Church shooting.

its funny coz 69% of crimes committed in america are committed by white ppl.white ppl are top when it comes to rape,murder,robberies and child molestation etc.but the media tries to make ppl believe blacks are the ones committing all the crimes.also if a muslim person had of shot up a bunch of white ppl like that,he'd be called a terrorist.
its funny coz 69% of crimes committed in america are committed by white ppl.white ppl are top when it comes to rape,murder,robberies and child molestation etc.but the media tries to make ppl believe blacks are the ones committing all the crimes.also if a muslim person had of shot up a bunch of white ppl like that,he'd be called a terrorist.

You're gonna be a hit around here!

shot 9 people dead due to race.


went swimming while black.



its funny coz 69% of crimes committed in america are committed by white ppl.white ppl are top when it comes to rape,murder,robberies and child molestation etc.but the media tries to make ppl believe blacks are the ones committing all the crimes.also if a muslim person had of shot up a bunch of white ppl like that,he'd be called a terrorist.

white christian men have the highest incident of sexual assualt. fact.
shot 9 people dead due to race.


went swimming while black.




as the ex-wife of a police disturbs me to see the above..especially the hand on the gun thing..they all do this..even just walking around with no imminent danger including my ex.
as the ex-wife of a police disturbs me to see the above..especially the hand on the gun thing..they all do this..even just walking around with no imminent danger including my ex.

You married to a police officer? Sure. What made that poor boy have a momentary lapse of reason? He loved the spit polish of his long black piece?
white christian men have the highest incident of sexual assualt. fact.

Only because the Islamic countries dont consider tearing an 8 year old girls vagina in half or a 10 year old boys prolapsed rectum to be " sexual assault " , infact its a governmentally protected right .

You really should read up on sexual pratices worldwide before you proclaim such a definitive statement .
Only because the Islamic countries dont consider tearing an 8 year old girls vagina in half or a 10 year old boys prolapsed rectum to be " sexual assault " , infact its a governmentally protected right .

You really should read up on sexual pratices worldwide before you proclaim such a definitive statement .

peer reviewed study:

Contrary to findings of previous research regarding the influence of religion on nonsexual criminality, for this sample of sex offenders, religiosity was linked to a higher number of sex offense victims and more convictions for sex offenses. Those sex offenders who reported regular church attendance, a belief in supernatural punishment, and religion as important in their daily lives had more known victims, younger victims, and more convictions for sex offenses than the sex offenders who reported irregular or no church attendance and no or less intense allegiance to religious beliefs and practices.
peer reviewed study:

Contrary to findings of previous research regarding the influence of religion on nonsexual criminality, for this sample of sex offenders, religiosity was linked to a higher number of sex offense victims and more convictions for sex offenses. Those sex offenders who reported regular church attendance, a belief in supernatural punishment, and religion as important in their daily lives had more known victims, younger victims, and more convictions for sex offenses than the sex offenders who reported irregular or no church attendance and no or less intense allegiance to religious beliefs and practices.

Your fever to demonize white christian men as being the #1 culprits of pedophilia is not only ignorant as hell but it takes away from the reality of the horror of state sponsored pedophillia within the islamic world which dwarves all other pedophile groups anywhere ,even deniying the fact is as ignorant as holocaust denial but you go ahead & try cause i got alot for ya .

Do yourself a favor & google The Child Brides of Islam before you decide to go down this road with me , while your at it read up on the 8 ,9 & 10 year old Boys of the Bacchabazee that are routinely gang raped by a dozen or more men who pay the boys master for their services , your gonna have a hard road to hoe winning the christian vs muslim pedophilia arguement with me .

Lets start with this rare study done by the female Muslim human rights activist Rooshanie Ejaz, quote , a recent study by the Initiator Human Development Foundation in Karachi found that 21 percent of students at Madrassas (Islamic Schools )have been sexually abused by their teachers, that 52 percent have been sexually harassed, that 28 percent have complained of unpleasant touching, and that 20 percent have complained of forced sex.End quote , if you need citation look it up for yourself as i gave you all the info needed to verify .

That extremely rare study shows 73% of children attending Madrassas ( school ) have been Physically mollested or Sexually Penetrated at school with the remaining 27% being victims of Sexual Harassment, the study conducted by muslims shows a staggering rate where 100% of female school children have been sexual assault victims , show me any single study that shows 100% of female children attending christian schools being sexually assaulted , just 1 will do but you'll never find one.

Your peer review study nonsense is irrelevant posturing as there are none , very few studies have been done let alone peer reviewed studies within the islamic world on this issue because women & children are oppressed in every aspect of their lives in most islamic countries , please deny this , a female is worth 1/4 of a man & will be imprisoned or executed for accusing a man of anything without Atleast 4 wittnesses, children dont even have a voice so not alot of victims are rushing foward to accuse their mollesters in a peer reviewed white paper ,please try making one excuse or denial of these facts i stated ,so far im undefeated on this issue here & would relish another win .

Lets start off with a quick look at some muslim children being mollested under the protection of Islamic Law as well as Islamic controlled Governments , take note of the 1st example of muslim state sponsored molestation of the 8 yr old WIFE in Yemen who needed urgent care to stop internal bleeding from her 40 yr old husband fucking the living shit out of her like a grown woman , show me a single state approved christian example , just one will do but good luck finding it .

The videos of mollested muslim children will become much more graphic as we go along , we will also here from islamic government as well as islamic clerics on the issue & see them defend their rights of pedophillia.

Listen to this 11 year old happy muslim bride & post a video of her state approved christian equivalent sky !

Me & my wife have personally funded the escape & relocation of 2 child brides like her ,this is no isolated shit either its huge within the islamic world .
You wanted citations sky well here they are & right from the holy books of islam .

Heres a video from my favorite arabic atheist explaining exactly how all the islamic books of worship condone pedophillia & at exactly what age sex can legally take place with a child , all statements made in this video are backed up with citations from the quran & hadith .

At the end of the video we get to see muslim clerics agree that men are allowed to have sex with children as young as one year old & rub their cocks between an infants legs in a pratice known as " Thighing " , pretty god damm sick .

Its a long 20 minute video but extremely informative & educational for those not educated in islam & its approval of pedophillia , its a pretty funny video because you get to see all the excuse makers bullshit shot down with citations of holy text but again im sure the " poor oppressed white male " clique will have a denial of its information .
