Cannabis Capsules – A step-by-step guide

If your American then one pill for $1.30 to maybe 5 bucks if you want to be an asshole. Why are you asking I thought I put that in my thread?
I thought that if you used a slow cooker that it is better to leave it on for longer, read somewhere that people leave them on for 14 to 18 hours so that they get every last bit. And 1.5 gram of bud seem a little on the small side for loads of caps.

+rep any way.
same here... i'm quite curious

I have been making them for a couple months now, with mixed results. My pills seem more potent if I don't strain the weed out of the oil. But if I don't strain then it's a lot harder to evenly fill the caps, and sometimes they are very difficult to close. My next batch I intend to grind the weed to a very fine powder(I had been grinding it only about as well as I would to roll a joint). I am hoping that will make it easier to fill the empty capsules, without having to strain out the weed.

One question has been bothering me for a while, and I have not seen a good answer for it. Most cannabutter/oil recipes call for a very long (12hr+) simmer at low temperatures. But most capsule recipes seem to call for <2hrs of simmering. Any ideas as to why there is such a big difference?
HowardWCampbell, you answered a question I had. I was wondering if I was supposed to strain the herb out after cooking with the oil or keep it in. I'm glad that someone else has already tried it and experimented both ways with leaving it in and taking it out. You were able to use a syringe to fill the capsiles?
You were able to use a syringe to fill the capsiles?

Yeah, if I strain the weed out it is easy to fill the capsules with a syringe.

I just made a small batch today, without straining the weed. It was kind of messy, but hopefully the potency is better than my last batch.
use everclear
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you all are making this way too complicated.
if you go through the hemp and cannabis foundation (thcf) to get your medical license, they give you a recipe for making activated thc capsules. it is way easier and just as effective.

the idea here is that thc and other cannabinols are more active when heated up. i totally back this idea after making these caps.

cannabis flowers
capsules and packing kit from
pyrex baking dish
coffee grinder

1. reduce cannabis to as fine a powder as you can with the coffee grinder.
2. preheat oven to 220 degrees fahrenheit. temp is very important as too little heat will do nothing and too much will vaporise your product. allow oven temp to stabilize before using.
3. spread ground cannabis evenly over bottom of baking dish. you want the thinnest layer possible.
4. after oven temp is stabilized, put in baking dish and bake at 220F for 20 minutes.
5. allow product to cool and then pack into capsules.

its super easy and they are so much fun. they make a great sleep aid if you use a heavy indica.

i can usually get about .8g of cannabis in a cap. to determine weight, i weigh an empty cap and then weigh the full ones and note the difference.

if you have any questions, pm me. i have an actual copy of the recipe if you want a longer version.
you all are making this way too complicated.
if you go through the hemp and cannabis foundation (thcf) to get your medical license, they give you a recipe for making activated thc capsules. it is way easier and just as effective.

the idea here is that thc and other cannabinols are more active when heated up. i totally back this idea after making these caps.

cannabis flowers
capsules and packing kit from
pyrex baking dish
coffee grinder

1. reduce cannabis to as fine a powder as you can with the coffee grinder.
2. preheat oven to 220 degrees fahrenheit. temp is very important as too little heat will do nothing and too much will vaporise your product. allow oven temp to stabilize before using.
3. spread ground cannabis evenly over bottom of baking dish. you want the thinnest layer possible.
4. after oven temp is stabilized, put in baking dish and bake at 220F for 20 minutes.
5. allow product to cool and then pack into capsules.

its super easy and they are so much fun. they make a great sleep aid if you use a heavy indica.

i can usually get about .8g of cannabis in a cap. to determine weight, i weigh an empty cap and then weigh the full ones and note the difference.

if you have any questions, pm me. i have an actual copy of the recipe if you want a longer version.

Don't you need some sort of fat for the thc to bind to?
Yes you do. Not sure what sticking bud in the oven is going to do apart from stink the kitchen out and vapourise a bit of THC off the bud.

Pre-cooking the bud by itself in the oven is an essential step of tincture making, with 325F for 5 minutes being most commonly used. Something to do with converting an inactive form of thc (thca?) to the more active form (thcv?). The process is called decarboxlation. I'm sure I butchered the spelling, but you will see this process discussed quite a bit in many tincture threads.

But I have never heard of a thc pill recipe that did not call for some type of oil.

On a semi-related note, I made 25 pills earlier this week. I cooked the bud and the oil @180F for about 4 hours. I then cooled it until the oil turned solid and cut chunks off of it. Those chunks I formed into little balls and shoved them down into the pill capsule. Three of them get me nicely buzzed.

But for some reason I still get higher, with less weed when using an alcohol based tincture. I am wondering if I were to evaporate out all of the alcohol from a tincture, then mix what is left into some coconut oil and make capsules from those, would I get as high as I do from a tincture. I just don't like alcohol, that's why I am putting so much effort into getting these pills right. Any ideas or suggestions are always appreciated.
native american tincture uses glycerin and 5 days @ 105F .... but since having seen that I have read that the 178F temp (which includes the 80-90C range provided) is an important threshold to maintain. I think the temp and its effectiveness is quite particular to the plant and oils intended to extract. Some people have tried the "low heat-slow" process with limited results. This one seems to have some teeth. I do believe I'm be giving this a try once the poundage of buddage is sufficient to ... well .... Play a little.
Pre-cooking the bud by itself in the oven is an essential step of tincture making, with 325F for 5 minutes being most commonly used. Something to do with converting an inactive form of thc (thca?) to the more active form (thcv?). The process is called decarboxlation..

Well i didn't no that, appologies for the last comment
These capsules are an amazing idea! They're a much more efficient way of getting high than smoking.
native american tincture uses glycerin and 5 days @ 105F .... but since having seen that I have read that the 178F temp (which includes the 80-90C range provided) is an important threshold to maintain. I think the temp and its effectiveness is quite particular to the plant and oils intended to extract. Some people have tried the "low heat-slow" process with limited results. This one seems to have some teeth. I do believe I'm be giving this a try once the poundage of buddage is sufficient to ... well .... Play a little.

Never heard of the 5 days at 105F method, everything I've seen on glycerine calls for 6-8 weeks of soaking. If I can figure out some way to keep it @ a steady 105 I may try a small batch of that.

One thing I noticed with my last batch of pills is that they make me less sleepy, but more stoned, than most of my other attempts. That makes me think I may have been burning off some thc during my first few extractions when I was doing 295F for 45 minutes. There are too many variables for me to draw any definitive conclusions yet. But I am also starting to think there is something to the 80-90C temp range.