clones not rooting in aeroponic cloner

Give them some time , also I would highly recommend hxxp://

Since iv'e used the cloner's with just rhizotonic 1ml per litre, and that stuff listed above(just misting them once a day with that stuff) ,I leave them for 1-2 week. I genuinely feel I would need to go out my way to kill the cutting using this system.

Where as before it I had prob the worst track record for cutting's you could ever imagine . I'm a monster when I think of all the baby's I killed :(.
i too have done the same. it took me 3 weeks to get roots out of the girls but it was all my fault.
the container i used was letting light in big time.
testing for light is easy just take a clone so you can see inside, if it's not dark inside you have a light problem.
you'll need to cover the walls and lid of the container with black bags until you can replace it.

the other problem i had was that some clones rooted faster than others. the rooted clones wanted nuts and the leaf tips turned yellow.
you can use a tablespoon of bloom nuts to feed them.

out of 80 clones 79 root now. the one that dies is because of my spray system, it doesn't get to it so i'm just going to run the air line into that hole next time.
also you may want to swap around the rooted clones with the non rooted ones i think that sometimes some spots are better for the clones to root than others, it maybe the way i cut them but it gives me something to do too :).

if after 6 hours the clone is standing that means it's getting water and it's ok. if after a week there's still no roots i'd be thinking of light leaks or ph (best not to let it go a week). but you have to keep an eye on the ph too and don't have the sprays 24/7 because you want them to go looking for the water 15min on and 15 min off is fine, you can even turn off the pump at lights out too but i like to have a mid night spray after 2 hours (just to keep them wet) there's is another problem i noticed with the 24/7 systems, the pump heats up the water too much, you don't want to cold but you do want to try and keep it around room temperature

imho i think it's best not to use rooting powder in a homemade aero cloner. i have tested it on mine and i get better results with just gel on the steams and plain water (ph fixed). i tested with just power, with just gel and a combo of power and gel. the one's that turned out the best results were the gel only clones. it maybe a brand problem but your better running your own tests too.

i was getting the clones into veg midway week 4 (3.5), but now midway week 2 (1.5)they are ready for veg.

hope this helps.
happy growing.
you guys are funny. i actually do have 5-7 day roots... I use both a bubble cloner and a homemade aero cloner...they root in roughly the same time but some strains are a little harder to root so they get set in the bubble cloner....

OP get yourself a 30 dollar panda timer off of ebay... 1 minute on 4 minutes off.... throwing a timer on gives a slight time to dry... this doesnt dry them out enough to hurt just enough to make them shoot roots to search for water. OR a fun experiment, throw them in complete darkness for a day or 2 and then look for roots....
you guys are funny. i actually do have 5-7 day roots... I use both a bubble cloner and a homemade aero cloner...they root in roughly the same time but some strains are a little harder to root so they get set in the bubble cloner....

OP get yourself a 30 dollar panda timer off of ebay... 1 minute on 4 minutes off.... throwing a timer on gives a slight time to dry... this doesnt dry them out enough to hurt just enough to make them shoot roots to search for water. OR a fun experiment, throw them in complete darkness for a day or 2 and then look for roots....

a panda timer eh? ...these don't use programs ? just xxmins on xx mins off? ...the problem with my timers they only have 20 prg pr day..... so setting them 5on5off would use up lots of programs....
maybe give it another week. my aero ccloner works great. the only problem i ran into was i got some clonex cloning solution. not the gel stuff for cloning but nutrients for cloning solution. i read the instructions and they were all wrong. started getting salt buildup. always go weak if using a cloning solution. probably would even just work with water. i know plants cant take in the nutrients anyway until they have roots unless you foliar feed. also when using my aero cloner i never mist or even use a humidity dome. i cut them 2-4 inches but also do fine cutting them bigger. when the roots get an inch or so long i transplant to soil or my single DWC.

you say your plants still look healthy and all. you're probably doing everything right, just wait a bit more. also you have an air stone right? i tried without one once wiht terrible luck. after adding one it made a world of difference. even with aero you should always keep the water oxygenated.

my instructions for my sunleaves aero cloner say to run it 24/7. i've tried putting it on a timer and noticed no difference in time. shouldnt need to let your roots dry out if you keep enough oxygen in the water. i've only did this test once and it wasnt really that scientific though so i really dont want to say for sure.

all you should really have to do it check the ph, keep it 5.8-6.2. i usually only have to change mine the next day after the water temp is more stabilized. then it stays around 6.
Also its not always true aerocloners are faster than rockwool just easier and less maintence. EZCloners have some magic powers I've seen roots in less than a week, I made mine just like it but somethings different not sure what? In fact look the first pic close at the top there's two humidity domes with trays of clones behind the aerocloner, its my all else fails option in case something fails, sometimes I even move rooted clones that rooted quicker in the rockwool into the aerocloner to let the roots take off. I like straight out the aerocloner vs cubes because the way the roots drop, I do hydro and they go in net cups that need to sit in recirculating water, rockwool molds on me and the roots are never abundant and long enough. Also having a healthy mother and different genetics has all the factor in when they'll root. I have a durban poison in the pic I posted that I know I can expect 35 rooted clones in less than 3 weeks. Grape ape, forget it, I'm lucky to get my whole table rooted in the time I need them.
The difference with the rockwool cubes is that the stems are still sitting in the rooting hormone untill it does its thing. With the cloners, you get an initial dose of the hormone and its popped in the cloner where its constantly sprayed. That gel or powder hormone you just used is at best highly diluted into the water circulating through your system. Add Temperature fluctuations, and inability to maintain proper ph in your reservoir and you add days on to your wait. Humidity domes for rooters, but not needed for the cloners. In my experience these are facts! Instagram @Jethro_Clampett707
yep need callus material to form over the cut and the rest of the chem the plant sends to that freshly cut area will become roots. mine took over 2 weeks to take, and that was a kush, but i may have fed it with a nitrogen rich feed b4 i took the cuts, that could have played a big part in it. did you feedc them b4 you took them?
you said water they shouldn't have it dripping from them?????? thats ok, its the oxygen in the water thats important. they could be submerged in the water and as long as the oxygen is there your good. so no matter how much they get on them from sprayers, your still good