Can you live on minimum wage? (Calculator)

you have no evidence to support the idea that people will run off to become plumbers so they can come home stinking of shit, or get up at 3 AM to collect garbage, or sweat their balls off in the sun building houses if the same pay can be had in a burger king.

Well I can tell you that I would

You can speak for everyone if you want, I don't presume to know that much about such a decision

The funny thing is, even in our current system you have lazy people who take advantage of it.. Financial incentive isn't the only thing that drives us.
only communist believe that equal pay for all, regardless of skill education, work ethic or difficulty will result in magical inducement to take the hard or unpleasant jobs with the same pay.

Ferkin' commie, marxist, socialist b-holes. Hitler!

why do you think garbage men make much more than minimum wage?


Back that can up.
I disagree with you that the only reason people learn things is for financial gain

We'd still have carpenters, we'd still have doctors and lawyers, society would go on.

You offer nothing but hyperbole with again, no evidence to back anything up...

Why would someone spend 10 years to become a doctor for $22/hr? Even if we pay you $22/hr to school and train, rather than charge $100,000.
Of course, who the hell wouldn't? Have you ever worked in fast food? I have, fuck that shit, also LMFAO @ $14/hour, try half that

So I ask you again, if you are making enough money to suit your lifestyle, why would you care what anyone else is making?


I'm not arguing for equal pay for all. I'm arguing that the bottom line, the absolute minimum any employer in America should be able to pay their full time employees is a living wage - that is a wage that is comparable to the cost of living in their area. No employer worth their business would have a problem with that, and if they do, they can pick up shop and move to another country more favorable to their interests.

and when that "living wage" drives prices higher, and thus must be adjusted upwards over and over, driving prices higher and higher still...

eventually we will all be making 1000 obamabucks per hour and still be below the poverty line since a happymeal will cost $900

the "poverty line" has increased 500% since it was created in '68. the federal minimum wage would have to be $8.10 to account for that inflation in the basic costs of life.

but there aint no inflation.

median household income in '68: $7743.00
median houshold income 2013: $51371.00

the median income has gone up 660% yet people today do not feel more prosperous, savings rates are falling to near zero, personal debt is climbin, and everything costs way more than ever before.

your solution: have "somebody" pay everybody a bigger number of ever shrinking dollars and then everything will be fine.

next stop Zimbabwe.
I disagree with you that the only reason people learn things is for financial gain

We'd still have carpenters, we'd still have doctors and lawyers, society would go on.

You offer nothing but hyperbole with again, no evidence to back anything up...

Nope, doctors who need to take out $700,000 in loans CANNOT work for less than $140,000 a year, and at $140,000 a year that doctor is making the same as someone getting $12 an hour.
and when that "living wage" drives prices higher, and thus must be adjusted upwards over and over, driving prices higher and higher still...

eventually we will all be making 1000 obamabucks per hour and still be below the poverty line since a happymeal will cost $900

the "poverty line" has increased 500% since it was created in '68. the federal minimum wage would have to be $8.10 to account for that inflation in the basic costs of life.

but there aint no inflation.

median household income in '68: $7743.00
median houshold income 2013: $51371.00

the median income has gone up 660% yet people today do not feel more prosperous, savings rates are falling to near zero, personal debt is climbin, and everything costs way more than ever before.

your solution: have "somebody" pay everybody a bigger number of ever shrinking dollars and then everything will be fine.

next stop Zimbabwe.

talking points without ever stopping the train to check in on reality.

$900 dollar happy meals, zimbabwe, false claims about inflation, and general dumbassery. but not a single reference to reality.

because if you bother to actually look at reality, the dystopian hellscape kynes is trying to draw up turns into a joke at kynes' expense.

but then again, when you're 50 years old, overweight, living with your mom, and barely breaking min wage, everything is a joke at your expense.
you can cry and cry and cry all you want, but increasing the minimum wage does help workers.
no it doesn't, it HURTS workers.

If what you say were really true, then the states with the highest min wage would have the least unemployment, unfortunately the opposite is true. High minimum-wage states have among the highest unemployment rates.

All costs are born by the consumer.
Why would someone spend 10 years to become a doctor for $22/hr? Even if we pay you $22/hr to school and train, rather than charge $100,000.

Why would a doctor who spent 10 years studying make $22/hour?

and when that "living wage" drives prices higher, and thus must be adjusted upwards over and over, driving prices higher and higher still...

eventually we will all be making 1000 obamabucks per hour and still be below the poverty line since a happymeal will cost $900

That sounds like a system that should be changed

the "poverty line" has increased 500% since it was created in '68. the federal minimum wage would have to be $8.10 to account for that inflation in the basic costs of life.

but there aint no inflation.

median household income in '68: $7743.00
median houshold income 2013: $51371.00

the median income has gone up 660% yet people today do not feel more prosperous, savings rates are falling to near zero, personal debt is climbin, and everything costs way more than ever before.

your solution: have "somebody" pay everybody a bigger number of ever shrinking dollars and then everything will be fine.

next stop Zimbabwe.

Rofl, again, not the solution I'm offering at all, keep telling yourself that, though..

Your solution of keeping everything the same only serves to distance economic classes and create resentment. With every post you blow more hot air into the balloon that will inevitably burst under your own breath.

Find me a failed business because they paid their employees more. Stop crying persecution, numbers don't lie, people do

Nope, doctors who need to take out $700,000 in loans CANNOT work for less than $140,000 a year, and at $140,000 a year that doctor is making the same as someone getting $12 an hour.

Doctors wouldn't be making minimum wage
HAHA I always love it when people say this, as if it were really possible.

It's not, which is a more lighthearted way of saying "shut the fuck up". They know they won't leave, so quit bitching. Business elsewhere would be much worse and everybody knows it, so shut the fuck up, pay your fair share and quit complaining you can't manipulate the rules to fuck over your employees for more profit.
No employer worth their business would have a problem with that, and if they do, they can pick up shop and move to another country more favorable to their interests. [/COLOR]

Couldn't the same be said to those that can't make it in todays economy, shouldn't they just pickup and move to another country more favorable to their interests?
talking points without ever stopping the train to check in on reality.

$900 dollar happy meals, zimbabwe, false claims about inflation, and general dumbassery. but not a single reference to reality.

because if you bother to actually look at reality, the dystopian hellscape kynes is trying to draw up turns into a joke at kynes' expense.

but then again, when you're 50 years old, overweight, living with your mom, and barely breaking min wage, everything is a joke at your expense.

It seems ASU drop out, drug dealers who post on a forum all day have problems with reality. Here's some advice, read about Plano Real.
It seems ASU drop out, drug dealers who post on a forum all day have problems with reality. Here's some advice, read about Plano Real.

i have no problem with reality, that's why i have so many empirical examples to work with on my side. that's also why kynes and company rely on anecdotal, disproven bullshit that has no basis in reality.

that's why simply asking kynes for a single example of his nonsense happening in the real world is met with complete and utter silence, every time.
I disagree with you that the only reason people learn things is for financial gain

We'd still have carpenters, we'd still have doctors and lawyers, society would go on.

You offer nothing but hyperbole with again, no evidence to back anything up...

Do you take the position of "once I get paid I will then do"?
It's not, which is a more lighthearted way of saying "shut the fuck up". They know they won't leave, so quit bitching. Business elsewhere would be much worse and everybody knows it, so shut the fuck up, pay your fair share and quit complaining you can't manipulate the rules to fuck over your employees for more profit.

You can't just "leave" the USA and be a citizen somewhere else. I am always surprised when people actually think this.
Employers will only screw over as many people as they are allowed to screw over. If you, the employee, agree to minimum wage, what is the problem? You can always quit and go work for more money somewhere else, didjanodat?
has anyone else noticed that when you actually look at the shit that kynes stcks up in his long winded posts, most of the shit turns out to be lies?

it happens every time. whenever he is not spewing retarded talking points and unproven theories, he is telling straight lies.


Everyone does however, notice your raging Keynes boner when he ignores you....ask yourself, how many times have you typed "keynes" in the last half hour?

Then ask yourself: "Self, I already admitted I am Jon Galt. Why do I hate me so much?"

Then axe yourself for real.
Everyone does however, notice your raging Keynes boner when he ignores you....ask yourself, how many times have you typed "keynes" in the last half hour?

Then ask yourself: "Self, I already admitted I am Jon Galt. Why do I hate me so much?"

Then axe yourself for real.

every time you post, you lower the collective intelligence of this forum.