** Chris' 3rd CFL Grow ** Blue Venom & Super Skunk & Super Lemon Haze If It Lives

Which Plant Will Produce Better Quality Buds?

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Dude, yet agein another awsome harvest! Ya know you should make a tutorial of water/nutes when where light distance yada yada.... I would buy a copy =) Hey could you go in detail of the paper bag drying method...hang in box ect..... I thinking of trying this for my next harvest. Later Bro :peace:
thanks guys. my laptops still all fucked up.. like i have no internet.. soo once in a while i can get sum wi fi. but thanks for all the compliments. im gonna post sum more pics soon of the cureed buds. i am germinating a full moon seed and will be starting that hopefully tuesday.. and after 1 more week i will flower the floja. blue venoms looking fucking awesome... and for wattage its about 200-250 watts of cfl.
thanks guys. my laptops still all fucked up.. like i have no internet.. soo once in a while i can get sum wi fi. but thanks for all the compliments. im gonna post sum more pics soon of the cureed buds. i am germinating a full moon seed and will be starting that hopefully tuesday.. and after 1 more week i will flower the floja. blue venoms looking fucking awesome... and for wattage its about 200-250 watts of cfl.

i wonder what nirvana really meens when they say a trippy high for full moon!
lol. i know. ikm wondering the same thing.. hahaha. i have th4e seed germinating. will plant it 2morrow. gonna try to take a few pics and walk around till i find wifi and try to upload sum updated pics of the blue venom.. who is frosty as shit! frostier than the super skunk.. certain parts are like white.. and the floja is comin along nicely now. and the super skunk is bombbbb. ill take sumpics of the buds. i got like 3 grams over 2 ounces off that plant.. the smoke is great.. very very stoney tho. cant smoke too much. lol. but all my friends LOVE smokin it. deff stronger than the widow. but the way this blue venom is lookin...... lol. i think the BV might be stronger.. we will see..
lol. i know. ikm wondering the same thing.. hahaha. i have th4e seed germinating. will plant it 2morrow. gonna try to take a few pics and walk around till i find wifi and try to upload sum updated pics of the blue venom.. who is frosty as shit! frostier than the super skunk.. certain parts are like white.. and the floja is comin along nicely now. and the super skunk is bombbbb. ill take sumpics of the buds. i got like 3 grams over 2 ounces off that plant.. the smoke is great.. very very stoney tho. cant smoke too much. lol. but all my friends LOVE smokin it. deff stronger than the widow. but the way this blue venom is lookin...... lol. i think the BV might be stronger.. we will see..
I gotta try some super skunk then.You say its stronger than the widow i have to try it because the widow is def fire.
I gotta try some super skunk then.You say its stronger than the widow i have to try it because the widow is def fire.

yeaa man. deff try it!! i thought for sure the white widow woulda been stronger... but mab was i wrong.. hahahaha. bout 2 post pics now guys!!! its been a while i know.. im sorry. between work and not havin interent... not muich i can do.. well.. enjoyyy the pics man.. u can really see the frost on the BV.. it looks fuckin awesome!!
aiight guys... not gonna type 2 much cuz i dont wanna lose the wifi.. but heres sum pics of the blue venom whichg is frosty as fuck!! and super skunk buds cured..a dn sum floja pics.. ones more sativa.. adn the otha is more indica.. hopin the indica one is a female... =/ here ya gooooooooooooo

Blue Venom

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heyy guys ill post the ptha pics of super skunk adn floja later on or tommorrow.. im late for work. =( enjoy these picsss. =D
Cool, thanks man wasn't sure if it was stated already and I'm sure it was...but thanks for saving me some time searching pages! :weed:
lol. thanks for all the compliments. and honestly... im not sure wat all those white specs are...?? =/ i had it in the same closet as the super skunk.. and the super skunk didnt have anything... i havent seen any bugs or anything. i checked wen i saqw the spots... but nothing. =/