CFL Blackberry Indica/Sativa (Pics)

PalmDale Kush

Active Member
A bit of a scare, found a gold, burn looking spot on my plant but I agree with someone who suggested it was only fert'd water that sat on it.

Also, the bigger plant has a bit of an odor and the 2nd biggest a decent one...didnt expect this only 2 1/2 weeks in!? (Maybe because I 12-12ed em for two days?)
shes lookin mighty healthy


Well-Known Member
Well the smell, after flowering is when I really notice the "plant" smell, but if these girls are pretty hearty, which they look like they are, They cold be smelling already. And yes, that spot definitely looks like a nute'd water droplet...dont let that happen! It can destroy some
Its only going to get stinkier from here on out :D

Im along for the ride my friend bongsmilie

On a side note....welcome back SICC, havent seen you in a while, heard you got banned back in june....:joint: cheers to you mate!
thanks man, its good to be bac :bigjoint:


Active Member
Well, it's officially three weeks in and they are goin on 12-12 ;) The runt has developed some and now the two larger plants are about the same size...
Just for a bit of a time lapse, this is last tuesday (3 days ago)

And this is today ;)


Active Member
[QUOTE="SICC";3033654]yea man pic 2 definitely takin off, i would give them some time before flower, maybe an extra 10 days, how much room you got to work with?[/QUOTE]

Sorry I just saw this question reading back over the thread (bored, lol)... I only have 2'x1', and the cabinet is 5' high but I doubt they will grow over 3.5ft seeing as the strain is Medium height and I'm flowering early

Also, I just checked in on em, and I've realized how bushy they are getting...With 3 plants in there it will be hard to get light to all of them, also..the runt will always be stretching because the CFLs will have to be 2" higher then the larger plants' tops. So I'm going to put the runt outside :). If it's the only male/only female, I will have to bring it in later, and of course I'll have to bring it in before the first frost...but it should get some decent growth.


Active Member
I'll take a pic of them inside the grow space for a better idea..gimme a sec, will just edit this post...
Heres a side view:

And, took the cover off for ya:


Active Member
Lol man thanks..Yeah its good if you have the same size plants, but if some are shorter they will have to stretch to catch up to the fixture..although I can adjust like this \ so 2-4" differences can be handled


Active Member
The differences in height for your plants is not significant, 1-3 inches isnt much of anything, wait till flower, they will skyrocket :
Yeah, the biggest one was going a bit too fast :p I decided to FIM it, I think it was at its 5-6 node and only 5" :D I'm pretty sure I did it right..guess we'll find out in a few days..
<<EDIT>> Moved the smallest one outside, and FIM'd the two left inside ;) Since CFLs on top usually just make one really dense cola, I figured wth why not two ;P


Active Member
one thing you could doif you wanted. you could put something under your runt, so it could be closer to your CFL's if you dont want to keep moving it inside and out... the pictures are all missing right now, but i cant wait to see what they are looking like. SUB'd


Active Member
I'm not moving it inside and out, keep it outside now...The FIRST friggen day and we have a storm from like 6am to 2pm...i look at it and mother nature LST'd it, stem bent over in teh dirt and leaves facin up, but not broken so i straightened it up and its already good ;) sounds terrible but its the only thing i had on hand, Vigoro for tomatoes/herbs...that seed-like fertilizer, put that in the soil and sprayed it with a mold/bug/mite preventer

Im just assuming its male because of how it was growing...tall and more lanky, as opposed to the other bushy ones, hopefully my assumption is right and i can just take the pollen off, if not first frost is usually end of October so grow baby grow ;)


Well-Known Member
Good to know she alright haha, we had no sun until like 3, i wanted to give my seedling a good sun bath


Active Member
Well the part of the stalk that was bent over was supposed to be underground, it was white root, this is why I put it back...Also, I think it's a male, so no reason to LST it ;)
--btw, pics bk ! woo

Well since the pics are back, I was in the pic takin spirit, lol.
Here, you can see the two plants still indoors, the one on the left has stretched a little bit because i left the lights 3.5-4" away after FIMing, FIMd both of these...

And geez, the outdoor one started leaning the OTHER way, so I now tied it to a pencil, lol:


Active Member
Been in 12-12 since the end of the 3rd week...Depends on the strain but I read when flowering this early they usually show sex at about the end of the 5th week.