Well-Known Member
There seems to be many peculiarities in the constituants of poppy straw that inhibits it from being easily extrated to morphine. It just isn't so simple as using a solvent and salting that out. Some of the baltic countries have made inroads into straw liquor based extractions with varying amounts of sucess. I don't recall my research any more but there is a name for the result and it ends to kill lots of IV users.
One cannot, in my understanding, render proper opium from dried straw or even dried capsules. You can get some sort of sappy tar or paste but it is unsuitable for smoking though you can eat it to reasonable effect. Heaven knows I've tried every common internet solution I have encountered, at one time having an abundance of straw, and an abundance of old world tai. My dream wasto make opiated tai sticks. I managed to perfect the tai stick method pretty well - and it is harder than you might imagine.
You have to have sort of stringy buds, you have to find relatively straight stems that must be split into reasonable sticks and most importantly, you have to crush the thicker stems while wet and then draw the fiber from the result leaving yourselfa foot and a half or more filiments and then dry them.
Then you have to assemble the entire thing, wrapping your buds evenly around your stick while winding your hemp thread around the stick in a helical pattern. After the thing dries you have a semblance of an authentic tai stick. I wanted to brick them up and wrap them in vietnamese newspaper (easy enough to get in little saigons in every major city).
The problem was spraying this with opiated solution andI just couldn't manage to extract such a solution from the straw.
I have always had my doubts as to the whether the original lowland tai really was dipped or sprayed in opium. I have had my share of real lowland and golden triangle tai stick but it was before I ever had much experience with opium so i really don't know. And of course, for those who remember, that stuff was killer,especially so considering that it's nearest competitor in that era was seeded Mexican varieties and a smattering of the real comlumbian gold. Good as those kinds were they didn't hold a candle to the tai.
Oh, and I discovered that there is some process that uses ionic resin in order to extract the active constitutants of poppy tea. I have no idea what that was all about.
Maybe our good Dr. Duck could shed some light on that.
<- one of my poorer attempts - i got marginaly better but the better ones got snatched up and smoked out of nostalgia . The object of course is to have the sticks all the same length, all very straight, the filiments thin and uniform and everything made completely of hemp so that you could cut a bit off and smoke everything if you were willing to smoke that bit of dried stem.
One cannot, in my understanding, render proper opium from dried straw or even dried capsules. You can get some sort of sappy tar or paste but it is unsuitable for smoking though you can eat it to reasonable effect. Heaven knows I've tried every common internet solution I have encountered, at one time having an abundance of straw, and an abundance of old world tai. My dream wasto make opiated tai sticks. I managed to perfect the tai stick method pretty well - and it is harder than you might imagine.
You have to have sort of stringy buds, you have to find relatively straight stems that must be split into reasonable sticks and most importantly, you have to crush the thicker stems while wet and then draw the fiber from the result leaving yourselfa foot and a half or more filiments and then dry them.
Then you have to assemble the entire thing, wrapping your buds evenly around your stick while winding your hemp thread around the stick in a helical pattern. After the thing dries you have a semblance of an authentic tai stick. I wanted to brick them up and wrap them in vietnamese newspaper (easy enough to get in little saigons in every major city).
The problem was spraying this with opiated solution andI just couldn't manage to extract such a solution from the straw.
I have always had my doubts as to the whether the original lowland tai really was dipped or sprayed in opium. I have had my share of real lowland and golden triangle tai stick but it was before I ever had much experience with opium so i really don't know. And of course, for those who remember, that stuff was killer,especially so considering that it's nearest competitor in that era was seeded Mexican varieties and a smattering of the real comlumbian gold. Good as those kinds were they didn't hold a candle to the tai.
Oh, and I discovered that there is some process that uses ionic resin in order to extract the active constitutants of poppy tea. I have no idea what that was all about.
Maybe our good Dr. Duck could shed some light on that.