Well-Known Member
He doesn't even know what the Catpiss strain is or would be.....doesn't know dick about strains.
When losing a debate - attack someone's character. Just fucking go masturbate in a pool of your own tears..... failures.
He doesn't even know what the Catpiss strain is or would be.....doesn't know dick about strains.
When losing a debate - attack someone's character. Just fucking go masturbate in a pool of your own tears..... failures.
then let's compare commodities versus min wage and see which one comes out ahead (again).
hint: min wage ALWAYS comes out ahead.
i have no problem with reality, that's why i have so many empirical examples to work with on my side. that's also why kynes and company rely on anecdotal, disproven bullshit that has no basis in reality.
that's why simply asking kynes for a single example of his nonsense happening in the real world is met with complete and utter silence, every time.
it won't be too long now before he goes off on some rant about the fed making him a slave and individual governments and his upbringing in the south.
Ok lets compare. Under a stable money supply, the prices of most commodities actually declined over a 130 year period, while wages stayed the same, increasing the purchasing power and the quality of life of everyone.
but since we moved to a fiat system, we have increasing prices on commodities, but wages that only increase by half as much, decreasing the quality of life of everyone.
If you employ 10 people , 8 of which make min wage, 1 makes $2 an hour more, and 1 makes $5 an hour more. What is the outcome when government forces you to pay your min wage folks $2 an hour more per hour? The employer is FORCED to make production changes OR charge more for the product. You don't think the guy he gets his lettuce and tomatoes from had to pay more for each employee too? Where do you think it starts? You think everyone all of a sudden has to pay such an increase ( lets not forget that its not JUST wages that increase, its also 401k Match plans, insurance plans, child support, welfare and other things that also increase with that min wage increase) that this employer and ALL of his suppliers have to pay now won't increase prices?
Every corporation in the USA works on margins, ALL OF THEM. Companies don't just raise prices because they want to, companies would LOVE to LOWER prices, but when costs go up, your prices MUST RISE. Law of economics bub.
I have never seen a corporation raise prices on something just because they think it will make them more money, it never makes them more money, it makes them less. There are substitutes available that cost less and there are substitutes for labor as well. When prices go up, you lose more business than you make up with in increased per-item profit. You don't make more, whomever taught you that was wrong and never ran a business.
Corporations are always looking for ways to make a better product with less inputs to deliver that value to the customer. If smartphones cost $2,000 each, no one would have them. You understand how that works don't you? I mean YOU are the guy who is still roving around town looking for the $1 per loaf of bread aren't you? You never buy the $5 bread do you? Why not? Aren;t you being FORCED to buy that bread by the mean corporation who only made it cost so much just cuz they are greedy.
Same with organic food, they have no right to charge more for their product, their costs couldn't possibly be more because they all use the same ingredients and use the same amount of labor anyways. Right?
every time you post, you lower the collective intelligence of this forum.
i'm pretty sure i asked you if you wanted to compare actual numbers, not make a mind-numbingly hypothetical, uncited, and anecdotal rant.
Well now given this is a growing forum you might make that argument in this sub-forum....only to collectivists like yourself though.
But you are the anomaly right? The individualists in practice and the collectivist in preach.
Oh right once you go to CO you will be a good little collectivist though, gotcha.
it won't be too long now before he goes off on some rant about the fed making him a slave and individual governments and his upbringing in the south.
Wrong guy. I am not a slave. Ignorance of the Fed makes you a slave to ignorance, not the Fed's fault you fell for it.
collectivists and the fed and individual governments. marxism.
i have won the debate.
Then we'll all be socialist-commy-marxist-lil-hitlers. Boooo. I'm puttin homie on 28 day commisary restriction. I done been there and back, boy. These dudes are fucking dummies.
But I "speak the truth" a little earlier though no?
Not saying anything different now.
If I had a dime every time your home slice character attacked me to avoid the discussion, I'd have a lot of dimes.
The cat piss thing is hilarious, sorry it just is.
Its tit for tat, explained in another thread, the one where BuckyBall ZOMG'd calling me a script kiddie(was hilarious btw) because I deduced Beaverton from reading comprehension.
I can expect to live longer and better than any in the world.
This American Me!
i'm pretty sure i asked you if you wanted to compare actual numbers, not make a mind-numbingly hypothetical, uncited, and anecdotal rant.
I nearly choked on a filter that was dangling in my mouth for the doobie I'm rolling because of that post.
That scared me, then I coughed it up, and continued chuckling.![]()
collectivists and the fed and individual governments. marxism.
i have won the debate.
Ohhh ouch, that REALLY hurts.
induvidualism, I pay no taxes, times get tough I just grow more wealth, capitalism is bad, Obama is King, people are too dumb for freedom.