Chemistry Discussion Thread

Keepitcoastal, the process is discussed on pages 10 and 11. I don't know anything about extracting coke from coca so anything I posted would just be someone else's info.
Really? then you have never tasted Ayahuasca...

Pure Ignorance

Just for proof "at least in my eyes" sorry froggy But maybe you missed the organic chemistry part of college... +rep because thats the kinda of guy I am... Much love

Lol now what?
If anyone takes it from the ass of the frog ill be the first to try it.. Its as natural as it gets..
Sorry to insult you on your page I would delete it but my edit button is gone for some reason..

I have respect for you, I was being ignorant. The Aya, made me change my thinking..
Sorry to insult you on your page I would delete it but my edit button is gone for some reason..

I have respect for you, I was being ignorant. The Aya, made me change my thinking..

Edit and delete are available for 72 hours after posting. Btw it's genuinely nice to see someone be gracious on these fora. cn
Sorry to insult you on your page I would delete it but my edit button is gone for some reason..

I have respect for you, I was being ignorant. The Aya, made me change my thinking..

No worries, it's the internet so I don't take much seriously. But thank you for apologizing. That I do take seriously because it's so rare that someone will admit they're wrong on the internet.
If could find it. IPA is generally available as 70%, 91%, or 99%.
I hope you're honest about what you have, or you could very well have a death on your karma. Unlike acid eating a ten strip of an NBOMe could kill you.

Just regged here because i am starting a little grow soon :bigjoint:

I noticed this chemistry thread and since my uncle is a bit of a garage chemist himself ...

I just want to say that it took him maybe all in all 3 years to figure and work it all out but he managed to synth MDA in his kitchen :)
Everything he used is o.t.c (over the counter) if you know where to look.

Even piperonal (it has many legit applications and can be extracted and purified from otc products ! )

He said he could have made MDMA instead but where he lives it's everywhere and cheap.

Note: I'm not suggesting that it is easy to make MDA or MDMA yourself but if you are determined enough it is still possible!
It's actually not very hard to make most drugs if you have some lab ability and can read journal articles. People act like these syntheses are some heavily guarded secret that you need to be initiated into some secret society to get when the reality is that most drugs are made by people working in academic or pharma research and get published in open journals or patented.
Access to chems has gotten more restricted but it's still quite possible to get them. I just wouldn't recommend doing it in the USA because of our terrible laws. Canada and most of Europe are much better places to go.
Also don't perform synthesis in your kitchen. You prepare and eat food in there.
Well i agree that SOME drugs are pretty basic to make for hobbyists.
GHB from lactone, meth from cold pills , alkaloid extractions from plants etc.
Hell even amphetamine from benzaldehyde is "doable" with a little practice.

But MDA and MDMA is a whole different ballpark with heavily watched precursors and you gotta be pretty damn determined and creative to succeed nowadays ;-)
Not really. There's plenty of routes that never go near a watched precursor. So you take a hit on yield compared to starting with safrole, you also don't have all the local DEA agents show up to deliver your heavily watched precursor.
Amp from benzaldehyde isn't "doable with practice," if anything it's easier than extracting pseudoephedrine and reducing it. Run a Knoevengal in the microwave over silica with nitroethane as solvent, filter and rinse the silica beads and strip the solvent and reduce the nitrostyrene. I'd bet it's much faster than the pseudo reduction as well.
Most PEAs and simple tryptamines are pretty easy if you have some lab experience and are willing to put some time into study.
There are "watched" chemicals and there are watched cemicals. Some of the more common ones are put on a watch list just so the DEA and locals can enforce laws. Pick up a couple of gallons of toluene and no one will look at you twice. Get a couple of 55's and you might ge some questions. Order a rail car of it and..... well, you know.
Yeah solvents aren't closely watched at all. For other stuff it depends on how restricted it is and wether you're a private citizen or a chem company. For example as a private citizen if you tried to get any amount of methylamine you're going to get attention. If you're at a chemical company and ordered a liter of it and nothing else that's a precursor no one is going to look at it twice. If you tried to order a barrel of it or order any amount of it and something like safrole of phenyl-2-propene expect a visit from the DEA. While stuff like ergotamine is going to get noticed in any amount.