Canada vs USA during Covid-19 Pandemic

Hmm, I'm considering taking him up on his offer to Trade Trump to Canada for Trudeau to the US. I mean, "what the hell do you have to lose?"
It's been almost a month since I've seen my sister at the home, between a head cold and the quarantine. I hope in a month I can visit, perhaps behind glass like a Goddamn prison visit. No more Tim's though, shared experiences from a distance eh. Even Abandon on the other side of the planet is going through roughly the same shit, pandemics spread fast.

I watched Nancy on her 80th birthday lamenting the fact that she can't hold her grandchildren or feel the joy of their presence, like tens of millions of other grand parents across America, a small tragedy lost in the maelstrom of carnage. They will not forget this and they will not forgive either, many voted for Donald, many will not again. He can bullshit a pandemic and the seniors are fighting for their lives, that will bring many back to reality if they aren't there now. I hope I live to see the oversight hearings, a thought I never entertained until recently.
Trump is menacing states that are in the early stages of a staggering rise in illnesses by threatening to withhold federal supplies that were stockpiled for this very time. He wants to have his subjects on bended knees.

I'm so glad Canada has a better example.
Is anybody really surprised? I say impeach the prick this summer and let the GOP try to defend him over this, but Nancy knows best, we've all learned that.
Is anybody really surprised? I say impeach the prick this summer and let the GOP try to defend him over this, but Nancy knows best, we've all learned that.
Take Trudeau, remember the majority did not vote for him... he lost the popular vote and is a dip shit
Trump is menacing states that are in the early stages of a staggering rise in illnesses by threatening to withhold federal supplies that were stockpiled for this very time. He wants to have his subjects on bended knees.

I'm so glad Canada has a better example.
I wonder if the democrats will kick oversight hearings into overdrive to put heat on Donald, there will be whistleblowers if he screws with aid. Donald needs an active operating oversight committee providing real time monitoring of the federal response, call 1-800 for any hanky panky etc. Put the stick to the fucker, he's near useless anyway, start subpoenaing witnesses right at the top of the food chain, demand documents too. Nancy knows best though, these are some of the options, she might even consider the inherent powers of congress in these circumstances. After the break I suppose, provided they can wait that long.
I wonder if the democrats will kick oversight hearings into overdrive to put heat on Donald, there will be whistleblowers if he screws with aid. Donald needs an active operating oversight committee providing real time monitoring of the federal response, call 1-800 for any hanky panky etc. Put the stick to the fucker, he's near useless anyway, start subpoenaing witnesses right at the top of the food chain, demand documents too. Nancy knows best though, these are some of the options, she might even consider the inherent powers of congress in these circumstances. After the break I suppose, provided they can wait that long.
If we must, we will. Bad time to have another impeachment proceeding though. Might be better to keep the pressure on and let the voters decide in November.
Almost 60% of the population voted left. Less than 40% voted right, if we had only two parties Trudeau would have won the popular vote by a huge margin.
Conservatives got almost 1 million more votes, where do you get your numbers?
I Don’t consider the bloc “left”. They only care about Quebec.
Ndp won what 25 seats?