Choosing a rosin press

Bittersweet I found out how to yield 20% but that means my last two harvests I threw away 200gs altogether. Like I said you dont just see all the hash in the bud trimmer but its some how there and gone. Hash being magical like that.

It may not be the same for all strains or maybe? In theory it makes your smoke less potent too significantly. My buds I chopped and pressed were CAKED.

What sucks is that the trimmer didnt even do much and wasnt needed. Just wasting a good leaf to calyx ratio plant that could be hand trimmed as fast as you can pull them out the tent. Feel me? lol those strains are a beaut.

Just whining for nothing as if its for smoke ya get closer to the bud or even remove all leafs at the base. If for smoke you can trim up a years worth just dont whine about it lol. For hash these hash strains typically are easier to trim so ya.

Im looking forward to it Im experimenting just trimming bare minimal and maybe getting extra hash from the sugar leafs. I dont believe weed soaks hash it squishes out, Ive never seen a loss of percentage other than bud trimmer bud.

Whats funny is thats not consistent yet I got consistent rosin yield, 12%. What did happen though was my drysift was unpredictable and so was the rosin yield from that. What relates is the fact hash being magical abra cadabra in that sense too.

So I look at a pile of sift as rosin hash thats subject to vaporizing away somehow like its a special volitile substance. It behaves so funny injuction with terps. So Id press it so its locked in, pure meds that cant suddenly disapate. What makes me say? Well I could split it in two and press the rest later and indeed already have.

I lost rosin. Anyway back to what Im sayin. I dont see this said anywhere its cool like Im on to something with my little bedroom grow in persuit of hash. My discoverys to my self maybe its a secret but weed is love and sharing/healing and fun.
Cruuuuude oillll. One was right saying a bag isnt even needed. Hell I never seen this but I know someone out there does this. Im gonna try centering 20gs maybe even a fucking oz. No bag raw dog baby. Bags are a scam.
Damn that sound nice but the pre mold compresses 20gs in 5g pucks I always felt that was the max load with my press. Or else weed just spits out the sides which can wick rosin and hard to seperate but then again if its saucy enough you could wipe it off.

The bags keep it together though steal some rosin. It could work if I got a rectangle premold ooo Im considering it. People do thag just with bags which is waaay too much money in bags. Chottle or nothin!
Alright my rambles are going somewhere. 3x6” premold rectangle for my 4x7” platen. 28.66gs capacity but more efficient and added capacity. No more bags its rawdawg indeed muahaha. Not to be gross but I already said it. We’re having fun here!

So my old method yall been seein of 4 two inch diameter sleeves with 5gs in each totaling 20gs. Much extra work prepressing 4x and cutting/fitting sleeves on pucks just to be 8gs short of an oz making things go longer.

A 2” circle only has 3.14” squared so only like 12.56” squared surface area. Cant fit any more or its too tall a puck and splits apart which can suck if the rosin is shatter like. Hard to remove unless its saucy enough which it was last time.

Anyway I got 1.59gs per square inch so with my new method 3”x6” being 18 square inches that totals to 28.66gs per press. Much easier too and if the rosin is nice and saucy or saucy enough, collect is a breeze where as it was very tough and shattery and hard to collect taking more force/energy.

My theory is if Im losing half the yield and only harvesting the harsher side of the overall yield by losing those super rich heads, its just half the product. The pure rich hash by hand trimming dilutes it to a overall live resin like goop that just scrapes right off the paper.

That makes things which alreader were twice as great, to being that much easeful per harvest which was killin me. I bet this will work out, Ive been pressin a while. All my knowledge is in this thread which would take days to read.
Its mine, 4/7” is actually what I needed. Should fit an easy oz or more I didnt even calculate it its more than what I wanted. 3.5” to 6.5” I dont think I need a whole inch of slack because I do 4”x4” and my platen 4”x7” so it somehow got by most the time with out spewing out the sides.

So a half inch slack should be good it wont be too tall so yea. Awesome day in the garden today. Harvest should be a breeze especially now I got that 20%! Officially!!!!!!!!!!
Holy shit I should of done the math before posting haha 37gs per press jesus christ this is about to be a breeeeeeeeeeze. The inner dim is 3.62”x 6.5”.
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Anyone know where to find sundae driver cannarado genetics? Saw video a guy got 28.5% flower rosin from it. Just said the name not the breeder but from what I can find thats probably the strain I am looking for. Thatd be my highest yielder just considering yield.
Pretty sure I got another male porto leche. Wtf. You know how females just have that nice enlongated calyx with a lush little pistol all looks just lush delicate. Males robust with pretty much a nut in a node. Grows into a small spade. I have the worst luck with fem seeds I swear. People say males are the hardest to get.

Could be breeder practice. My TH seeds watermelon was female first try, this banana candy krush first try. Kongs krush by greenhouse seeds was female first shot. Lemon bubble was a male.

Breeder definitely prone to a couple of herms. That sucks. I've been out of commission with open heart surgery. I'll be back!! Ha ha
Damn why does youtube think Im a bot when trying to view any video from riu? Sucks ruins the entertainment, IME people dont view restricted videos which is typically anything weed related already.

I understand some people surf the web differently and dont just sign into a youtube account to see something so I get less views. Usually same for other members. No restriction, more views.

So feels like its gonna happen to anyone at some point so feels pointless to share anything from youtube. I do see a work around with older phone being buggy to where I dont have to sign in if I somehow get to youtube on another browser.

If anyone can explain or if its just me I triggered it somehow let me know. Else this sucks and just not gonna share youtube anymore. I already quit uploading vids.
New pre mold. My tape measure pretty much says 3.5x6.5” Should do 37gs at a time. Now my next issue to get a better size paper for the rosin as its gonna spit out 7.5gs rosin per press.


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Pure fail. At least Ill tell ya though embarrassed. Its a no go. Thats kinda funny I thought I made a weird way of doing presses only to find its just the best way or else I lose yield. Idk if its locked back into the material it just had nowhere to go and lost 4gs.

I could use some kind of success right now but meh I had nothing but success so somethings gotta bring equilibrium. Humble me up a little bit.

I had to find out somehow and this moldy weed was perfect. Lost $120 buying the pre mold but meh.


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Idk how it does that I never experience this before I even got more yield with less rh % so I dont believe it can soak back up. People wouldnt believe it can go from 12-20% by hand trimming so I cant doubt its possible or maybe this is one exeption. Hash is weird.
It was very uneven the whole brick so the psi wasnt there for every bit of it, I got half g second press folding in half but meh its gone. So chottle still wins going back to that. You can smash at least a gram but something about this is wrong.
For context I got bad botritus that took a lot of a plant enough to just gross you out of spores and not even want it then seeing Pm just tore it. Tossed it. Hoping rest of garden makes it. So losing 200gs almost by not doing tests is what could of secured me right now. In terms of not needing to take T breaks or maybe buy from store again.

I just got to really pay attention and keep it together. If lack of circulation was it and growing smaller flowers again and disregarding chop time to a degree and just focus on 3 good runs and break for a while. Ozone gen to hope for the best.

Need to maybe grow a new strain which if it makes it to 3 wks from now then I can grow it just hope for the best. Losin energy idk what to even say thats it really.
Holy cow Im screwed I got pm on the other half of garden. Probably done but Ive never dealt with this before people have in early grows and built so much on top of that. So idk but I am losing hope quick.
Been battling pm here too.....milk has worked the best for me....I've tried peroxide, ZeroTol, neem works well but only for veg, Lost Coast Plant Therapy and everything else under the sun.
Good luck!
Shoot I spammed a bit on like 3 threads should update this one, its all good I mean yea Im done for a few months to air out and clean but Il get back up. The botritus could of easily took basically the rest of my garden anyway. Like I said and this gives me hope that people dealt with this before early on and built a mini legacy for lack of better words, on top of those experiences.