Can you move a grandfathered MMAR license, no here's the proof

Thanks hippy...Its nice to be in with a group of like circumstance...and apparently we all back each other up....
Have you noticed the pattern with some of the posters...
who comes to a new board....and starts talking shit to long time members...on day two...they call everyone here a goof...
Legit patients try an put some effort to be part of the community..long before they start picking fights...
We've seen it so many times here eh Cannadan? As I've said they can believe whatever they like...doesn't affect me or my doing' They come to teach...lmao
You, are so uneducated. Turmel is NOT a lawyer, he is an engineer by trade with more legal knowledge than you can find in Conroy's whole office. Ha ha jokes on you again. You did lie. I said your thinking is delusional, that's not name calling pal. As to me being delusional that's nonsense, I don't cling to an invalid belief despite overwhelming evidence to the contrary, and that is what makes your behaviors delusional and dangerous. But again I am not trying to sway you but show everyone on this forum you are the person that could cause irreparable harm to the uneducated in this matter. They are the ones in droves PM me offline with messages of support and several involved in this thread who have seen ALL your strawman go up in flames! Got anymore you care for me to knock down to show you for who you really are ?? Troll comes to mind as I have been accused of. This is fun as hell for me., how about you Chris. Oops, I missed "one zero credibility for anyone involved in Coalition and Wilcox". Well we won the case, didn't we ?? That was the goal. Now I ask you other than sputter useless strawman arguments what's your pedigree on legal actions to keep us growing, love to here about what you have done for the community over medical users. Did you like my suggestion for your new website and forum??
How about you, big guy, care to answer ANY of the questions put to you? You come up with that huge list of mmar patients who have been convicted of moving yet? People don't appreciate assholes coming on here forcing their opinion on the rest of us. Probably why your boytoy Jeff got chased off. You are an arrogant piece of shit...not a good look for someone so stupid. You keep bending over for the man and I'll keep living life on my terms dipshit, and lets see who wins.
Now go the fuck away from me, before I lose my sense of humour.
I don't even mind being taught something new.....even schooled for that matter....that's how we grow they grey stuff between our ears....
I hate teachers as much as doctors...when I want to learn, I go looking for the information. When someone tries to forcibly 'educate' me ( by calling me delusional and insisting theirs is the ONLY option) I write them off as sub-human.
ive been in my home since ive been you guys spout pure horeshit!its laughable

Yep they sure do don't they. Maybe they have trouble reading and dint make it past grade 3 eh !
i think it

it got remanded 3-4 times,then the judge scolded the detectives on charging a legal grower and threw it out.....u should have seen the cops face when i picked my grow equipment up at the cop station....he was pissed!fuck him.....i took my shit,gave him a wink and left!

Good on you brother standing up to them. Based on your experience, would you recommend GB123 and VANE CHRIS, promotion of using illegal MMAR licenses??
How about you, big guy, care to answer ANY of the questions put to you? You come up with that huge list of mmar patients who have been convicted of moving yet? People don't appreciate assholes coming on here forcing their opinion on the rest of us. Probably why your boytoy Jeff got chased off. You are an arrogant piece of shit...not a good look for someone so stupid. You keep bending over for the man and I'll keep living life on my terms dipshit, and lets see who wins.
Now go the fuck away from me, before I lose my sense of humour.

VANE CHRIS, why so hostile. Name calling galore. Must be out of straw men, eh !! I know a few farmers in Abbotsford that could send you a few bails of straw to help you out. I didn't force you or anyone else to read what I wrote. Just trying to keep a few people safe from people like you, and your promotion of all is well with MMAR license address changes.
VANE CHRIS, why so hostile. Name calling galore. Must be out of straw men, eh !! I know a few farmers in Abbotsford that could send you a few bails of straw to help you out. I didn't force you or anyone else to read what I wrote. Just trying to keep a few people safe from people like you, and your promotion of all is well with MMAR license address changes.
Honestly buddy can you pin anymore medals on your own chest. When do you do get sworn in......oh and thanks for keeping the world safe batman lmfao
Yep they sure do don't they. Maybe they have trouble reading and dint make it past grade 3 eh !

Good on you brother standing up to them. Based on your experience, would you recommend GB123 and VANE CHRIS, promotion of using illegal MMAR licenses??
Why don't you call Buck Rogers and Howdy Doody. What the hell are you taking about now. This outta be good.
two chumps talking back and forth to one another.
.its cute,(:
you two can talk all you like amongst yourselves
cheers chump ears!

GB123, why so hostile, did you run out of straw too?? You guys crack me up.
two chumps talking back and forth to one another.
.its cute,(:
you two can talk all you like amongst yourselves
cheers chump ears!
I hate teachers as much as doctors...when I want to learn, I go looking for the information. When someone tries to forcibly 'educate' me ( by calling me delusional and insisting theirs is the ONLY option) I write them off as sub-human.

Who forced you into anything. If you don't like it, don't read it. To say I forced you to do anything, is a ridiculous statement, and you know it. Your the the one that says yours is the ONLY way, and I simply said do as you please, but don't tell others that it's safe what your doing as I have proven over and over what you are doing is ILLEGAL, period. To say you are being forcible educated, would require me to tie you to a chair and brain wash you. Now did I do that, or is yours just another vane attempt to create one last straw man argument that poor VANE CHRIS was forcibly educated by a post dear Gator made. Too funny man. I didn't call you delusional, I said your thinking and arguments are, big difference. Two chumps, eh, another attempt to dodge the whole thing by resorting to playground type antics. Can you not debate without losing it or are your arguments all used up and that's all you got in your tool box?? Lol............
Honestly buddy can you pin anymore medals on your own chest. When do you do get sworn in......oh and thanks for keeping the world safe batman lmfao

Your statement makes no sense. Care to clarify? medals on my chest huh ?? Your welcome, some one has to provide a little truth around here, because, a few folks here seem to have trouble promoting safe growing. Why even hang a pink, it's useless and will not protect you, if you have done an illegal address change.
Is it just me or did our new friends here lose sight of why we are even allowed to grow in the first place..... well a lot of people broke unjust laws to prove a point..... is there something I'm missing about why you keep calling Chris out? Right or wrong he's treating himself to suit his specific needs is that not what we all should be doing instead of following like sheeple????
Your statement makes no sense. Care to clarify? medals on my chest huh ?? Your welcome, some one has to provide a little truth around here, because, a few folks here seem to have trouble promoting safe growing. Why even hang a pink, it's useless and will not protect you, if you have done an illegal address change.
Do you or have you ever worked for law enforcement? Illegal address change