Cannabis Capsules – A step-by-step guide

thanks for your thoughts. I too recall reference to the longer time frame "soaking". Those that I have heard trying that had limited results. The "slow cooking" was in my mind as solution to improving that process. Anotehr post in another thread discussed the importance of the 178F. and the determination of that temp can from MANY trials and error efforts.

My original interest when re-familiarizing myself with the mj world was to make a tincture. There's an older thread on here entitled THC Drops I think that has a lot of other background as well. I will be sure to provide whatever updates and feedback I can when I can. Walk on!!~~
Never heard of the 5 days at 105F method, everything I've seen on glycerine calls for 6-8 weeks of soaking. If I can figure out some way to keep it @ a steady 105 I may try a small batch of that.

One thing I noticed with my last batch of pills is that they make me less sleepy, but more stoned, than most of my other attempts. That makes me think I may have been burning off some thc during my first few extractions when I was doing 295F for 45 minutes. There are too many variables for me to draw any definitive conclusions yet. But I am also starting to think there is something to the 80-90C temp range.
Interesting thread, I think I will try this with coconut oil and hash oil. I added hash oil to my last batch of brownies and they lasted a lot longer than regular bud brownies.
years and years and years ago when I was swimming in honey oil ... I used to take drops of honey oil pure and simple and drop it into gelatin caps and swallow them. Single caps with several individual drops from a safety pin was great for a 4-6 tremendous body stone .... I believe the cooking-heating have an enhancing effect to the potency though.
yupper, that's the one ... we got into quite a discussion some time ago .... the info in this thread is a great continuation .... torch it and read along !!~~~~~
To my last question, I meant how much to buy some of your recipe from someone else, a sale price.

I'm getting sick of smoking so I'm killing some leftovers. Considered trying an alcohol tincture but gonna try something close to this recipe, here's what I got goin on:

27g clarified butter
2.1g hash (gumby)
1g fine weed

baking in small glass condiment jar at around 180f for 3-4 hours

still need to hunt down gel caps, they're a bitch to find for some reason.

will test the results either tonight or tomorrow.
thanks for your thoughts. I too recall reference to the longer time frame "soaking". Those that I have heard trying that had limited results. The "slow cooking" was in my mind as solution to improving that process. Anotehr post in another thread discussed the importance of the 178F. and the determination of that temp can from MANY trials and error efforts.

My original interest when re-familiarizing myself with the mj world was to make a tincture. There's an older thread on here entitled THC Drops I think that has a lot of other background as well. I will be sure to provide whatever updates and feedback I can when I can. Walk on!!~~

The other day I got to thinking about this 178F idea. My tinctures have all been MUCH more potent than any of my attempts at oil based extraction. I always use the double boiler stovetop process with my tinctures.

I know alcohol boils ~170F. I don't know why I never connected the dots before, but maybe my alcohol extraction is more effective because of the temperature I use for the extraction, not because the alcohol is more easily absorbed by my body than the oil.

My next attempt at oil extraction I will put it in the oven for a few hours @ 175F and see how that does...If I don't have any success with that I may just give up on oil entirely. :neutral:
I just tried this recipe and I have to say that I'm less than happy with it. I think that I may have used too much coconut oil because my caps are not very potent.

I dashed the advice that 1.5 tsp to 1.5 g bud is a good idea and ended up using almost a quarter of the jar I purchased.

Oh well, just a quarter of weed down the drain :| .

Also, whenever I burp... I smell coconuts.