thanks guys. my laptops still all fucked up.. like i have no internet.. soo once in a while i can get sum wi fi. but thanks for all the compliments. im gonna post sum more pics soon of the cureed buds. i am germinating a full moon seed and will be starting that hopefully tuesday.. and after 1 more week i will flower the floja. blue venoms looking fucking awesome... and for wattage its about 200-250 watts of cfl.
I gotta try some super skunk then.You say its stronger than the widow i have to try it because the widow is def i know. ikm wondering the same thing.. hahaha. i have th4e seed germinating. will plant it 2morrow. gonna try to take a few pics and walk around till i find wifi and try to upload sum updated pics of the blue venom.. who is frosty as shit! frostier than the super skunk.. certain parts are like white.. and the floja is comin along nicely now. and the super skunk is bombbbb. ill take sumpics of the buds. i got like 3 grams over 2 ounces off that plant.. the smoke is great.. very very stoney tho. cant smoke too much. lol. but all my friends LOVE smokin it. deff stronger than the widow. but the way this blue venom is lookin...... lol. i think the BV might be stronger.. we will see..
I gotta try some super skunk then.You say its stronger than the widow i have to try it because the widow is def fire.
G13 Labs....Fuck man, that BV looks dank!Who is the breeder of it?
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Looks like some spider mite damage on your fan leave. Could be wrong but i would check it out.