Chemtrails, what are they? Vote Here..!

Chemtrails are:

  • 1) Condensation trails from high altitude jets

    Votes: 25 51.0%
  • 2) Something purposely being hidden

    Votes: 1 2.0%
  • 3) Something purposely being sprayed

    Votes: 13 26.5%
  • 4) Geoengineering

    Votes: 4 8.2%
  • 5) Other

    Votes: 6 12.2%

  • Total voters
i don't know if there is or not. i don't really care, if that's the purpose of it. not like i come anywhere near trusting the government, but if the national weather service, and or nasa, say it's a good idea, i'll take their word for it.and i'm pretty sure each of those bodies would be aware of long term projects effecting the weather, through direct observation, if nothing else.
I've watched a couple videos on the subject.. just to see what all the hub bub was about.. most of them are silly with no backing of any kind, and other videos that someone took the time to do actual research are kind of
Mods, can we have a special section for threads such as this called Loonspud Central?

You know, a place where the dribbling moronic conspiraloonspuds can sit alone and have a mutual masturbation session over things that exist only in their deluded imagination so actual "Technology and Science" can be discussed here?
Mods, can we have a special section for threads such as this called Loonspud Central?

You know, a place where the dribbling moronic conspiraloonspuds can sit alone and have a mutual masturbation session over things that exist only in their deluded imagination so actual "Technology and Science" can be discussed here?

You wouldn't know actual technology and science if it bit you in the ass sweetheart, (you're probably a shill or some government agent disinformation too) go sit with your boyfriend rog, or Rodger whichever persona he is today and stf up
You wouldn't know actual technology and science if it bit you in the ass sweetheart, (you're probably a shill or some government agent disinformation too) go sit with your boyfriend rog, or Rodger whichever persona he is today and stf up

And you prove that if brains were dynamite you wouldn't have enough to pop your eardrums, never mind blow a snotball out your nose.

In fact, I would say there's so little between your ears it's a wonder your skull hasn't imploded.

Now be a dear and stick to something within your meagre capabilities, like seeing how many crayons you can shove up your nose
These little fellers just lack formal education. Everything is confusing to them do they make up child-like solutions that are simple and comfortable for them

No truth whatsoever, but they’re comfy. Like a baby blanket or pacifier

Poor dumb fuckers
These little fellers just lack formal education. Everything is confusing to them do they make up child-like solutions that are simple and comfortable for them

No truth whatsoever, but they’re comfy. Like a baby blanket or pacifier

Poor dumb fuckers

The funniest bit is the

you're probably a shill or some government agent disinformation too

I mean, what is a "government agent disinformation"? Is this some sort of code only paranoid delusionists understand because it sure as hell ain't plain English, even with the language barrier called the North Atlantic Ocean which changes how a simple language is used.

But leave him too it, every rant like that shows nothing more than how he is more unhinged than the front door of a derelict house in Detroit, and the wild accusations that I'm somehow a sock of every persona here who disagrees with him is actually quite hilarious.

Now I just need to get the subject changed to 9/11 and then the fun will REALLY start, because the fuckwit will find a way to show how something that doesn't exist such as chemtrails was the reason the NWO and Jooz managed to rig up demolition charges and thermite in the WTC without anyone noticing...
I was never given any cool sunglasses or other Men in Black gear! The Department of Public Disinformation doesn’t pay well, either. I visited the office of NASA where they have all the fake moon rocks and toys filmed to fool the Ruskies

I visited the chemtrail labs where monkeys mix up shit in jars. They have bikini posters of Charlies Angels on the wall, so obviously those guys don’t get out a lot.

Sasquatch has an office and a phone, but have never seen him yeti

The UFO dudes have their own wing and have all the cool tech, but they never share. They have the best water cooler and the chix love to hang out there
I was never given any cool sunglasses or other Men in Black gear! The Department of Public Disinformation doesn’t pay well, either. I visited the office of NASA where they have all the fake moon rocks and toys filmed to fool the Ruskies

I visited the chemtrail labs where monkeys mix up shit in jars. They have bikini posters of Charlies Angels on the wall, so obviously those guys don’t get out a lot.

Sasquatch has an office and a phone, but have never seen him yeti

The UFO dudes have their own wing and have all the cool tech, but they never share. They have the best water cooler and the chix love to hang out there

The giveaway is WHICH Charlies Angels they have, the original with Farrah Fawcett, version 2 with Cheryl "Phwoar" Ladd or the crap modern remake? And are we talking about the Angels in their prime or as they are now with bits sagging?

The devil is in the detail, for no serious scientist monkey would pass up drooling over the original Angels.
You wouldn't know actual technology and science if it bit you in the ass sweetheart, (you're probably a shill or some government agent disinformation too) go sit with your boyfriend rog, or Rodger whichever persona he is today and stf up
i'm always me, can't help it if there are a bunch of non deluded, non stupid, non bullshit believing people here that make you think i'm all of them.....i must be a busy motherfucker....
i don't need to have more than one personality (there are a few people that will tell you i don't even have that much personality).
you sure are egotistical, thinking the government has assigned someone to keep track of you. if the government noticed you at all, they'd just smash you like a gnat. after they laughed at the dumb shit you believe.
you're a pretty decent grower, and seem like a pretty nice guy, except for this shit. really, for your own sake, try to get back in touch with reality