Cheese - Blue Cheese Dwc ak47 & D'Og in Soil 2/11

dr green dre

Well-Known Member
Yep from one problem to another! I'm might have to kiss these ones goodbye :( never mind , i'll put this down to my first loss which aint too bad at all. Im in the process of setting up an old room which i might be able to put those plants in but its a tight time frame im working with , either way something else will be happing soon stay tuned!!
Got my hands on some seeds today romulan diesel -next gen,jack the ripper,jacks cleaner and some spacebomb all from TGA . These will be in some time soon dont know exactly when though.
Heres some shots : seeds & dogs#2
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Thanks for all the comments :leaf: bongsmilie


Well-Known Member
your going to shut down the current set up? would be some shit after going this far and vegging those beasts! ill make sure to watch for your grow with those TGA genes. im going to pick my self some querkle and cheesequake i think.

dr green dre

Well-Known Member
Some dank you got Dre, that dog is nice.

Im crossing my fingers for ya bro!
Great news DGT can't wait to see what u do with the new gear.
your going to shut down the current set up? would be some shit after going this far and vegging those beasts! ill make sure to watch for your grow with those TGA genes. im going to pick my self some querkle and cheesequake i think.
Things are looking better for these plants ,everythings in motion now so hoping to have everything completed by tomorrow night at the latest , Im going to have to cut some roots cause there bound together and they cant be moved like that so im expecting some form of damage to these plants.
I've all was liked subs gear ,my first ever seeds were the ripper and spacequeen i was looking at the cheesequake myself and the 3d looks amazing. I see you 've crossed some space bomb and bub n sqeak whodat has that plant finished yet? Hmm fairy exchange??

Peace :leaf: DGD


Well-Known Member
Not finished yet Dre I'll have to see how many I get, I only did a few branches if the sb x bns.... fingers crossed!

dr green dre

Well-Known Member
Update wk 1 flower

After along week of being columbo... heres some pics of the grow, its still in the same place as i know it won't be bothered again...Plus theres a few extra additions know just in case.. Its a shame that i spent a bit of time setting up an replacement only to have to pull it back down;)
Anyway the tents was getting a bit wild had to do alot of training to them especially the dog , had to change a few around as there reaching everywhere i turned the two 113ltrs on the right sideways now so they get better coverage. Got some garden twine today so i'll be tying them up when i go back.
The soil plants are coming on slowly , it looks like they've brought there thrips along for the ride as i found some on couple hydro plants im going to use the hotbox nightly now till this f##kers go.
roots are looking huge on most of them and now there drinking like whoa , them two 90ltrs are on something else, have'nt added now bloom feed yet im clearing out the tubs of the weekend and them getting all fresh nutes i did give them a spray with a little bloom food though .
These are going to be a hand full i can tell , i should never of let the dogs get that big!! Anybody getting there hands on this pheno of Dog i advise against anything more than a 3wk veg max and thats with topping a few as these have so long ass arms that get everywhere:) cant wait for them buds to start showing as i can picture the sight already..
And i've changed the light positions (cfl)
heres some pics:



edit: more pics i forgot..


Well-Known Member
everything looks great!! those plants are some beasts!! going to be massive buds hopefully! got a giant root system going as well! that tent looks small after all those giants are overtaking it.

dr green dre

Well-Known Member
everything looks great!! those plants are some beasts!! going to be massive buds hopefully! got a giant root system going as well! that tent looks small after all those giants are overtaking it.
Yeah its getting tight in there, was even worse before i moved them around , next time time im making sure that i label everything correctly cause the dog should of been in a 90ltr for the height.
Took a few pic of the seeds i popped the other day the cheese x un-known (G.bud/Blueberry), they've been growing on the window sill for a few days thats why there so lanky,only 6/20 germed which i thought was kinda shit but i read somewhere that you should let fresh beans dry out for a month so maybe thats why who knows ,i just got round to putting a cfl over them cause of all whats been happening this week, these will be getting potted up 2morrow and should be getting another 50 or so seeds this weekend.:)

There under a 125wtt blue CFL with the the other Lemon skunk that got left behind and the last surving Dog#2 cut that i've got plus either cheese or fake ak cut .


Well-Known Member
God damn dre those plants are soooooooo BIG! and healthy! Man when this is said and done I dont think I have grown a plant the size these things are gonna be! Maybe you just convinced me to make a single plant monster hydro rrdwc... hmmmmmm.

dr green dre

Well-Known Member
Had to move the grow as i could see more problems in the future, anyway i had to chop the roots to sperate most of them im just hoping they aint to badly damaged from it ,a few have been slipt up but some still have 2 in them . This room cant handle all of these so a few will be going to a friend mainly the soils , 20ltr bubbler and probaly 1 of the small ones in the 90ltr. so the next update may look a little different.

I found a male in the mix its one of the lemon skunks , not sure if i'll manage to keep him though aint got the space anymore. I wouldn't mind collecting abit a pollen for a later date.
Gave them a low feed of bloom nutes root xl and superthrive aat about 1ml a ltr , got a few pics not much change though.

Still need to add a few things but its basicly done now .

:leaf:Dr Green Dre..


Well-Known Member
Dude that room is gonna be packed to the brim! You may want to start saving for an extra dehumidifier :shock: Def dont want to be cout in a pinch at the end and risk loosing buds,,, they are gonna transpire ALLOT of moisture once the buds start forming. They look fantastic thats partly why Im worried lol And who knows you may already have that figured out IDK! Just baked and rambling :-)

dr green dre

Well-Known Member
Dude that room is gonna be packed to the brim! You may want to start saving for an extra dehumidifier :shock: Def dont want to be cout in a pinch at the end and risk loosing buds,,, they are gonna transpire ALLOT of moisture once the buds start forming. They look fantastic thats partly why Im worried lol And who knows you may already have that figured out IDK! Just baked and rambling :-)
Yeah it was humid in there today over 80% before i turned on the exhuast then it dropped down to 60% , i thought about it last time i grew in this place but it worked out well enough without one in the end but those plants wern't as big. I'm going to add one to the shopping list bro thanks for the advice ..


Well-Known Member
too bad to hear about having to move shop. atleast it will further be out of danger. hope all goes well and cant wait to see them again!

dr green dre

Well-Known Member
Update wk2 flower

Plants are doing ok ,i don't think the move and cutting the roots have affected them that much i have noticed a problem on one plant though were the leaves are going brown and funny ,i've been looking to find it on others but its only on one at the moment.I gave away a few plants the soil pots are all gone and the20ltr dwc too,werent enough space to move in there and there still isn't.

Feed strengh is at 1.5 now P.H 5.9 on most 6.0 on others .Temps are 27.c at the mo and humidity stays over 50% with lights on gets higher with lights off.
The plants are streching abit more each day there probaly going to finish up on the mylar line, need to get some more twine for these cause there arms want to go every where. I was going to trim them down some but i dont want to stress them anymore . The 4 cheese X unk seeds are now in the room perched on a ladder for the time being ,gave the rest away with my soil and 20ltr bub. Im looking to do a 12/12 from seed with these any males will be binned for now .


Well-Known Member
Dam that's gonna be a jungle lol don't know how u did get around in there before the move. Glad to hear u got things figured to DgD happy growing.


Well-Known Member
shit it already is a jungle!! going to be like the amazon soon enough! looking good DRE, hope everything continues to do well for you buddy!

dr green dre

Well-Known Member
Dam that's gonna be a jungle lol don't know how u did get around in there before the move. Glad to hear u got things figured to DgD happy growing.
shit it already is a jungle!! going to be like the amazon soon enough! looking good DRE, hope everything continues to do well for you buddy!
Thanks DL,LG yeah its kind of tricky moving around in there ,i can see a few arms getting snapped in the near future.. Need to get another blow fan to keep the air movement through these bushes as the one i've got at the mo aint cutting it.

:peace: Dre

dr green dre

Well-Known Member

Came into the office today to find one sad looking plant
dont know whats up with it , I think it could possibly be the after affects of chopping to roots cause everything else seems fine water temps 22.c, ph 5.5, e.c 0.9 room temps 28.c but ive turned a light off so it should be in the 25-26c range by now.
I've checked for light leaks and root rot found none but i still added a dose of microbial just incase. The one at the smallest at the back started wilting first then the other followed .
any guesses guys?



dr green dre

Well-Known Member
Breeze - UK Cheese X unknown (blueberry or Gbud)

there untested as im only growing some out now.

I do believe the seed fairys aboout....