Carport Greenhouse 2010


Well-Known Member
When will you start the 2011 plants? I assume you begin inside.

(if you have even planned that far ahead)


Well-Known Member
These plants were started last Jan, so not any sooner than that lol

Hey guy's, I appreciate everyones right to there opinions, each of us will vote as we see fit. I respect that.

The plants are really flowering-up nicely, I'll post some pic's soon & we can get this back to growing weed!



~ Out-Dawrz ~ Moderator ~
I have already trimmed to of my girls up JJ that were no way no how as big as yours...

you have a trimming job ahead for sure sir. I hope things are grand for you and yours. Be Easy


Well-Known Member
does it feel good to know that you'll be voting the way the US drug czar wants you to, and has come out publicly to urge you to do? Anslinger would be proud to see the day that pot smokers would vote down a legalization initiative. poor Jack Herer is rolling over in his grave.

what about the 80% of cannabis users that are unfortunate enough to be too healthy for a med card? Fuck 'em right? they're low life criminals right? no right to have any herb eh? they should all still have to fear arrest if they choose a safer, healthier recreational intoxicant?

we've got ours... that seems to be all that you care about.

I've got alot of trouble seeing how a legalization bill is a bad thing. Regardless of perceived restrictions, wether legitimate or paranoid delusions. Legal is still better than illegal.
we'll all vote how we see fit. There are a lot of problems with this new prop, that's forsure. But I was smoking and growing as much as I wanted when it was super illegal, and will continue when it is only somewhat illegal. Full legalization is still the goal, but this proposition isn't that.

can't wait to see some pics of how your giant girls are doing jj, you have my favorite thread here :)


Well-Known Member
Here are a couple of pic's from the greenhouse today, to get us back on track

They are still hitting the roof @ 14ft, & I've already pulled them over once




Well-Known Member
looking great man! I wish I could let mine grow that tall! I thought my little forest was impressive but yours are beautiful trees! +rep and if you get a chance check out my garden!


Well-Known Member
the whole end of this thread really threw me off... i went from laughing out loud in excitement and disbelief to an entire article that was ridiculously long... couldnt a link have been just as helpful, knickers?

and JJ... good great grow my man.. really envious. i also had a knee surgery, a uni condylar replacement. had it on july 7th. i transplanted on july 6th, 3 foot tall plants... i came back around aug 22 for the first time, and all my plants were 6-10 feet tall and super healthy and bushy.. nothing like yours, but i was so amazed! they're really filling out now, as are yours... +REP man as much as i can give for being a true man, and getting back on that ladder and really pouring your heart into this grow.

edit: some pics of my garden growth 1/2- july 6th 3/4/5- aug 22 6- sept 11



Well-Known Member
I didn't think I could link as it is from a private forum. Lucky you didn't see it double posted, you'd have had an aneurism.

I love your updates jj, I make anyone in the room with me look at them. Such beauty needs to be shared!