Well-Known Member
Mazpot you earned heavy +reps.
yeah you gotta tell us how to make it if you want rep thats useless information untill we get a recipe
what about the ghee? tell me how to produce that please!
Its a nice thread/guide, but its just a copy from cannabis (dot) com's forum. Even the whole part about looking at a leaf under a jeweler's microscope was copied over. Flameon and weedhound posted guides at the very least a year before this
It does work well though, I'd recommend you use a candy thermometer or something similar to watch temperatures.
Also, some people have gotten better results "decarboxylizing" the ground up ganja before cooking it in the oil. Basically they cook it for ~5 minutes around 300 degrees fahrenheit, or until it looks slightly browned.
Another cooking technique people have found useful is cooking for extended hours. One user even reported cooking up to 16 hours, and he swears it helps potentiate the pills.
The biggest thing you gotta remember, and be aware of, is you're first time cooking probably won't be the best. It takes a lot of cooking and experimentation to get the full experience from these pills
lol pwndThis is Flameon and I don't use that site anymore.