Club T5

Just to put things in perspective:

20 dollars can buy a replacement 400W HPS lamp. The HPS would beat those high end bulbs.

27 dollars can buy a vero 29, which has a test power of 77W. The vero 29 destroy those T5 yields.

32 dollars will buy you a "premium" T5 tube which is 52W and would be clobberred by either the HPS or the vero 29.

And the T5 need to be replaced relatively frequently or their efficiency drops quicky! You're suckers for following this guy. You could easily get a 400W or 600W HPS and put an end to all your nonsense.
Hey man , cobs can't even grow a proper head of lettuce, T5's can :P
Congratulations, you just effectively came over to the T5 section and did the exact thing you guys bitch about over in the LED threads when guys go over there bashing your LED's........ :clap:

Just about to say that. Lmfao I was like wtf HPS? Hid? We're talking about t5 bulbs.....

Asshat award goes to.....
Genetics is one thing.......but without the proper set up you most likely wont get the yield and size as others with a proper set up.

Thats like putting a ferrari motor in a honda civic and expecting it to handle like a ferrari. Not gunna happen.
you're not gonna change our minds. How bout you go post useless info in an HPS thread 8)

I might not change your mind, but if I manage to convince just one of your misguided followers, I'll feel like I have done a service for this section.
People talk a lot about the LED cult, but at least they have a rational motive. You people here just want to blindly spend your money. You're listening to a root boiler for christ sake. He believes in using a poor spectrum consisting of way too much blue. Fine if he wants to do it for himself, but actually tries to convince noobs that his quality is 10x better than average as a result and then will try to redirect people to his 6 dollar book.

This guy is a con artist and the consequence is that a lot of noobs will spend their lighting budget on useless crap. 32 dollars a tube is insane. I thought marineglo at 20 dollars a tube was insane...
People talk a lot about the LED cult, but at least they have a rational motive. You people here just want to blindly spend your money. You're listening to a root boiler for christ sake. He believes in using a poor spectrum consisting of way too much blue. Fine if he wants to do it for himself, but actually tries to convince noobs that his quality is 10x better than average as a result and then will try to redirect people to his 6 dollar book.

This guy is a con artist and the consequence is that a lot of noobs will spend their lighting budget on useless crap. 32 dollars a tube is insane. I thought marineglo at 20 dollars a tube was insane...
How many members have you had over to smoke your buds?
If you only knew or even had a clue LMFAO

You keep saying things like this, but don't realize that you're just a small time grower like me. The biggest difference is that you're still stuck on trying these neat colored fluorescent tubes and have convinced yourself that your huge investment must have made a difference on your quality, but the reality is that your quality is not 10x better than the average weed here. Genetics decides most of that. I don't buy for a second that your stuff is better than identical clones grown under HPS.

But misery loves company right? You want others to waste a ton of money on this crap too so you can all realize together how you could have spent that large sum of money on something that's actually good.
How many members have you had over to smoke your buds?

That report you showed said 25% THCA, right? Isn't that average? (good, but average). You grow weed, not miracles. Everyone with good genetics has 25% weed. Get over yourself.

You must be having bad memories of a time when "mids" still existed. There's no such thing as "mids" anymore. Everyone and their grandmother grows 25% weed these days.
I don't buy for a second that your stuff is better than identical clones grown under HPS.
and yet it is and not only that but one of my followers @DCobeen did a side by side. Same clone one under T5's, one under HPS and guess what the T5 buds were better. Dude just get over yourself.
Genetics is one thing.......but without the proper set up you most likely wont get the yield and size as others with a proper set up.

Thats like putting a ferrari motor in a honda civic and expecting it to handle like a ferrari. Not gunna happen.
I've seen pro-grows, I'm a senior citizen on a fixed income, my grows have only been micro, 1 gal pots, roots org. soil, 2 ft T5, I'm satisfied, others are as well. The k.i.s.s. method yields better than most think. I encourage anyone to not spend money on this. T5's are adequate for most people. !4 hrs, no topping, soil, small amounts of nutes. It should be legal soon enough. I spent less than the price of a half O for mine. I hope that helps any novice growers. Adios!
But for the price of 32 dollars a 52W tube, you could get a vero29 for 27 dollars and run it at 52W. That means it would be cheaper to replace all your costly LEDs than it would to replace all your T5 tubes. Way more light. Way better light. Never have to change the bulbs.
But for the price of 32 dollars a 52W tube, you could get a vero29 for 27 dollars right now and run it at 52W. That means it would be cheaper to replace all your costly LEDs than it would to replace all your T5 tubes. Way more light. Way better light. Never have to change the bulbs.
Not our fault you think cheap, and it's true saving money is important for some folks. But for some the investment returns are equally important 8)