Well-Known Member
hmmmmmm, let's see if we can find you contradicting you.
yep, there it is.
dumb hypocrite.
It is not a contradiction but you are obviously too stupid to realize that...
hmmmmmm, let's see if we can find you contradicting you.
yep, there it is.
dumb hypocrite.
I guess those who can't should get a trade or education so they can live comfortably.
Well, you bring up an interesting point, but I'm not sure you thought it through to completion
Someone working full time making minimum wage earns roughly $940/month after taxes. Say this person is single with no kids living alone
Say they live somewhere with decent rent prices, studio apartment, costs somewhere in the ballpark of $600/month. After rent that person has $340
They'll probably need a phone as most jobs require some kind of communication when they hire you, lets go cheap at $40/month, now they have $300
They have to eat, so again, lets be frugal and eat cheaply, say $5 a day for 3 meals, that's $1.66/meal (much less than any restaurant). $5/day x's 30 days = $150/month. Now they're down to $150
Do they drive? Insurance and gas for the month will easily eat up $150, now that person is down to $0
They do only spend 8 hours a day at work though, lets say they spend another 6 hours sleeping, that gives them another 8 hours to work another minimum wage job or find some other source of income (not including commutes)
So how is this person expected to go to school and earn themselves a better education or learn a trade if they're working another minimum wage job for 8 hours? How does this person provide the means to pay for school with no money left over at the end of the month?
yep, there it is.
dumb hypocrite.
you're just an angry racist southerner. a simple, simple mind with a lot of hate in his heart.
and you;re a fucking coward to boot.
Not everyone that disagrees with you is racist. But I have witnessed you call kandaher, or what ever his screen name was, an ignorant nigger, then you got banned for it.
i got banned for posting pictures of kaendar, not for calling him a niqquer. you dumb, confused thing.
Well, you bring up an interesting point, but I'm not sure you thought it through to completion
Someone working full time making minimum wage earns roughly $940/month after taxes. Say this person is single with no kids living alone
Say they live somewhere with decent rent prices, studio apartment, costs somewhere in the ballpark of $600/month. After rent that person has $340
They'll probably need a phone as most jobs require some kind of communication when they hire you, lets go cheap at $40/month, now they have $300
They have to eat, so again, lets be frugal and eat cheaply, say $5 a day for 3 meals, that's $1.66/meal (much less than any restaurant). $5/day x's 30 days = $150/month. Now they're down to $150
Do they drive? Insurance and gas for the month will easily eat up $150, now that person is down to $0
They do only spend 8 hours a day at work though, lets say they spend another 6 hours sleeping, that gives them another 8 hours to work another minimum wage job or find some other source of income (not including commutes)
So how is this person expected to go to school and earn themselves a better education or learn a trade if they're working another minimum wage job for 8 hours? How does this person provide the means to pay for school with no money left over at the end of the month?
Well, you bring up an interesting point, but I'm not sure you thought it through to completion
Someone working full time making minimum wage earns roughly $940/month after taxes. Say this person is single with no kids living alone
Say they live somewhere with decent rent prices, studio apartment, costs somewhere in the ballpark of $600/month. After rent that person has $340
They'll probably need a phone as most jobs require some kind of communication when they hire you, lets go cheap at $40/month, now they have $300
They have to eat, so again, lets be frugal and eat cheaply, say $5 a day for 3 meals, that's $1.66/meal (much less than any restaurant). $5/day x's 30 days = $150/month. Now they're down to $150
Do they drive? Insurance and gas for the month will easily eat up $150, now that person is down to $0
They do only spend 8 hours a day at work though, lets say they spend another 6 hours sleeping, that gives them another 8 hours to work another minimum wage job or find some other source of income (not including commutes)
So how is this person expected to go to school and earn themselves a better education or learn a trade if they're working another minimum wage job for 8 hours? How does this person provide the means to pay for school with no money left over at the end of the month?
Live with roommates, take public transportation, get help from friends and/or family, look for a better higher paying job while working the one they are at. There are many ways.
It is not the employers job to suddenly completely support every employee they hire. If you looked at it from the other side you would see how illogical your arguments are. An employer is not required to offer you nor anyone else a job. Even the CBO agrees that 500,000 jobs will be lost due to a higher minimum wage. So, what do those people do??
Your heart is in the right place, for that I commend you. However to strike the root cause of poverty, you should first understand some of the factors that contribute to it. Excess regulation acts as a barrier to inexpensive housing and alternative forms of commerce that would be cheaper if the regulations that keep some players out of markets did not exist.
Consider reading Dr. Mary Ruart's book, Healing our World. She has a chapter that deals with minimum wages, the causes and the unintended consequences.
\I agree, raising the minimum wage is a far cry from solving the inherent problem in using a fractional reserve economic system, but it's a small start that helps the poorest people in the country
I'll check that book out, thanks for the suggestion
Goddam finally.
So why not advocate monetary reform, repeal legal tender laws ect ect instead? The KISS method.
I do advocate monetary reform. But you are about as likely to reform the monetary system as you are to send a man to Mars. It's a goal that is simply out of reach during my own lifetime. I honestly expect the US would crumble before that would ever happen. I see it as a goal that can't be achieved. Call me cynical, I'd agree with it, life is just too fucked up to make that happen, and I'm not naive enough to believe it ever will.
My fiance and I make a combined pretax total of 95,000 dollars (USD) and we are by no means rich. I couldn't imagine living on minimum wage which is $7.25 hr where I live.
I guess those who can't should get a trade or education so they can live comfortably.
Well, you bring up an interesting point, but I'm not sure you thought it through to completion
Someone working full time making minimum wage earns roughly $940/month after taxes. Say this person is single with no kids living alone
Say they live somewhere with decent rent prices, studio apartment, costs somewhere in the ballpark of $600/month. After rent that person has $340
They'll probably need a phone as most jobs require some kind of communication when they hire you, lets go cheap at $40/month, now they have $300
They have to eat, so again, lets be frugal and eat cheaply, say $5 a day for 3 meals, that's $1.66/meal (much less than any restaurant). $5/day x's 30 days = $150/month. Now they're down to $150
Do they drive? Insurance and gas for the month will easily eat up $150, now that person is down to $0
They do only spend 8 hours a day at work though, lets say they spend another 6 hours sleeping, that gives them another 8 hours to work another minimum wage job or find some other source of income (not including commutes)
So how is this person expected to go to school and earn themselves a better education or learn a trade if they're working another minimum wage
job for 8 hours? How does this person provide the means to pay for school with no money left over at the end of the month?
I do advocate monetary reform. But you are about as likely to reform the monetary system as you are to send a man to Mars. It's a goal that is simply out of reach during my own lifetime. I honestly expect the US would crumble before that would ever happen. I see it as a goal that can't be achieved. Call me cynical, I'd agree with it, life is just too fucked up to make that happen, and I'm not naive enough to believe it ever will.
They're planning on sending people to Mars as we speak.
A loan...............Well, you bring up an interesting point, but I'm not sure you thought it through to completion
Someone working full time making minimum wage earns roughly $940/month after taxes. Say this person is single with no kids living alone
Say they live somewhere with decent rent prices, studio apartment, costs somewhere in the ballpark of $600/month. After rent that person has $340
They'll probably need a phone as most jobs require some kind of communication when they hire you, lets go cheap at $40/month, now they have $300
They have to eat, so again, lets be frugal and eat cheaply, say $5 a day for 3 meals, that's $1.66/meal (much less than any restaurant). $5/day x's 30 days = $150/month. Now they're down to $150
Do they drive? Insurance and gas for the month will easily eat up $150, now that person is down to $0
They do only spend 8 hours a day at work though, lets say they spend another 6 hours sleeping, that gives them another 8 hours to work another minimum wage job or find some other source of income (not including commutes)
So how is this person expected to go to school and earn themselves a better education or learn a trade if they're working another minimum wage job for 8 hours? How does this person provide the means to pay for school with no money left over at the end of the month?
I do advocate monetary reform...It's a goal that is simply out of reach during my own lifetime... I see it as a goal that can't be achieved...and I'm not naive enough to believe it ever will.
Well, you bring up an interesting point, but I'm not sure you thought it through to completion
Here's the thing. I think now that you actually HAVE thought this out to completion.
You seem to want more laws to create a band aid for the poor to help alleviate the multiple gushing stab wounds created by the Fed/Gubberment attacker aka "fiduciary".
So you seem to want the rapist to console the rape victim.
You seem to now like the Pimp Ho relationship and see the Pimp as the Father figure Protector and Provider.
That's fucked up.
I want the rapist to stop raping the innocent girl. Unfortunately for me, he's on meth and rational thoughts don't seem to apply to him, if the best I can get is oral with no penetration, I'll fucking take it. Arguing with him til the bitch is dead doesn't seem very productive to me