CDx Life Presents MyDx - The First Handheld Device to Instantly Test Cannabis Samples

This idea is a great concept and I'm glad someone's working on it... Don't get me wrong, I'm skeptical, but I would gladly trade 2-3 packs of seeds (aprox $200) to be one of the first to try this tech... You made your point ,TonightYou (over and over), so move on and stop beating a dead horse. This devise had been posted by others in many forums. All have had posts that are rightfully critical and skeptical, but I haven't seen a one man tirades that compare to yours. Like I said, you made your point.
This idea is a great concept and I'm glad someone's working on it... Don't get me wrong, I'm skeptical, but I would gladly trade 2-3 packs of seeds (aprox $200) to be one of the first to try this tech... You made your point ,TonightYou (over and over), so move on and stop beating a dead horse. This devise had been posted by others in many forums. All have had posts that are rightfully critical and skeptical, but I haven't seen a one man tirades that compare to yours. Like I said, you made your point.

This is a community I care about. I hate fraud and seeing people's hard earned money become someone else's capital to simply take with no return. If even one person reads my concerns and either doesn't throw there money down the drain or pulls out from the vapor ware fund, I've done my job. I'm a firm believer in crowd sourcing and doing things differently from the status quo. incidents such as this will turn people off to the amazing ability of crowd sourcing, and cause potential issues for future means of raising capital differently.

This is something I'm passionate about and good people are getting got.
Dude I hear you. I am sensitive about your opinions they will be put into perspective going forward, but for the most part your tirade hasn't been productive. Rather its in the public record for everyone to search in google while doing a background check ... like I did. Hell I didn't even know that this forum exists.... and I don't think this is especially special technology. ITs been blown way out of proportion by probably some silly marketing (by my colleagues) and uptight overreacting curmudgeons like yourself sir.

If you feel so strong about this then the cool thing is to contact us directly ... let's discuss it... rather then initiate a smear campaign and creating a crazy frenzy like this..... I see this as simply a form of vandalism.

This is a community I care about. I hate fraud and seeing people's hard earned money become someone else's capital to simply take with no return. If even one person reads my concerns and either doesn't throw there money down the drain or pulls out from the vapor ware fund, I've done my job. I'm a firm believer in crowd sourcing and doing things differently from the status quo. incidents such as this will turn people off to the amazing ability of crowd sourcing, and cause potential issues for future means of raising capital differently.

This is something I'm passionate about and good people are getting got.
Not believing in good old American ingenuity is one thing. Telling people to get a refund and basically calling them stupid for having optimism is another. Everyone is entitled to an opinion, the problem (and the word hater) arises when people try to extend their opinion on to others. No body is forcing you to believe. Bringing up reasonable arguments is very good for everyone and I will never have a problem with that. I do, however, have a problem with the words: fraud, scam, bs, etc. This is what I was referring to as FMD (foot in mouth disease) before that is rampant on the Internet. Its free to state your opinion or rebuttal for an issue, just realize that the time will come where your words will come back to haunt you in the form of FMD. If you say yes to it, then go ahead its a free country, just dont be telling others to put their feet in their mouths also.
Dude I hear you. I am sensitive about your opinions they will be put into perspective going forward, but for the most part your tirade hasn't been productive. Rather its in the public record for everyone to search in google while doing a background check ... like I did. Hell I didn't even know that this forum exists.... and I don't think this is especially special technology. ITs been blown way out of proportion by probably some silly marketing (by my colleagues) and uptight overreacting curmudgeons like yourself sir.

If you feel so strong about this then the cool thing is to contact us directly ... let's discuss it... rather then initiate a smear campaign and creating a crazy frenzy like this..... I see this as simply a form of vandalism.

we are discussing it here in the public forum, where it should be as there are many unanswered questions. Ya think this is bad in a search? you should see my SEO skills. I've posted very legitimate questions for someone selling something with out proof of its existence. Surely my questions are answerable if this is indeed a real product
You are the ones trying to get money from people. If you have a real product, and honestly want to get investment, you should first get your story straight as your marketing guy came in with some bullshit that contradictory to your posts.

Hardly vandalism. Surely as someone with a "real" product, you could demo, answer questions, and be more straightforward. that's how business people I deal with work. pretty thin skin huh? You even express doubts in your product, which leads me to believe it doesn't work as intended if at all.
Not believing in good old American ingenuity is one thing. Telling people to get a refund and basically calling them stupid for having optimism is another. Everyone is entitled to an opinion, the problem (and the word hater) arises when people try to extend their opinion on to others. No body is forcing you to believe. Bringing up reasonable arguments is very good for everyone and I will never have a problem with that. I do, however, have a problem with the words: fraud, scam, bs, etc. This is what I was referring to as FMD (foot in mouth disease) before that is rampant on the Internet. Its free to state your opinion or rebuttal for an issue, just realize that the time will come where your words will come back to haunt you in the form of FMD. If you say yes to it, then go ahead its a free country, just dont be telling others to put their feet in their mouths also.

so what part of the project are you involved with? joined just to try and do damage control?

you are just making it worse for your little money grab
I don't think everyone needs an at home test kit, while I think it is useful I think it is a waste of plastics, metals, and a bunch of other shit that will end up in our landfills. The solution is to get your meds tested at a collective that has a quantacann or other devices. If you can't find one in your area... well who cares just smoke that shit and rate it.
I'm the guy who paid $200 and is waiting for his device happily. You don't have to do the same. Just stop calling me an idiot. I'm sick of it. If I don't get my device, then I will ask you for some advice. In the mean time, I chose to donate.
If we could do that maybe going indigogo isn't worthwhile i don't know ... looks like the data still isn't posted so I will work on that but there are pictures of the device and the electronics, etc. those are issues being ironed out sorry if you are not comfortable with that but like you don't have to buy in and that is why delivery isn't until end of year anyway. the funds will be used to fund some of the manufacturig costs (most of it is our own boot strap dollars)

Anyway I don't understand where you are coming from. From my perspective what you are doing is very very bad. look you have my real name , you know what I do, where I work, while i don't know who you are. Just an one evil dude throwing eggs at me effecting my business my livelihood and my family.

So please see from my side like I am trying to see from your side.
Ah see I'm not tryjng to defraud at worse or deliver some useless adrino board which won't deliver. Look I said this is a product I would buy, but the red flags are a plenty. I've asked questions and they've all been avoided. I find that disingenuous.

I haven't even begun to dox your group yet.

Look a picture of a breakout board or a low power arm processor board isn't impressive. I've asked some very poignant questions. I'd be satisfied if you actually answered instead of playing the avoidance game. Most startups don't conduct themselves in such an unprofessional manner.
I'm the guy who paid $200 and is waiting for his device happily. You don't have to do the same. Just stop calling me an idiot. I'm sick of it. If I don't get my device, then I will ask you for some advice. In the mean time, I chose to donate.

No you joined today because you are a part of the team doing an "oh shit, we need people to make us look good, we've been found out as vapor ware" . classic damage. control in the social media age.

nice try though.

Eta never called you or anyone an idiot. In fact you guys are pretty bright to come up with this scam as mydx by cdx life. kudos for the professional marketing material. Just imagine if you put these skills to good work!
check my shops website: I functionalize sensors and have done similar work to this before. I am just an small business engineer trying to make ends meat like you I guess.

Mr Ganja, I don't think you have done any homework before you started this. Ok maybe this is my last message because there is no getting through this person

so what part of the project are you involved with? joined just to try and do damage control?

you are just making it worse for your little money grab
check my shops website: I functionalize sensors and have done similar work to this before. I am just an small business engineer trying to make ends meat like you I guess.

Mr Ganja, I don't think you have done any homework before you started this. Ok maybe this is my last message because there is no getting through this person

Yea this site has nothing to do with the project you are pimping. In fact I don't see anything relative at all to the project at all. Some cool sprayers some pico chips, nothing relative to this project.

Look why can't you answer my questions? Really they aren't that complicated nor hard.
Do you even have a working prototype? or just a machined box and a picture of a small arm board? How about some actual tests?

That post was nothing more than another misdirection
This Is rich, right off your site:
"We would love to say exactly what date your MyDx Analyzer will ship, but the truth is, both scientific and product development, not to mention regulatory requirements, are driven by variables that are often beyond our control. For example, Regulatory Rules in various countries differ. We cannot control, expedite, or change many of the rules and regulations that will govern how quickly MyDx will get to markets. However, with your continued help, we hope to reach a demand tipping point that will enable MyDx to be shipped in 2014. We are working as fast as we can to obtain approvals, but we want to be honest and let you know that this is a large variable we cannot control, especially given some of the markets"

So do you or don't you have a work I working project? And if you have a ship date of next year, why the vagueness as to its effectiveness, completion and need for a measly $20k if you have real investors?
well dummy .. we functionalize sensors, etc this is what this equipment is used for ... for @#@% sakes. That stuff is needed by the way to make the sensors

Also did alot of the prototyping using arduinos, raspi's etc now we are putting all on one damn board ... is it so hard to figure out????? we do not have to show those details in the campaign if we do not want to and you do not have to buy in if you do not want to

i don't even know what you stupid questions are even .... Seems like you are kind of ignorant ...

Yea this site has nothing to do with the project you are pimping. In fact I don't see anything relative at all to the project at all. Some cool sprayers some pico chips, nothing relative to this project.

Look why can't you answer my questions? Really they aren't that complicated nor hard.
Do you even have a working prototype? or just a machined box and a picture of a small arm board? How about some actual tests?

That post was nothing more than another misdirection
I know electronics, hence why I could identify what's in the picture.

Again , where is some data? Where's some real world testing? Where is the comparison to current technologies costing in the several thousands? Where is the tolerance information?

Yea my raspberry pi can be a space ship! ;)

Don't get mad, simply answer the questions I've posed. Is that so hard? The product exists right?

Touched a nerve I see? thin skin for a business man.

look I've been polite, the worst I've said is this is probably a fraud campaign, which your responses only seem to support. I'm being civil, can't you? You are dealing with the public and are suppose to be promoting a project. Not very professional
Because we are utilizing another way to do RandD just like many campaigns on Indigogo if you do not agree I am sorry ...

Much of the organized sicentific programs are run by peer review that consists of established academia and as a result many potential projects to do get off the ground do to many factors.

Maybe we are not perfect but its just an example of DIY being manifested in trying to address a market need and create a funding mechanism to develop this program. Its totally reasonable I think. Sure you run into risks but there are many many research projects being funded by our tax paying dollars that we do even know about or would clearly benefit from that frequently fail.

So what you are doing is trashing us (using baseless, ignorant, inaccurate, arguments) in our efforts to secure a little funding to realize a fairly established technology that has been validated in many many applications this is being translated (which I see totally in an obvious way in many respects) into a new market. We are not asking fro so much money, we probably don't need it and you stand to potentially benefit substantially from it ...

In light of my explanation there is nothing wrong about this disclaimer. We are trying our best in light of the circumstances which probably are not so ideal but getting by all the same
Dude you touched a nerve when I caught your bs on google to begin with. I don't think you know electronics based on your stupid rambling....

I know electronics, hence why I could identify what's in the picture.

Again , where is some data? Where's some real world testing? Where is the comparison to current technologies costing in the several thousands? Where is the tolerance information?

Yea my raspberry pi can be a space ship! ;)

Don't get mad, simply answer the questions I've posed. Is that so hard? The product exists right?

Touched a nerve I see? thin skin for a business man.

look I've been polite, the worst I've said is this is probably a fraud campaign, which your responses only seem to support. I'm being civil, can't you? You are dealing with the public and are suppose to be promoting a project. Not very professional
Again more avoidance and I'm in academia, I know how to research... which is why I think this is a crock of shit.

Please answer my questions is all I'm saying. All you are doing is derailing instead of using this as an opportunity to truly promote the merits of your machine. The machine does exist right? _