** Chris' 3rd CFL Grow ** Blue Venom & Super Skunk & Super Lemon Haze If It Lives

Which Plant Will Produce Better Quality Buds?

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heyy guys. im gonn apost the pics in like half hour.. ughh... my mom deleted all the pics i took yesterday off th ecamera.. soo i gotta go take them all out and do it all over again.. i HATE takin the blue venom out. the buds are soo top heavy.. theres 2 buds that almost fall off cuz theyre so heavy. well.. ill have mthe pics up soon. i dont have work 2day so i have no exuse. lol
Wheres your pics dude? cant wait to check them out...
sticky sticky sticky dank! looks like some tasty herbs people........too bad none of us know what we are doing lmfao........oh yea :D
ughhh... sorry guys again for not havin the pics up... i still hve no interent..and i was in the middle of uploadin pics and i lost connection in the middle.. adn lost all the pics.. adn it happened twice...... but i have a good wifi spot right now. soo im gonna try 2 post them up.. these blue venom buds are really really fattening up now.. i was worried that there wasnt gonna be a big yield.. i was thinkin only an ounce or under.. but looks like there might b more...
Blue Venom


the pic of that lil baby bud thing is the white widow bud i found outside. lol. gonna make another post with the floja pics cuz it wont lemme post them

very nice, looks very tasty let us know how the sample was man. P.S. I think the ww bud is a lost cause rofl
yo chriss man..havnt been on for ages!someone tells me they have legalized it in america???is it true..by the way your plants look sweet mate :)
wat up chris? way to go on that blue venom! looks super dank for sure! just curious when the next update will be! i cant believe your already starting to flower that floja! that shit is gonna be an ever better grow since they seem very vigorous!
Heyyy everyone. Watsup? Ughhhh. I apologize for not updating more. It's just hard. J still have no Internet in my house. So the only way to update is by bringing my laptop outage with me and finding a wifi hotspot. Which can be hard. I promise I will have pics up soon tho. Within the next couple days. The blue venoms soon AMAZING!!!!!!!!!!! Looks like it may take 9 weeks instead of 8 tho. :/ oo well. By the way. The blue venom is turning purple!!! :D MADD happy about that! Lol I've always wanted to grow a purple plant. I will show u the purple in te pics. The rooks is soon great too. 1 was male ad 1 was female. So I got rid of the male and kept the female. It's got a good amount of white hairs. And certain parts on the top of the plant are purple?? Not sure if that's normal. I've never grown a "all purple" strain b4. I will show u in the pics. Also the full moon is doing great as well. Nice and healthy. Will show pics of that too. :)

Ps. The lemon haze died a longggggggg time ago. Lol. An no. Weed is still illegal here in the USA. They decriminalized it tho. So anything under an ounce they can't arrest u for. U just get 100 fine. Well thnx guys for being patient with me while I have no internet. Will have pics up soooooon. :)
aiight guys. im gonna post sumpics up 2day. =) gettin ready to take the plant out in a few. the lower buds are turning nice and purple. ive taken acouple samples.. its got a really sweet and fruity taste.i LOVE it. lol. soooo illl be back. ill also have pics of the floja and full moon too. =) next strain is gonna be Chronic.
heyy watsup guys. ready for sum pics finally!!?? lol. SomeGuy - yea the floja is in flowering. only for 1or 2weeks tho. its got hairs here and there. the top has lil purple things... idk wat they are tho.. not calaxes. looks like skinny skinny leaves?? and the blue venom has purple hues all over.=) and full moon is doin good as well. jsut transplanted it.=) aiiight. heres sum pics for u guysssss

Blue Venom




Full Moon


aiight guys. thats all i got 4 ya for now. gonna chop the blue venom in less than a week. its been 8 weeks in flowering now. it look almost done... but i wanna give it a lil more time. =) tell me wat u guys think. is she ready for chop?
dude that blue venom is beautiful! looks so tasty nice work. I gotta start over with my grow have one kings kush in a single hydroponics system. hate starting over.