Coco Growers Unite!


Well-Known Member
Full body couch lock face melter after a 9 week flower -
But a cerebral high at 8 wks, with euphoric tendencies.
Smells great, taste is average.

Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
cheers man! im looking for a pleasant up giggly high with a great taste im thinking im going to have to grow a personal stash of a sativa strain, i guess i could take any hybrid early to achieve that but i want something at its peak

mr west

Well-Known Member
lol I said it in jest lol. Nice yeild from a lemon skunk man i grew one from ghs and it was piss poor yeilder. My misses has a small mouth lol makes my old boy look massif.


Well-Known Member
lol I said it in jest lol. Nice yeild from a lemon skunk man i grew one from ghs and it was piss poor yeilder. My misses has a small mouth lol makes my old boy look massif.
Lol, that was a man defence from me, for the "small hands" comment :lol:.


only just found this thread!

i have fem cheese in cann coco medium, after germing i put the seedling straight into this..its growing on its second set of leaves check my grow journal...i only have the cann coco A+B!? no perlite in the mix...etc im a complete noob!

seeing as this is a coco crazy thread any tips to what i should do to these bad boys to improve them!?



Well-Known Member
The most reliable method for measuring the nutrient levels in Coco is using the 1:1.5 extraction method. EC and pH of the root environment can be determined by using this method. The pH and EC of the drain water generally deviates from the actual root situation, as Coco is able to retain and release elements.

  1. Take a sample of Coco from the slabs or pots. This can be done with a soil core sampler or a trowel.
    To get a representative sample the Coco must be collected from as many places as possible.
  2. Put the sample in a bowl and determine whether it contains the right amount of moisture. The Coco has the right amount of moisture if moisture disappears between your fingers when you squeeze it (photo 2).
    Add demineralized water if necessary and mix the Coco.

  3. Take a 250 ml measuring jug and fill it with 150 ml of demineralised water.
    Add Coco to the 250 ml mark. Fully mix and allow the slurry to settle for at least two hours.
  4. Mix again and measure the pH.
  5. Filter this material and measure the EC.

It is advisable to perform a 1:1.5 analysis after 3 to 4 weeks. The target values for EC are between 1.1 and 1.3, for the pH, between 5.3 and 6.2. Very high EC values increase the risk of burning symptoms. To limit the risk of burning symptoms, the Coco can be rinsed with acidified water ( PH 5.8 )



so im still haveing problem staring my seeds off in roots organic coco and i flushed the coco before puting them in there because last time the seed turn yelow very quick like a burn.but this time i started them off in 12 to 16 oz party beer cups with flush coco they looked awsome but now they look like they have stop grow.they are 12 day old.on there 1 set still.would you guy think it would be better if i mix half and half with some straight coco fibers?Im new to coco but i have a aero set up going right now and going great.just cant start off in roots coco just dont get it any ideas.


Can anyone tell me whats wrong with my plant? this is one out of three all the same strain from same mother.

The other 2 are going mint still lush as pics in profile.

This ones leaves have gone a pale green or something and the leaves are folding downwards and are dry and britle.

Rep to anyone who can figure this one out:!: I've searched the net and books and cant come up with a good answer.
I've flushed with no difference and my ph/ppm is correct it may of flucuated a week or so ago tho. i am so close to a great smoke crop! please help:leaf::leaf:



Well-Known Member
il tell you what is going on with your plant, it is dying! we need a more detailed report of what you have done throughout the grow. post with the most detailed explanation of how you are growing this plant. the next questions that are about to come are all regarding this.