Cheese - Blue Cheese Dwc ak47 & D'Og in Soil 2/11


Active Member
I had the same pheno cheese for years but lost it.
Is the exodus cheese similar?and is it the GHS Exodus???
Im thinking seed,get clones then 90l hydro but not sure which cheese from seed will have similar phenos as you picured cheese,thats what I want to get back to.
Had big yields off that in the past.. .


Active Member
You having same probs I had,its partners.
Less stress by your self,no grassers,nothing except you.
Try it on your 1s.


Well-Known Member
You having same probs I had,its partners.
Less stress by your self,no grassers,nothing except you.
Try it on your 1s.
couldnt agree more i recently became a dad for the 1st time and moved everything away from the house dont want it round me kid went in wit a friend and nothing but hassle for a year finally got me own thing going again but this will be me 1st on me own in a while n its loads better loads less hassle.

dr green dre

Well-Known Member
I had the same pheno cheese for years but lost it.
Is the exodus cheese similar?and is it the GHS Exodus???
Im thinking seed,get clones then 90l hydro but not sure which cheese from seed will have similar phenos as you picured cheese,thats what I want to get back to.
Had big yields off that in the past.. .
You now i never thoght i,d get decent yeild of exdous cheese until i put it in hydro,i never seem to get over 2oz in soil but in hydro 3.5 min.

You having same probs I had,its partners.
Less stress by your self,no grassers,nothing except you.
Try it on your 1s.
couldnt agree more i recently became a dad for the 1st time and moved everything away from the house dont want it round me kid went in wit a friend and nothing but hassle for a year finally got me own thing going again but this will be me 1st on me own in a while n its loads better loads less hassle.

Yep mate, been through it all with my partner, i swear i could write a book on him and you'd believe it was fiction !! I dont like be greeding so i like to envolve a mate or to ,depends on the projects . Best way is defined roles ; ie who's the gardener and who's the other !!
And stick to it .

dr green dre

Well-Known Member
Update wk 6 -4wks flower (2morrow)

Took a look at the Dog plants leavesand i can see more signs of leaf damage, im not sure whats eating away at my plant and why only this one? I took a look threw my scope and can see some sort of bug on it. Going to hot box it 2morrow and spray with bug spray(cant remember the name).Apart from that the gardens looking good the Blue cheese looks like its going to spread out every where its going to need alot of tying up when it buds the stems are alot thicker than the normal cheese so it might be a bit more sturdy.The dog has some long spaced out branches not the best to take cuts from i took a few today anyway abit later in to flowering than i would like.
Got some Ghe ripen -anybody used it? Did you notice any difference in wieght or taste?
Heres some pic:




Well-Known Member
i use the ripen m8 defo recommend it brings out the flavour and if ya skint can cut a wk off of ya 12/12 time lol

dr green dre

Well-Known Member
i use the ripen m8 defo recommend it brings out the flavour and if ya skint can cut a wk off of ya 12/12 time lol
Kool sambo .. you can type fast boy... lol i was just looking at the pics i put up and saw your post :)

I bought the ripen awhile ago and never got round to using it (had to chop early ), i cant seem to find any good reviews about it . Did you use it on hydro or soil? I'll try it out on a few hydros.


Well-Known Member
Kool sambo .. you can type fast boy... lol i was just looking at the pics i put up and saw your post :)

I bought the ripen awhile ago and never got round to using it (had to chop early ), i cant seem to find any good reviews about it . Did you use it on hydro or soil? I'll try it out on a few hydros.
i used it in soil thats how i grow m8 taste over yield lol highly recommend tho n if ya look hard enough aint just me sayin it lol sorry man if im coming across abit nobish pretty pissed right now lol

dr green dre

Well-Known Member
i used it in soil thats how i grow m8 taste over yield lol highly recommend tho n if ya look hard enough aint just me sayin it lol sorry man if im coming across abit nobish pretty pissed right now lol
No sweat bro.. i only looked at 2 reviews anyway lol.. i understand the taste over yield policy thats why i have 2 soil plants

dr green dre

Well-Known Member
A few shots of the from the room ,some of the D'og,room view and the roots from the blue cheese plant looking healthy than ever and i only gave them one shot of root exl .View attachment 1499764View attachment 1499765View attachment 1499763

Just gave them a light molasses spray about a 3rd of what i normally give them. These go about 4 days before they need topping up,i should of took a pic of the 90 ltr roots they look hench..
Added bloombastic,vitalink buddy max, & big bud this week ,the bloombastic seems very strong 0.5 ml per litre !! should last forever. Had to get to baby syringes just to measure it.
Anyway gone again ..




Well-Known Member
I not sure about mine getting like that :-) They are in flower already and on day 9, but I seriously hope they do lol
Great pic Dre.

dr green dre

Well-Known Member

It seems one of my plants have a problem im not sure what it is ,
,ec 1.9.
temps 26.c
humidty 50%
Its been looking like this for since yesterday. Any ideas?

dr green dre

Well-Known Member
1.9 EC is the problem.
Alright HB..
hows it going ? I have'nt seen you for a while ,everything good?
you think its the 1.9 ec ? o.k im going to water it down some more, all the hydro are roughly the same level feed but only this ones showing ill affects.
What food strength would you suggest ? my pen does both ec,cf and ppm .
Thanks for stopping by bro..


Well-Known Member
Alright HB..
hows it going ? I have'nt seen you for a while ,everything good?
you think its the 1.9 ec ? o.k im going to water it down some more, all the hydro are roughly the same level feed but only this ones showing ill affects.
What food strength would you suggest ? my pen does both ec,cf and ppm .
Thanks for stopping by bro..
Things are good, can't complain.

I'd suggest 1.3 EC. At that concentration, your plants will be able to pull up what they need instead of 1.9EC which is like jamming nutes down their throats. Sure, the plants may look fine now but those levels take their toll after a while on your yields and potency.

dr green dre

Well-Known Member
Things are good, can't complain.

I'd suggest 1.3 EC. At that concentration, your plants will be able to pull up what they need instead of 1.9EC which is like jamming nutes down their throats. Sure, the plants may look fine now but those levels take their toll after a while on your yields and potency.
I'll keep that in mind..

dr green dre

Well-Known Member
Im thinking it might be overwatering as ive been spraying them abit to much! Ive lowered all the ec's to 1.5 and ph down them again ,the nute combo doesnt seem to stable ,needs addjusting probally twice a week.
Hope fully its not to badly affected.Seeing some damage on my soil Ak plant im going to take pics 2morow.Got 5 reg Skunk no#1 from -dutch passion free off a mate , got em soaking no hoping for a male to start the new breed .. Im up for crossing it with anything but the cheese..

dr green dre

Well-Known Member
Update wk 7/ wk 5 flower

Heres some snaps from the room , the troubled plants perked back up , the leafs look like the've been burnt so i dont think ill be going that high on the food levels again . The funny thing is i have been keeping my schedule in check for the last couple grows and its all gone out the window. Its like a took my head out the books for a minute and forgot everything i read.. Thanks mr HB..

Any body got anysuggestions on crosses with the skunk no1 , from my current list?

The D'og s growing taller than the rest, its a good plant to lst this ones got some long ass arms,im not to sure which pheno this is , Couple of the cuts have rooted so ill be able to see how it grows diff from seed hopefully not as tall.To be fair though nearly all my seeds have grown taller than any of my cuts.