Church shooting.

slow down speedy, always quick to cause conflict, you're a bit of a contradiction aren't you? Stop sobbing and lashing out and people might make more of an effort to communicate to you do- you- understand?
If you are expecting me to take you seriously, maybe go easy on the sob stories about how you're so oppressed by people who hate your white skin. That jeremiad about how you got your teeth knocked out and stabbed in the face, then had to "murder a lad" all because you're white was the only chance you ever got to squander to be taken seriously.

By the way, how's the life sentence going?
If you are expecting me to take you seriously, maybe go easy on the sob stories about how you're so oppressed by people who hate your white skin. That jeremiad about how you got your teeth knocked out and stabbed in the face, then had to "murder a lad" all because you're white was the only chance you ever got to squander to be taken seriously.

By the way, how's the life sentence going?
this is what keeps me aiming at you, that and knowing you're a p o s. Everything that I write is truth. Your inability to relate is because of your superior self identity. I will prove who I am, not to brag to show you that in this world of categories, there are others that fall between. Our problem is others forcing their own point across and drowning out unheard voices. I live with regrets. Because of my regrets I have taken a hard look at my own prejudices and other personality traits I've displayed. I choose not to argue out of respect, you take advantage because of this. Tell me something ac in your 60 yrs of life, why have you not learned to respect others?
this is what keeps me aiming at you, that and knowing you're a p o s. Everything that I write is truth. Your inability to relate is because of your superior self identity. I will prove who I am, not to brag to show you that in this world of categories, there are others that fall between. Our problem is others forcing their own point across and drowning out unheard voices. I live with regrets. Because of my regrets I have taken a hard look at my own prejudices and other personality traits I've displayed. I choose not to argue out of respect, you take advantage because of this. Tell me something ac in your 60 yrs of life, why have you not learned to respect others?

You poor oppressed white guy...

Since you're so clearly a victim of systematic discrimination, I have this overwhelming sense of sympathy.

Seriously, your sob story was so endearing that I just feel for you and your obviously difficult life.
You have never once handed anyone their ass in an argument, you just derail threads.

Ive handed you & your tag team your ass repeatedly , no matter how much of an apologist you are my foot will allways be in your ass , care to open that door again :bigjoint:

Fukin pedophile appologist.
Well maybe you should stop smoking ditch weed ,its got your brain fucked up if you cant remember what your own hand wrote , dont be such a mush head:dunce:
Calm down, try to breathe, it's just a meltdown, you're going to be fine. Yet again your over sensitivity has caused you to perceive that which never happened. If you were to go back and reread what I wrote, it was an insult directed at you. I never made anything resembling the insult you perceived regarding your wife you retard. That's why I said to quote it. This is the same stunt you pulled on @ChesusRice. He never lobbed insults at your wife either .In fact, I have nothing but respect for a woman who is willing to put up with your overwhelming stupidity.

Now that you're hopefully somewhat relaxed and your nervous breakdown has subsided, have a toke and join the conversation. I never called your wife a whore you dumb motherfucker. Lebanon is a third world country, that's no insult, not on her. Of course a woman from a third world country is invariably desperate to marry an American citizen. If you can't handle the facts, quit talking about her so much. You fucking talk about her constantly.

You brought it up.

You also brought up pedophilia, repeatedly because you clearly can't get pedophilia off your mind. For a guy who flies off the handle so easily on the internet, you sure do declare victory rather prematurely. Why so upset?
If you were to go back and reread what I wrote, it was an insult directed at you. I never made anything resembling the insult you perceived regarding your wife you retard. .Of course a woman from a third world country is invariably desperate to marry an American citizen.

I dont need to go back & read anything because you just posted it again dumbass , you post bullshit like that & then claim its not meant as an insult , gtfo with your double talk , not one sane man here would see that shit you wrote & consider it anything but an insult , 3rd world country & Desperate to marry an American my ass punk shit talker, her family was worth a fortune & didnt need no american money , she's qualified to teach at college's & had a fantastic high paying job not some 3rd world klingon living in desperation you ass , fyi Beirut was a paradise until the 80's & as modern as any US city & still is today just like Iran.

Once again your double talk lies debunked for the bullshit it is .

You also brought up pedophilia,

Wrong & again you tell lies to pull your circular arguement bullshit , i didnt bring up pedophillia cog #3 brought up pedophillia & made ignorant self serving false claims as fact ! After i fully debunked her bullshit you rode in on your white horse to save her, injected yourself as an authority & got your bullshit arguement stomped down as well , and yes you lost horribly so suck on it, appologist ostrich .

So there's 2 cases of you being a liar & twisting facts just in this thread , very common with you & fyi i wouldnt be so hung up on pedophillia if sick fucks like you didnt make excuses for pedophiles cause your too busy being self righteous , a quick shot in the arm of the pedophile predators you fully support & make excuses for , you brought it up so suck on this !

On a more relevant note I just finished watching "American History X"
Ed Norton did a really good job showing the supremacist culture and it's weakness'

Was gonna ask the other day but got tied up in a conflict with a mush head so i'll ask today .

1 What message did you think that movie was trying to show .

2 Did you think the friendship between Ed Norton & Guy Torrey in prison is an accurate portrayal of how whites & blacks socialize within the prison system .

3 Are you aware that there were 2 racist gangs portrayed in the movie ?

Most people miss the message intended by the writer .
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The guy doesn't just have his hand on his gun, he is about to draw his gun as a young man with his hand behind his back comes toward the officer. Watch the video, you can hear the officer tell the other officer that "he might have a weapon". He never drew the gun on anyone though.

If you are walking around with your hand on your gun all the time, you might have inadequacy issues.

his hand is near the gun..their hands are always near the gun in case they have to unstrap takes time because of the way it's strapped've got two snaps to undo to the best of my recollection.
Was gonna ask the other day but got tied up in a conflict with a mush head so i'll ask today .

1 What message did you think that movie was trying to show .

2 Did you think the friendship between Ed Norton & Guy Torrey in prison is an accurate portrayal of how whites & blacks socialize within the prison system .

3 Are you aware that there were 2 racist gangs portrayed in the movie ?

Most people miss the message intended by the writer .

1)What message did you think that movie was trying to show?
Imo, this was all about the consequences of your actions. How sometimes loved ones can suffer for things we do.

2) I have never been to prison, but I have been locked up for a few weeks in a county jail. I would have to say that was a pretty fair portrayal of todays correctional facitities. My biggest issue with the relationship is, being that Ed Norton was a well known Skinhead, I doubt Guy Torrey would have been so quick to accept him.

3)Of course, there were more than just 2, but only 2 named.
Are you asking me if I realized that the crips were just as racist as the skinheads?
Just seems like a weird question.
how many more gun massacres do we need to endure before we realize that guns are the problem, and not the solution?

I will agree that guns are the problem but answer me this , wtf do we as a country do about the guns ? Making hand guns illegal will only take away weapons from people like me & my wife who dont want to hurt anybody , the criminals & maniacs like that Roof fuckstick aint gonna turn their guns in if made illegal.
I will agree that guns are the problem but answer me this , wtf do we as a country do about the guns ? Making hand guns illegal will only take away weapons from people like me & my wife who dont want to hurt anybody , the criminals & maniacs like that Roof fuckstick aint gonna turn their guns in if made illegal.

lower magazine capacity.

some recent gun massacres have been stopped or victims have been able to escape while the shooter goes to reload.
1)What message did you think that movie was trying to show?
Imo, this was all about the consequences of your actions. How sometimes loved ones can suffer for things we do.

2) I have never been to prison, but I have been locked up for a few weeks in a county jail. I would have to say that was a pretty fair portrayal of todays correctional facitities. My biggest issue with the relationship is, being that Ed Norton was a well known Skinhead, I doubt Guy Torrey would have been so quick to accept him.

3)Of course, there were more than just 2, but only 2 named.
Are you asking me if I realized that the crips were just as racist as the skinheads?
Just seems like a weird question.

Avery Brooks & Edward Norton are 2 of our favorite actors so we bought the collectors edition of the movie & in the extras the writers intent was to go much deeper than racism & show that hate is futile & non productive , he speaks of racism being a catalyst for many disenfranchised youth who have no hope , i think most viewers get the message about racism being fucked but miss how hate is equally destructive ,the character avery brooks plays talks to ed norton about how his hate in his youth caused his life to stagnate , i thought it was pretty deep for the character to reflect back as a man & see how hate held him back in his youth , many miss that message , i did until i watched the extras then the movie a 2nd time .

The movie may reflect county jail life but is highly innacurate about being incarcerated in a large prison , races dont mingle for the most part within large prisons & in many institutions a black & white man being friends can get both killed by the gangs , ive been in 2 of the largest prisons in the US & in both races dont mingle or cohabitate , inmates are segregated by the prison staff as much as possible , imo the forced segragation in prisons only creates more hate between the races & teaches people to be hate mongers or racists when they get out , i think the movie failed to show how the institutions create racists .

The 2nd racist gang i was speaking about wasnt the crips , thats pretty self explainatory in the movie , the 2nd gang most viewers miss is the Aryan Brotherhood within the prison , most think its the same thing as the skinheads outside & dont realize the level of violence from the gangs inside dwarves the level of racial violence outside , inside racism is last on their agenda with extortion, prostitution & drugs being their main focus & that goes for gangs of all colors inside .

I just wanted to put some light on how the gangs in prison are so much more violent than gangs on the outside tword people of their same color , they aint your friend & will suck you dry , i think the movie failed to show how the gangs prey on their own race , the movie made prison seem like its an ok place to be & kids watching that fake prison shit glorifies being a convict which is dangerous for kids to think .

I think if hollywood is gonna make movies about that shit they have an obligation to make sure they show everything how it really is like the movie American Me tried to do .
lower magazine capacity.

some recent gun massacres have been stopped or victims have been able to escape while the shooter goes to reload.

I'd be ok with that because anymore than 6 shots & your in a war , it'd be a start but the gun nuts & especially the nra lobby wont go for that , some of those whackos want fully auto legalized.
Avery Brooks & Edward Norton are 2 of our favorite actors so we bought the collectors edition of the movie & in the extras the writers intent was to go much deeper than racism & show that hate is futile & non productive , he speaks of racism being a catalyst for many disenfranchised youth who have no hope , i think most viewers get the message about racism being fucked but miss how hate is equally destructive ,the character avery brooks plays talks to ed norton about how his hate in his youth caused his life to stagnate , i thought it was pretty deep for the character to reflect back as a man & see how hate held him back in his youth , many miss that message , i did until i watched the extras then the movie a 2nd time .

The movie may reflect county jail life but is highly innacurate about being incarcerated in a large prison , races dont mingle for the most part within large prisons & in many institutions a black & white man being friends can get both killed by the gangs , ive been in 2 of the largest prisons in the US & in both races dont mingle or cohabitate , inmates are segregated by the prison staff as much as possible , imo the forced segragation in prisons only creates more hate between the races & teaches people to be hate mongers or racists when they get out , i think the movie failed to show how the institutions create racists .

I grew up in a very racist household, I mean really bad. Racist religious extremists. But growing up in NY and going to a non "zoned" school I had friends of every shape, size and color. One of my best friends in high school was a white dude named Kyle. He just didnt match up to all the hate filled images I had seen of the "white devil". I quickly learned to question everything, especially the stuff they have no explanation for like race and religion.

This whole race idea has to much bearing on todays culture. Institutions use "the race card" to keep us divided.
The whole idea came about with the slaves. It was a way of justifying the ownership of a human being because they look different.

On another note Ed Norton is one of my favorites also. Primal Fear is one of my favs and Fight Club was good also.

Just so we dont start any since I grew up racist I must still be racist nonsense, here is me and some RIU homies in Denver a few months back. When we did it up the only color that mattered was green.
Repping da 6
lower magazine capacity.

some recent gun massacres have been stopped or victims have been able to escape while the shooter goes to reload.
Which shootings are these? There is no evidence lower capacities decrease deaths, deter crimes or stop shootings. If everyone is so he'll bent on calling this terrorism, then you have to understand that the worst event of domestic terrorism in this country never had one shot fired. We as a people need to stop blaming inanimate objects for our shortcomings and start coming together to decrease ignorance, end hate and in a lot of cases, take responsibility for one another and reach out to help the people we see who are in need of it.
Which shootings are these?

in tucson, jared loughner was stopped when he dropped his magazine reloading. a guy on the scene with concealed carry was too afraid to take out his gun and start shooting, fearing he'd be mistaken for the shooter and killed.

several children were able to flee the adam lanza massacre when he went to change magazines.

there's probably more, those are the two most recent ones i know of though.