"Carbon dioxide global Climate change" is a hoax and fraud

Anthropogenic Climate Change will either go down as one of the greatest hoaxes in history or the downfall of our civilization. We've been completely incompetent at stopping it, and now it's almost futile trying. Might as well hope the deniers are right and enjoy the ride.
If you're not 40 already, you will not get a long life. Kids born today will be lucky to see 40.
I have good reason to believe that most of you on this thread are government sponsored trolls.

It seems impossible that a gallon of gasoline, which weighs about 6.3 pounds, could produce 20 pounds of carbon dioxide (CO2) when burned. However, most of the weight of the CO2 doesn't come from the gasoline itself, but the oxygen in the air.

Pressure is the force per unit area acting on a substance. This force imparts energy to the substance and does work either by moving the surface of the substance inwards (reducing its volume) or if the force can't overcome the internal repulsion forces between the atoms, by causing the individual molecules to vibrate more. This vibration of molecules is directly related to the temperature of the substane so heat energy has been created.

Why you want to heat up my world?

What are you trying to do, man? Confuse him with the facts or something?!
Maybe you ought to quit when you are behind. I will go back to ignoring your bullshit tomorrow. We had a lottery, today was my day to expose you as the weak-ass dullard that you are.

"Exposing" me? As if I was hiding?

Go back to acting cool. I understand it's all you got.

"Look Mom, I'm on the internet."
