here is what made me go vertical. So when i was a younger chap, less experienced then I am now, I was blooming under a 8B T5 unit. had a 4 bulb for veg. I WAS ROCKING THAT SHIT. But it didnt put out enough. So I decided to get a 600 watt. But im cheap. I scrubed websites for the cheapest prices vs quality on and on forEVER. So i found my Ballast (Solistek still running). then i came across Heath Robinson. First let me say that the number of crazy hydro things i came up with was astounding. Sorta. I was really high. I digress. So all i had seen was people tearing apart cool tubes for barebulbs. Then i came across a vertical socket. 35 bucks. vs 190 i was about to spend on a reflector. Umm.... SOLD! Simple as that
So Barth, strip away all your wall o text about 135% or what ever you were talking about that i glazed over after 10 words, And that makes it Better. Its cheaper. you can say WHATEVER in the world you want about a vertical vs horizontal and the answer is still the same. Vertical is cheaper. Cheaper is better. Therefore Vertical wins.
Also you are sorta coming off like a giant tool. You should stop that. Its ugly and doesnt make friends well. Socializing is great and one of the wonderful things about the internet. However youre asshatness totally kills that vibe. Stop that. Stop it now.
(see i can put random things in my posts to fuck with people too)