CDx Life Presents MyDx - The First Handheld Device to Instantly Test Cannabis Samples

True very true. I can say its a small amount to gamble.

That is also part of the ruse. It's only a couple hundred for device people pay over $50k and up for now.... the risk is small to make it seem like a less risky venture. It's convincing and seems like you are a "betting on on the future" for only $200! It's an AMAZING price!

I wish I didn't have ethics, ripping people off is relatively easy
If anyone is interested, I know where you can get a full blown gas chromatograph for free. May be slightly radioactive. OK, it's highly radioactive. But it's free!
If anyone is interested, I know where you can get a full blown gas chromatograph for free. May be slightly radioactive. OK, it's highly radioactive. But it's free!
lmao what is the color spectrum of radiation? will my plants grow better if i use it next to them. hehe.
love and peace
$19,000 is like 4 months salary for one entry-level engineer. You'd need a top notch chemist, too. I don't see it.

It's entirely possible the founders are the top notch engineer/chemists. They get paid when the product is developed and probably see big dollar signs. As they should. However, I am skeptical it will be accurate, useful, ever see market etc.

Investing is always a risk. But if I were going to give them 250 bucks I would make damn sure I knew where those funds were going.
These guys are clearly fraudsters. Anyone who thinks or says otherwise is an idiot or in cahoots with these jokers. Just look and the pictures of the CDx life team. Conor Edmiston looks suspiciously similar to Nick Hadler, they share many facial features in common. And then they have a guy called Richard Rouse wtf like that isn't a made up name and then read his comment using grammar like a fucking high school kid "science is cool" lol. They even have a stereotypical Indain guy as the R&D man. Enough said.
Without calling the guys frauds or being as naive to say this technology "can't" exist, I'll reiterate.

I think this is an AWESOME concept! Although I don't believe it's as easy as they make it seem with that video.

Before I invest, I want to see how the unit and sensors work. Basically all detectors work in the manner they show. You ionize your sample in some way or another, burning, dissolution and then those ions create a current that you read. I'm not sold...

Chromatography is more complex though and this is how you get your separations. This is the part I have a hard time wrapping my head around, how do they achieve their specificity? Especially with hundreds if not thousands of chemicals in there. Not to mention using vapor vs liquid chromatography for these type molecules.

I could see them having this little portable oven that could be used qualitatively to tell you yes or no, thc is in this cookie. Or yes, your beer contains roofies. Maybe I'm behind the times in analytical instrumentation, but honestly this type device would revolutionize the world.

Maybe their shit is so badass they can't reveal details like that because the government would come after them. Big Pharma putting the hit out on the canna industry and its revolutionaries.

Seriously though, I wish them the best of luck and will definitely keep an eye on this. Hopefully they provide more details. By the way I'm a huge fan of crowdsourcing and gladly donate when I see something I like.

Hey, I'd love to be proven wrong, and tbh if it's a product I'd buy if it were real.

It's just when you see this many read flags as I've mentioned and others I haven't, I'd simply hate to be the wet blanket of truth. I don't want people to waste their money on vapor ware. As stated previously, there is no complete project, no side by side comparison with industrial devices. All I see is a fake mock up of a UI on a smartphone and a box along with some cheap adrino or similar breakout board. No real world tests, calibration methods and again the odd focus primarily on cannabis yet this device can do so much more. This is all stuff a real company would do to gain traction and attention. Plus they admit some sensors aren't developed and the all or nothing approach to their fundraising is telling in and of itself.

Not to be disrespectful but stoners can be easily gullible (as many can in life in all honesty) and nothing bothers me more than people getting taken. Don't get taken for a slick Web page bought off some template site and promises of unicorns shitting rainbows. If ya did give money, you'd really be wise to do a charge back.

ETA not saying it can't exist, I simply don't see anything proving it to exist based on their claims.
why wouldnt they get and canna labs to invest, or high profile stoners. for reason im a skeptic! 20k is nothing for an investor if its a hit, thats a huge redflag to me!
This exactly. Not even info on margins of error, plus this the machine extraordinaire! Anyone with even a basic understanding of investing and carrying out due diligence would see this as a scam from a mile away and stay the fuck away. I understand financial literacy isn't high but people should always remember if it sounds too good to be true, it probably is. Plus this is the perfect scam. little oversight, no actual product finished, plus raking money in from people who primarily wouldn't have capital to even attempt to sue the individuals (which by the way don't seem to exist nor did a cursory look for a legal business entity in that name didn't come up)
the way subcool promotes terp testing, if i was making this and needed an investor im sure hed put the money in it and brand tga all over it lol
...half the questions I posed were still not answered. And the ones you selectively chose to answer are being evasive at best, misleading at worse. Where are you incorporated in, and name?

Also "validating market share..." is a very odd statement to make.

And I participate in crowd sourcing before, and they at least had working prototypes developed and demoed for the public. An organization, a legal entity with founders listed, the usual due diligence.
Highly unlikely and as I've pointed out this is more likely than not vaporware. The questions that matter such as true public demo, name of registered company, state of incorporation, and some of my original questions were evaded. Questions which any legit company, well, any two bit fuck can create a company but at least limited legal discourse (perhaps fraud if I'm correct in my assertion that this isn't real) in the event a product wouldn't be delivered or work as described could be pursued.

Anyone can start a campaign on Indigo, and while rules exist (they are very minimal), they don't apply to the legislation this individual brought up. Bonus points for having an answer though, and the slick media
So based on the response and a bit more reading into the proclaimed technology, I'm going to say it, Mydx is a scam. While this technology exists, a portable unit, which has a host of problems itself, but at least does what this claims to do is over $7000+ , so hot damn this is a steal for only $200!!!

Honestly if you gave them money, get it back. This a straight stealing, and as I've stated having a indigo go funding can be done by anyone for any reason, go ahead and make your own account. Label it Pipe Dreams
Well they said its 400 and there selling those units at a loss so at least 500. 7000 to even if its 1000 is gonna be quite the leap...
Oh thanks for pointing that out! That's right, it's not like we need to sell it at a loss of retail, this is for "validating market share". Which is just some jack off business school term, which is basically what marketers do. Firms big and small will tell you what a market is, and since this is a new product, the "validity of the market share" is anything over 0 with regards to consumers.