Chronikool’z LED + Organic + SOG + Party cup perpetual ‘boxes of fun’ grow!™


Well-Known Member
Day 17 of 12/12

Topped fresh clones in Veg enclosure....(No pic...its a topped clone...Whip-de-do!)

LST'ed fresh 12/12'ers....

Tucked fan leaves on Day 17'ers...

Basked in my glory.... :)


Well-Known Member
Day 25 of 12/12

IMG_5277.jpg are going to be very happy with me...yes thats right....the glass is gone in the floodlights! :)

So growth is chugging along...there are flowers and stuff....and green things....and yip....parties getting started. :)


Well-Known Member
I have noticed they appear much brighter with the glass off....The condensation that was starting to fog up also wasnt helping.


Well-Known Member
I have noticed they appear much brighter with the glass off....The condensation that was starting to fog up also wasnt helping.
I'm glad you brought that up. I was visiting my friends' lab, where I gave them an LED to use, and noticed some "stain" on the lens. I thought it looked like condensation, but didn't mention it to them.
Possibly a sign it is getting too humid during the off hours, perhaps?


Well-Known Member
Thanks for the rep brothers :) wasnt major...but any hindrance to the light passing through to get to source is detrimental. I tended to notice it more at the end of the light cycle....but i usually work on my plants then that dont mean shit... :D


Well-Known Member
Yeah that glass is good for diffusion, but we don't want that. We want all the lumens/PARs/PURs/WWWTWs* one can get from these spots, right? And how are your temps now or are you still to manly for a thermometer? :)

*Whatever We Worship This Week


Well-Known Member
Thats the one Fran....! :) having said that my Veg enclosure floodz have still got the glass on as they grow close...but that isnt as important as the flowering ones in terms of light use.

im not sure what you mean by a thermometer..... :-P


Well-Known Member
LOL. Oh and watch out for those suicide plants! My Tangerine Dream mom goes right for my 12000K and tries to hog up the light but ends up just burning it's tip over and over again. Stupid plant.


Well-Known Member
Hehehehe...Suicide plantz! Damn....soundz like shes (or her clones) just gagging to get smoked....

I cant afford those genetix...yet... :D


Well-Known Member
I just realized i cant smell my ladies when i enter my room....Kinda weird! Another plus of LED's...little heat in the room means little smell...unless i disturb them of course.

The only time i smell them is immediately after lights on...and thats 3 different strains.

So this will be interesting to see if they smell further into the grow....currently no deodorizes in place. :)


Well-Known Member
So i just harvested my outdoor crop....knew it was going to be pretty crap...but one little gem that stuck out was a lone black strain....i have never seen anything this dark...pity i couldnt get better photos of it to do it justice.

Well i wasnt going to let this one get away so i have attempted to do my 1st clone on a all flowering plant....

Take a look.... :)


Good comparison of colours... :)
Attempt at cloning....hmmmm....


Well-Known Member
Wow. That's one weird looking plant. Are you sure it's not from nutrients?

Although, I'll guess you'll find that out if those clones take hold. I'll be curious to see what happens...


Well-Known Member
Weird is right....Nah bruv....the last time i fertilized was the end of February...then just let it go as i was a bit despondent with what was happening there....

Mainly the cold has turned it that shade i believe...i've seen purple but not this...


Well-Known Member
im doubtful your clones will survive. i would start picking calyxes off and add a little N high nutrients to the water. about 1/10 strength.


Well-Known Member
yeah you took em a little too late in flower, bu they might pull though, and purple strain IME tend to take longer to root, and assuming "black" is really a dark shade of purple.


Well-Known Member
Yeah Poly is right^^ as this your first attempt at monstercropping??? N and a little kelp might help the survival %.... starting to see truth behind all those organic grower hailing kelp as a "miracle" product.


Well-Known Member
Thanks team...will add a bit of those nutes to the res and see what biggie if they dont take as it was a bit of a after to try these things.....and never seen it done with a 'Black' strain... :D