** Chris' 3rd CFL Grow ** Blue Venom & Super Skunk & Super Lemon Haze If It Lives

Which Plant Will Produce Better Quality Buds?

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Damn that flojas stem is THICK, MG soil is the way to go haha.

yeaaa u know wat i didnt even real;ize that.. lol. the stem is pretty thick. i was just shakin the planbt side to side (lightly) and it barely moves.=) and yea man... MG is awesome!!

dude that blue venom is beautiful! looks so tasty nice work. I gotta start over with my grow have one kings kush in a single hydroponics system. hate starting over.

awww mannn.. i HATE startin over too... one of the WORSE things to have to do.... =/ but thanks for the compliment. gonna start a new grow jounral in a couple weeks for the Full Moon and the Chronic. =)
cant wait to see that full moon budded! lookin awsome!

yeaaa me too!! the full moon is supposed to be a sativa.... but the way its growing.... it looks more indica to me...? oo well. i like indica better.. i dint wanna try growing a sativa in my small clsoet.=/
hey chris i bought a bottle of quick fix urine 5.7! do you think this will make me pass my piss test! got an interview tonight at a local solar company and really need to pass the test if asked to take some time this or next week! what do you think? I remember you asking something about drug tests what was it that you used? How did it work for you? I have been researching this and found info on bad batches and stuff but how do i tell?
yeaaa i gotta get sum nice close up pics of that floja.. its ot purple hairs i think...? its got purple things comin out the top where all the white hairs are. its lookin great. and im germinating the chronic now too. =)
yeaaa i chopped off most of the small lower buds and left the 3 main colas up for now. gonna take sum pics for u guys an dpost them up soon. and wen i harvest the main colas i will take p[ics of that as well.prob. do that on wednesday.. soo expect the rest of the harvest pics of wed. or thurs. =D also. i planted the chronic.. that seed germinated FAST!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! =D its already got like 1/2 in taproot
kk guys. harvested the rest of the plant., stilll takin pics now. but i gotta go 2 work now. soo i will post them wen i get home tonight. =D they look really good so far. =) no complaints
Blue Venom Harvest

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hope u guys like the pics.. theres 1 pics where 1 of the main buds is just leaning over.. i was just tryna show how HEAVY these buds are. theyre very very very heavy. =) wen i cut off the strings adn twisty ties that i was using to hold the branches up.. the buds immediately leaned over and broke right off.

heres a couple pics of the floja.. these pics are from a few days ago.. i was tryna get a close-up of the main top.. tryna show the purple hairs/ or w.e. they are. lemme know wat u guys think.. lookin at it now.. its very very frosty.. towards the top.. the smaller leaves are completely covered in frost already!! heres the pics.



aiight guys. lemme know wat cha think?
thanks guys... its got like an "earthy" smell.. with a hint of fruity/berry type smell. =) kinda hard to really explain the smello.. but thats the best way i can explain it.. the taste is AMAZING tho. deff the best tasstin bud i've ever smoked.. it has that really fruity/fresh type taste. =) very happy with it. its very very very frosty... almost white. theres alotta purple in it.. but the frost covers most of it so u can see it. lol