pic is yours lol View attachment 3544867

Not even sure who's plant this is and what you're saying but I recently pulled 8 solid ounces and change of one plant that looks to be less than half that size in a 3'x3' tent with a vertical 400w in a cool tube. Environment was even fairly crap (too hot and stagnant air). Not a speck of larf from top to bottom.
How much testing have you done to confirm your hypothesis?

Not as many as some, but certainly my share from a single 400 to 3kw in one space (I've done 400, 600, 1kw, and 2x600 in vert, some bare, some with tubes, 2x and 3x 1kw in horizontal, along with single 400, 600, 1kw but always in vented hoods horizontally). If you want to go by square footage of floor space alone, sure, it saves space so to speak, but when you consider room volume I think the two are fairly comparable in what they can yield for how much light you have. Some spaces will work better vertical, some will work better horizontal.
I've skimmed over this thread. I have done vertical grows, but it was a long time ago, perhaps ten years ago.
I used four pieces, 4x8 plywood screwed to 2x4 frame, I had 12 plants placed in each wall, giving me 48 plants in total. I used two 600 watt cool tubes dropped down the center, and supplemented with additional co2 from a tank. The lights were (obviously) cooled from an outside source, and exited thru the neighboring bathroom, after going thru a charcoal filter.

I think it was worth it in the end. 24 plants per each 600 watt light is a definite improvement vs had I simply hung the lights over a few plants placed on the floor.
This is just one old mans opinion based on my past experience.