CDx Life Presents MyDx - The First Handheld Device to Instantly Test Cannabis Samples

I am building a rocket ship that will take you to space, pay 99.99 now and get a discounted seat, we are developing the tech stuff and should be ready in a year but you know how tech stuff works, we are only raising 9999.99, jump on quick before all the seats are taken.
I am building a rocket ship that will take you to space, pay 99.99 now and get a discounted seat, we are developing the tech stuff and should be ready in a year but you know how tech stuff works, we are only raising 9999.99, jump on quick before all the seats are taken.

That's a goddamn steal! ;) Sign me up! has there address so if anyone lives close go there and check them out. see if they are real and if they know of this product. whoever created this domain used domains by proxy to secure their personal data. real companies dont hide their info. BBB has no info on them. most companies espcially ones who want money would register with bbb and if they make products of any kind would have info at BBB. so at this point im calling fraud 99.9%.
Love and peace all
The project manager works for Hotels... talk about expertise.

They made their goal low so it's achievable, and to the layman realistic, in reality it's so unrealistic it screams scam. You don't need everyone to believe it. You only need 1000 people too, on the internet that number is easy. They will get their 20k (they have around 13.5k at the time of writing this) and take it and run. That's 4k a piece for the people listed on their site, that's not bad compensation for making a snazzy video. IF Those people are even actually involved in this project.

20k is a joke, if you have the rest from investors already you don't need to get 20k from the public, you go back to your investors 20k is fucking chump change for a device like this. Something like this would take hundreds of thousands of dollars in R&D alone. There is no proof what so ever that they have the ability to make this device, that's really what it boils down to. Their company has a bunch of marketing guys and an Indian in a lab coat to make it look legit. < the same tech this guy was given a grant for is going to be used to test our cannabis? * The part about a breathalyzer test for TB. He was given a grant from the Bill and Melinda Gates foundation to proceed with this work, and on the CDx site it claims their device will do this, all while charging your other devices *WTF!!*?*?. This whole thing is starting to sound wacky.

The good doctor would seem very busy with things such as these then to be working on a 20k project for pot heads. Just sayin.

As the rest of you have said, this would be an awesome device and I really hope they aren't full of shit. As someone who doesn't live in a place like California where testing is possible a device like this would be very interesting to use. for personal use for a couple hundred dollars who wouldn't want to know their cannabis' stats? It sounds way to good to be true.

For $400 a unit people in non-legal states would be packaging one of these in with high quality lbs. lol.

fuck a game changer this device would be a world changer in basically every part of your life, from smoking pot to eating food to testing for disease. SCAM
Well I hate seeing people ripped off, I'm glad we've looked into this.

I'm going to contact indigo and see if I can get them shut down. Granted all they care about is their fucking cut so we will see, which is exactly the problem with these types of sites.

ETA Start ups generally don't act in such a secretive nor avoid disclosure.

Also if ya gave money, get it back. You aren't getting this device that claims what it will. This is a small time scam, and if you do know the names behind this bill shit, I'd love to know. Granted I think i have a couple of ways I may be able to find out.
Sunlight is the best disinfectant.
I appreciate their PR/Marketing guy attempting to answer my question, but you still said nothing about quantification... Which is exactly what your mock up app is showing, concentrations of analytes.

I did a very quick and easy Google search and found some interesting FACTS. It seems odd to me that they wouldn't just link you or refer us to these articles.

This technology IS real and apparently there are people out there trying to make this portable and affordable. They do it with polymer films. So my next question.

Does your company actually own any of these patents, or are you just trying to find a legal loophole to "borrow" someone else's technology?
The dude practically lifted shit from Wikipedia.

The technology does exist, but as I said it has its pitfalls. Just look at what scientists are doing as I glanced over a couple articles about the technology and in the methodology section, the researchers state some of the issues such as qualification, multiple variable readings, and accuracy being an issue....This is on a $7000+ device too!

This device's over promises alone do far more than what current tech even claims.

Again, if ya gave money get it back!

Edit: I regret not quoting the companies reply as it was removed as spam. I've contacted Indigogo and will do my damnedest to make sure people are aware they are getting taken.

Also going to do some sleuthing on the individuals listed on the campaign. I'm sure I can dig this up
Hi Mr. Ganga and other folks,

I am one of the fellows working on this (a little). Its part of a multiple team collaboration consisting of many developers including my shop.

Electronic nose technology is pretty well established with many players in the field but its mostly tailored to NIH type or large corporate biotech projects tailored towards clinical research programs. Indigogo is an alternative outlet for funding RandD so I don't understand why you are so upset bout this. Its very difficult to get funding anywhere for RandD period and especially so for Cannabis so I don't get why you guys are hating so much when an attempt has been made this way.

Anyway check out pubmed (see there is alot of stuff going on in this space):

Again we are using the Indigogo campaign to support additional work by funding our partners who are developing the technology for other purposes. And we have data to show the proof of principle and we are working on disclosing this. But I totally agree I think its not cool it hasn't been presented at this point and I am sincerely sorry about this. I am complaining too actually.

But I am pretty sure its not going to work perfectly out of the box like most experimental assays. So I am too a bit of a skeptic. But I am in the biochip fabrication business and we have to try in the face of doubts so I agreed to collaborate and support this project based on extrinsic evidence showing the assay to be reasonable. We are actually designing the interface to track the experimental conditions (laboratory information management system -aka =LIMS) to understand how to error model this assay.

So why not try? I have done many many collaborations on worse thought through well funded research projects. So this one isnt' funded (except a little through Indigogo) and its an ok idea, let's give it a go.

Anyway we are trying our best to be transparent in what we do. I am sorry if you find the campaign misleading and we are hearing you and working on improving things.

Also we probably share many of the same values so why give us grief. If you don't like you don't have to support the project. And its really not your business if other people do.

So peace dude going forward we will just try our best to be as cool as possible. yes I am Richard Rouse I guess my parents like alliteration good grief .... some hater was complaining that my name was some fraud or something. Here I am a real person, a biohacker, patent agent, good at many things master of none:

The dude practically lifted shit from Wikipedia.

The technology does exist, but as I said it has its pitfalls. Just look at what scientists are doing as I glanced over a couple articles about the technology and in the methodology section, the researchers state some of the issues such as qualification, multiple variable readings, and accuracy being an issue....This is on a $7000+ device too!

This device's over promises alone do far more than what current tech even claims.

Again, if ya gave money get it back!

Edit: I regret not quoting the companies reply as it was removed as spam. I've contacted Indigogo and will do my damnedest to make sure people are aware they are getting taken.

Also going to do some sleuthing on the individuals listed on the campaign. I'm sure I can dig this up
Conor is like a 20 something dude gets out of college no job. Hangs out with engineers doing various side projects too busy to manage so like 'hey Conor, you want to try this gig' and he was like sure so here you go. I hope it works out.

Regarding scam it may not work but it may work .... we are working on getting it to work. There is encouraging progress but its a side project that needs some cash to outsource more work with our partners..... but this is a hot, very competitive area. have you paid attention to x prize tricorder project.

'game changer' is cheesy bragging marketing style many of these developers in this area say silly stuff like that
sort if perplexed on this one ... its a start up, garage style venture ... we do alittle stuff at which is a local hackspace but alot of stuff is coordinate with partners at universities and small engineering companies but that stuff is listed on the indigogo site

i don't get where you are coming from really ... all I know is that I go a google search and read all this negative comments from an angry person I was like whooaaa ....
Say no to FMD. I did a few years back and feel much better about myself today. FMD or Foot in Mouth Desease started out as a small*case of pecimitis back in the 90's when I had a chance to buy an IPO in a tech company called google. "What a name" I said, feeling pitty for the poor soul that invested his life into a small computer program that looked up adresses. My pecimitis was converted to full blown FMD years later when I realized the grandure of my mistake. Just say no to FMD as its highly contageous and can spread very rapidly.
Yes I have purchased/invested in a unit of MyDx. I did it because I believe. I know this technology exists. How they've made it compact and affordable to all of us is still beyond me. All I know is since I've joined the organic/eating healthy revolution I will support and back any company that attempts to enforce the cause.
When this thing becomes an everyday tool in the household, at least I won't have FMD. And, I think its cool when you're the first one out of your friends to have a cool gadget like this.
If you don't believe, then dont pay. Talking smack will only give you FMD later. Say no to FMD.
well its not a rocket ship and many people (not just us) are developing all sorts of applications with this technology ... crazy
Hi Mr. Ganga and other folks,

I am one of the fellows working on this (a little). Its part of a multiple team collaboration consisting of many developers including my shop.

Electronic nose technology is pretty well established with many players in the field but its mostly tailored to NIH type or large corporate biotech projects tailored towards clinical research programs. Indigogo is an alternative outlet for funding RandD so I don't understand why you are so upset bout this. Its very difficult to get funding anywhere for RandD period and especially so for Cannabis so I don't get why you guys are hating so much when an attempt has been made this way.

Anyway check out pubmed (see there is alot of stuff going on in this space):

Again we are using the Indigogo campaign to support additional work by funding our partners who are developing the technology for other purposes. And we have data to show the proof of principle and we are working on disclosing this. But I totally agree I think its not cool it hasn't been presented at this point and I am sincerely sorry about this. I am complaining too actually.

But I am pretty sure its not going to work perfectly out of the box like most experimental assays. So I am too a bit of a skeptic. But I am in the biochip fabrication business and we have to try in the face of doubts so I agreed to collaborate and support this project based on extrinsic evidence showing the assay to be reasonable. We are actually designing the interface to track the experimental conditions (laboratory information management system -aka =LIMS) to understand how to error model this assay.

So why not try? I have done many many collaborations on worse thought through well funded research projects. So this one isnt' funded (except a little through Indigogo) and its an ok idea, let's give it a go.

Anyway we are trying our best to be transparent in what we do. I am sorry if you find the campaign misleading and we are hearing you and working on improving things.

Also we probably share many of the same values so why give us grief. If you don't like you don't have to support the project. And its really not your business if other people do.

So peace dude going forward we will just try our best to be as cool as possible. yes I am Richard Rouse I guess my parents like alliteration good grief .... some hater was complaining that my name was some fraud or something. Here I am a real person, a biohacker, patent agent, good at many things master of none:

Well I know this type of technology exist but not in the fraudulent form you are presenting. I'm not a hater per say, I hate fraud and when people are taken advantage of.

Seriously prove me wrong. show me a demo, tell me your legal identity as a business, I don't see one. I don't want these good people in this community to be bamboozled.

You don't have a product from what I see, just slick marketing and feeding bullshit. what are you using to determine accuracy? What are you using for calibrations?
Say no to FMD. I did a few years back and feel much better about myself today. FMD or Foot in Mouth Desease started out as a small*case of pecimitis back in the 90's when I had a chance to buy an IPO in a tech company called google. "What a name" I said, feeling pitty for the poor soul that invested his life into a small computer program that looked up adresses. My pecimitis was converted to full blown FMD years later when I realized the grandure of my mistake. Just say no to FMD as its highly contageous and can spread very rapidly.
Yes I have purchased/invested in a unit of MyDx. I did it because I believe. I know this technology exists. How they've made it compact and affordable to all of us is still beyond me. All I know is since I've joined the organic/eating healthy revolution I will support and back any company that attempts to enforce the cause.
When this thing becomes an everyday tool in the household, at least I won't have FMD. And, I think its cool when you're the first one out of your friends to have a cool gadget like this.
If you don't believe, then dont pay. Talking smack will only give you FMD later. Say no to FMD.

I never have a problem with admitting when I'm wrong. I just know bullshit when I see it.

I'd buy one in a heart beat if it was real... Alas it's simply vapor ware. dreams of unicorns shitting rainbows
So we are working on a solution for bringing the cost down to provide greater access for people to monitor stuff and getting grief for it..... like this ... damn dude that's just perpetuating the status quo == lame

The dude practically lifted shit from Wikipedia.

The technology does exist, but as I said it has its pitfalls. Just look at what scientists are doing as I glanced over a couple articles about the technology and in the methodology section, the researchers state some of the issues such as qualification, multiple variable readings, and accuracy being an issue....This is on a $7000+ device too!

This device's over promises alone do far more than what current tech even claims.

Again, if ya gave money get it back!

Edit: I regret not quoting the companies reply as it was removed as spam. I've contacted Indigogo and will do my damnedest to make sure people are aware they are getting taken.

Also going to do some sleuthing on the individuals listed on the campaign. I'm sure I can dig this up
So we are working on a solution for bringing the cost down to provide greater access for people to monitor stuff and getting grief for it..... like this ... damn dude that's just perpetuating the status quo == lame

Glad I put you on the defensive, surely you don't want to lose potential marks ;)

Again show mee a working demo... I'm waiting.
I love when hater is thrown around when people bring reasonable arguments to the table. Or the inference that others are angry because they question what you are doing, standard internet play the victim card.

Prove it or GTFO dude bro man. God I hate people that think we are just a bunch of stupid pot heads and try and take advantage.

You haven't helped yourself one bit saying how skeptical you are that it will ever actually come to fruition. People who aren't trying to get over on someone else and actually have a legit product and a legit business plan have some sort of confidence in their product. I can tell by the way you type here you have none yourself. Why should anyone else?
I love when hater is thrown around when people bring reasonable arguments to the table. Or the inference that others are angry because they question what you are doing, standard internet play the victim card.

Prove it or GTFO dude bro man. God I hate people that think we are just a bunch of stupid pot heads and try and take advantage.

You haven't helped yourself one bit saying how skeptical you are that it will ever actually come to fruition. People who aren't trying to get over on someone else and actually have a legit product and a legit business plan have some sort of confidence in their product. I can tell by the way you type here you have none yourself. Why should anyone else?

Right on Brother!

Seriously the avoidance of answering basic questions is extremely telling. You think real investors would consider this project? These are red flags not to be avoided. As I said, I'd LOVE a product like this, but based on current technologies, I am simply beyond skeptical.