Ckrogue First grow, Micro PC Grow Journal.


Well-Known Member
After about 2 weeks of getting things all set up, I am now in the final stretch of starting a plant. I am just waiting on my 6500k bulbs and timer to be delivered but in the mean time I am going to start germing 4 bag seeds.

My set up: IMAG0074.jpgIMAG0075.jpgIMAG0076.jpg

-4 26 watt 2700k CFL's
-6 23 watt 6500k CFL's (I will only be using 6 bulbs at once, possibly 8 if I can find a way to mount 2 more bulbs)
-Small PC case (16 inches tall, about 7 inches deep)
-2 PC fans unknown air movement
-Inside of case covered in a car windshield sun reflector

I plan on keeping the plant and pot inside of the case for the first few weeks, then taking the pot out and putting it in a box under the case and have the plant grow through a hole in the bottom of the case to maximize space. I will also have a screen to SCROG put in once the plant is ready to start training.

This is just a trial to see what kind of yield I can get from a bag seed before seeing if its worth it to order a few better strains. Any input, positive or negative, is welcome seeing as how this is my first real attempt at growing.


Well-Known Member
Nice clean setup looks good! I would suggest running it for a test run with all bulbs on just to see what the temps are like. Look forward to the grow


I'm diggin that box mane! I think your box is about the same size as mine. I dunno... gotta check the measurements. I'm looking forward to your grow as well as my own that just started 3 days ago. Good luck and I hope you get some nice dank weed!!


Well-Known Member
So I went to get a thermometer today and my box seems to be running hot. It is running at around 98 with the removable side on, but when I take it off and just face the open side towards the wall the temp drops to around 80-86, do any of you think I will have any problems if I do the grow without the side?

I am going to go to the hydro store to grab some rapid rooters and some fox farm ocean forest soil tomorrow because I happen to have found someone with a purple kush plant (or at least that's what they said it was) and just take a clone off that.


Active Member
you can try running 3 bulbs and see what the temps are like. maybe get a higher cfm exhaust fan. keep the intake what it is at, you dont want the lower intake blowing on ur plants hard. maybe get creative and try to mount the bulbs horizontal instead of vertical, mainly to keep the heat at the top.


Well-Known Member
Right now they are both exhaust, from what I read on another sites micro grow section they said a intake isn't necessary, but I am just a noob so I don't know if that's true. with the side off the temp is around 86-92, which I don't think is too good now is it? I might have some temp issues in my closet and have no where else to put my PC :(


Well-Known Member
Found a big box fan and just put that in the closet, temps started dropping right away!p Gonna check on it again in a little, but I also went to the hydro store today and bought some rapid rooters and fox farm ocean forest, so once my seeds germ I will be ready. Will upload more pics when they are worth seeing.


Well-Known Member
hey so im looking at your setup, and how your saying you want to do things, and i think everything looks really good man, the space is going to be tight, you probably wont get big yield but ive seen PC case grows on here before that looked pretty good.
So heres what i wanted to throw out there...once your plant grows up through the hole in the bottom of you PC case to maximize space as you put were you planning to water your plant and move it around and what not after its grown larger than the hole in the bottom of the PC, at this point you cant just pull it back through, so are you going to be remaining stationary the entire grow or what?

Also with your PC fans, take the lower one and flip it around for your intake, trust me you want an intake to bring in fresh Co2 rich air for your baby..also i think it will keep the interior much cooler with your lights, especially if you keep the ambient temps outside the box semi cool, probably in the low 70s the inside of your box should stay in the high 70s..its for sure not going to hurt a thing trying it i right?


Well-Known Member
The hole is going to be about as big as the top of the pot so I will still be able to water it easily, and I'm hoping the branch doesn't get like 7 inches in diameter because my plant would be massive for the case.


Well-Known Member
yeah see im saying once your plant goes into flowering, its going to explode atleast double if not triple in size..could fill the entire case fairly easily..I say try it out, theres only one real way to learn if u ask me and thats hands on trial and error, im going through the same stuff at the moment im a new grower myself. Just a suggestion, if it was me, now im not saying you can afford seeds, but if you can, id look for a good lowrider or short autoflower type like what im growing..
The left one is 22 days old and showing preflowers under 18/6 lighting and the other is 17 days old..The left one had some stunting from a prior transplant, the one on right has been going hard since day 1. See how they are nice and short and staying inside the pot..i expect them to double hopefully triple in size. Also you going to have to look into LST training along with your SCROG to keep it manageable inside your PC
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oh and one more piece of not sure if this is your first grow or not, but ill just throw it out there..dont over love your babies..i know its not hard but they are hardy plants, and need very little attention, just good light, good airflow, and good grow medium, dont need to give nutes for atleast 2-3 weeks..let the plants tell you when they are hungry or thirsty instead of over doing of luck to ya bro, hope you get some dank that knocks you on your ass!


Well-Known Member
Out of the 3 bagseeds I germmed, 1 popped, I lost one and the other is still in the bag not showing signs of anything. I dropped the one that did pop in to a rapid rooter and it's already grown a few cm. Also, I got my 6500k bulbs today!!!! So I am now running 7 bulbs, 4 2700k 26 watts and 3 6500k 23 watts. Temps stay around the high 70's and low 80's (never above 81).

I decided I'm going to just not use the removable side and keep it all in my closet with the door open since stealth isn't a huge issue but some must be maintained.

Here's a few more pics.

The one on the right is the one that was germmed and the one on the left was just dropped in to a RR because I wanted to see if it would work. Seeds were nothing special so I'm not too worried.


I know I'm going to just end up using my full closet for the grow and maybe just using the box as a clone box. I will show the work I do to my closet after I get paid next friday but will keep updates with the seelings


Well-Known Member
Well here's a little update on what I have been up to. I pulled my outdoor plant inside and it ppretty much went in to shock, losing almost every fan leaf. But earlier I was able to buy a timer so its lights off for the first time tonight. The top seems to have new growth and hopefully it doesn't turn hermie from all this stress.

Right now it is under 5 23 watt 6500k bulbs and 2 26 watt 2700k bulbs about 5 inches above the plant (I was afraid that the lights may have been causing a problem even though I felt NO heat between the plant and lights when they were only 2 inches from the tops sooooooooo......)

Heres a few pics of my failing plant, but hopefully I will be able to clip a clone off my uncles soon. Its a type of kush plant and it looking a lot better than mine even though it is super stretched.IMAG0086.jpgIMAG0085.jpgIMAG0084.jpg


Well-Known Member
Wouldn't it be far easier to have one large bulb, rather than 7 smaller ones?
From what I have read about CFL's it is better to have more of lower wattage so you can spread them around the plant more, even though currently I have all 7 above until I go buy another power strip. But anyways I have taken that clone I was speaking of and it seems to be doing okay.

I am using the simple water in a cup method for the clone, but one thing I have noticed is that what would be the main stem has turned purple in the past 2 days since I took the cutting and it is drooping but have read that is normal for this method. But other than that the leaves are still a bright green and the top even produced a pair of pistils. Hopefully it will get some root bumps in the next week or so and I can toss it in a rapidrooter and let start turning on more of my bulbs, I'm only using 4 right now 3 6500k and 1 2700k.

Here's some pics of what I'm currently working with:



Well-Known Member
Been a while since my last update, and a lot has happened. I put the clone in a rapid rooter after seeing 2 hair thin roots from soaking in the water. Within 5 days I saw a thick white root poking through and I put it in a coffee container with FFOF soil. It has been under 18/6 the whole time and right now it is 2 weeks and a few days in to veg. I made a ghetto CFL reflector but my set up seems to be doing a great job.
I have been watering every 3-4 days with plain tap water, depending on how damp the soil is with the 2 inch rule. For my first grow that I am putting effort in to I think I am doing good.

Here's some pics of my progress over the past few weeks, but now that I have something to observe I will be able to update more frequently.
IMAG0095.jpg1st root! Even though she looks terrible she's a trooper and is now amazing me.
IMAG0097.jpgNew growth a few days after put into soil.
IMAG0106.jpgIMAG0107.jpg About a week and a half in soil
IMAG0111.jpgIMAG0108.jpgIMAG0112.jpg About 3-4 days ago (2 weeks in to veg)
IMAG0123.jpgIMAG0121.jpgIMAG0122.jpg Last night, before I LST'ed her today...Will put up some more pics later, she looks great tied down.


Well-Known Member
No one has any insight on how my first grow is looking? I guess I'm doin okay since no one has started listing off problems with the plant!


Well-Known Member
Another update, but nothing really new. She seems to be bushing out nicely. I was wanting to take clones off of her in about another week or so but some people have said that clones of clones don't usually produce well and therefore aren't worth taking, any insight on this?

Temps have been between mid-high 80's during the day even up to 92 and around 75-80 at night before the lights go out.

I have no idea on when I was going to start nutes, I have FF Grow Big and Big Bloom and still need the 3rd part. I have the recommended feeding chart but I should start with 1/4 or 1/2 dosage and work up from there correct? Since she is in FFOF soil I figured she'd be good the first month or so and she should start feeding after the 3rd week. But yeah if any of you could help me with the FF nutes I'd greatly appreciate that.

Here's some pics since I started tying her down.

IMAG0126.jpgIMAG0127.jpgIMAG0128.jpg First time gettin tied down 2 days ago.

IMAG0130.jpgIMAG0131.jpgIMAG0132.jpgIMAG0133.jpg Re did some of the holds on her, added another 2700k bulb. Things seem to be going great so far. From today.



Well-Known Member
I got all excited to see there was a new post and it wasn't even about my plant :( lol. Oh well guess I'll pack another bowl and get started on this paper......