compact floresent lights (tubes)Help!!


Well-Known Member
ermmmmmm not really .... you need 6500K and 2700k really (which is code 865 & 827 in these bulbs) ... i'm not saying it won't be of any use but its not what your looking for... you need to get more cfl's or other lighting i'm affraid


Well-Known Member
This is newbie central, where people like you clearly don't know squat, and I am offering far better options for growing.

What is wrong with trying to help and to educate?
Nah Brick Top, you're wrong again.
Have you been drinking?

Trying to help is one thing. You came on this thread to spread your hate.

The op asked:
hi i need to know the distance to keep my lights from my plants there 2 compact floresent tubes 2ft not sure of the watts tho? :???:
Your response:
The answer to that is however far away from your plants your trashcan is.

Buy some HID lighting. You will be glad you did.
Hate and opinion. You call THAT advice?


Well-Known Member
And to think that it only took 39 years and about 8 or 9 months of growing to get as ignorant as I am when it comes to what works best.
rofl, you been growing for 8 or 9 months and you have the nerve to call me a newbie.. your a fuking asshole flamer, go back to your wow and spread your ignorance and hate there.


Well-Known Member
Dukez, sorry for these idiots spamming the BS. If you can afford HPS they do grow best, but not all conditions allow and for 2 plants in a small grow area CFL is not a bad choice. You will get smaller yeilds but you are growing your own with minium financial input from you, and if you cannot re-wire and cut duct holes in your building then CFL is even more suited. I seen someone show you the link early on for CFL growing guide.. read it, then read it again. The last thing you want is to have 4000K lights over your plants.

I actually use 4x100w CFL 2700K homemade UFO's per 4x4 area in my 4x8 tent. have a 135w LED in middle of each also for just over 500watts of light per 4x4 area. The 135w LED actually shines much better than the HPS , lot cooler too! LED is not close to what the sellers say in comparisons though. a 90w LED is NOT like a 400w HPS but more like a 200w HPS at most. the only thing the same on a 90w LED and 400w HPS is cost. I try to space out my veg room so i have a plant harvested every week to two weeks, perpetual grow. So that's why these plants look like they are in different stages, they are. 11.20.11Panview.jpg


Well-Known Member
asshole flamer LMAO

i did notice 7000+ posts about Obama being a cock.... now where did i put my banjo??


so should i add my 2 45w cfl spiral bulbs? i should be able to get the temps ok!! thanks for everyones input so far, yes im runnin on a budget im jus lookin to get a grow under my belt, ill upgrade my setup as soon as i get my job jus wanted to keep my tingly fingers busy lol


Well-Known Member
yeah mate .... get the 6500k cfl's ... then 2700k for flowering...... and i can highly recomend HID lighting when you upgrade :-)


Well-Known Member
keep lights as close as possible till where the canopy stays at a warm summers day temp. and hps is great if it works for you. great yield great bud. but tht isnt always realistic if your growing in a small area a huge super hot light wont work. i grow with cfls and am getting some tasty bud, not the highest yeild but its quality. i own a hps and dont use it.View attachment 1897404


Well-Known Member
Ok to help clear some things up:

1) BrickTop has been growing for decades...hes an old fart...set in his HID ways...though his information is usually pretty spot on...he was basically trying to say from the getgo, if you can afford it buy some HID lights and don't look back...

2) CFL's can be used to grow weed, but you have to have the correct color spectrums for the stage of growth(more 6500k in veg, more 2700k in flower), you keep them as close as possible without burning the plant(usually 1-2"), and use reflectors...simple as that...

3) I personally have grown with T12's(sucked big ol failure popcorn buds), CFL's in a small case(worked ok, but meh), now 150watt HPS's and even though they are very low wattage dear god does it make a huge difference...


Well-Known Member
aggghhhh Massah always the voice of reason, all three points when worded so elegently make perfect sense, and yes we all need help form old timers and anyone who knows there stuff from time to time.... i'm sure you can understand its not always what you say.... but the way that you say it that matters
my point is and always has been help them without braggin and putting people down ... or fuck off and don't help.... simple as that! and thats the way i say it


Well-Known Member
i would purchase some more bulbs for your hood in the correct spectrum, otherwise its going to be a wste even having it on. get 1 6500k bulb and 1 2700k bulb for that light fixture you have then maybe 4 decent CFL bulbs and stagger them on the sides of your plants.

definatly no pro grower but thats what i would do. there are planty of people who use CFL and get good results with them you just need to know how to use them correctly.

i am also sick and tired of hearing people scream HID the second they see someone growing with flouro's and dont want to offer any advice on what that person already has to work with.

Brick Top

New Member
Brick, its ok man...if you see dude's grow journal you'll understand why he thinks he knows it all ;)

Much of what I know has come from nearly 40 years of growing. That's more decades of growing than many members here have years of growing. That's more decades of growing than the number of crops some members here have had. Some of what I know has come from being one of the owners of a nursery, tree and bushes, not plants or runny nose kids, where on more than 17 acres we grow trees and bushes in a pot-in-pot drip irrigated system. Then there is the reading I have done on botany and horticulture and the continuing education short courses I have gone to with my partners, four family members, all with degrees in botany from N.C. State, four people whose brains I have picked many times over the years.

But it does actually make total sense why my knowledge and experience would be not only ignored but also made fun of in the forum called newbie central. After all, it's overflowing with people with vastly more knowledge and experience than I have.

What I have learned from this is I need to try to remember to never go slumming in newbie central again and instead just sit back and watch the blind leading the blind.

Brick Top

New Member
i would purchase some more bulb ........ i am also sick and tired of hearing people scream HID the second they see someone growing with flouro's and dont want to offer any advice on what that person already has to work with.
Where you are wrong is that advice is given. To not spend more money and get deeper into CFL/fluorescent use, to cut your loses as quickly as you can and get rid of the Rube Goldberg kiddiewinkie home light fixture bulbs being used.

I have never know of one single grower who scrapped their fluorescent lighting and replaced them with HID lighting, even lower wattage HID lighting and not been thrilled by their results and very glad they made the switch.

It's no different than when someone says how they use MiracleGro and asks a question about it and others will respond telling them to trash it and then give the name or names of high quality nutrient lines to use instead.


Well-Known Member
Where you are wrong is that advice is given. To not spend more money and get deeper into CFL/fluorescent use, to cut your loses as quickly as you can and get rid of the Rube Goldberg kiddiewinkie home light fixture bulbs being used.

I have never know of one single grower who scrapped their fluorescent lighting and replaced them with HID lighting, even lower wattage HID lighting and not been thrilled by their results and very glad they made the switch.

It's no different than when someone says how they use MiracleGro and asks a question about it and others will respond telling them to trash it and then give the name or names of high quality nutrient lines to use instead.
its not what you know ... its the way you spoke to the OP off the bat .... i now dont care how much experience you have .... you could have crossed half the strains of anything in the world from fruit tree to MJ, you spoke to the fella like he was dirt.... you have not apologised for the way you spoke to him/her so you are just another ill mannered fuck-tard

i've had 40 years experience.... blah blah blah, maybe you should have spent 5 minutes working on your people skills and maybe folks would warm to you better.

what you have said makes sense as massah has explained.... but the way you said it has caused offence (not only to the OP, but now all new growers think your a twat).... so plese stop trying to explain how great you are, say sorry for being a jerk and forget it!

Brick Top

New Member
i've had 40 years experience.... blah blah blah, maybe you should have spent 5 minutes working on your people skills and maybe folks would warm to you better.
I've owned three businesses, a franchise car dealership and a marina (where among offering all other marina services we sold boats) and the nursery. We were a small mom and pop, with mom missing, car dealership in a tiny town but I averaged 27 cars sold per month. At the marina we were the second largest dealer in the nation for the type of pontoon boat we sold. I averages 250 boats sold per season, that equals out to just over 62 boats per month. I was the number of salesman in the nation three years in a row.

I have impressive people skills when dealing with real people, but when dealing with anonymous near nonentities online, many of which are in the Beavis and Butthead category, I soon learned that niceties and charm are next to meaningless because there will always be a group of ego driven little clown shoes who want and need to believe they know it all when in fact they do now know dick and they will argue with you until the cows come home and never accept and admit to being wrong or knowing less.

Since they are incapable of factually refuting what you say they instead attack you personally, degenerate you, abuse you and use every infantile adolescent trick in the book to attempt to discredit you in hopes of doing so will make them appear to know more, to be more experienced, to be offering better advice.

I tell it like it is, and not how it ain't and how it ain't never gonna be. (Improper English used for purposes of emphasis.) I don't candy coat, I don't coddle, I don't wrap my advice up in shiny wrapping paper with a pretty pink bow on it. People can heed my advice and learn and by doing so become better more successful growers or they can ignore what I say and remain ignorant. It's their choice.

Even though I have 138 'friends' in my friends list I am not here to make friends. Even though I have received 992 'likes' I am not here to be liked. I am here to provide the best and most help I can. If someone is uninterested in that and doesn't want my help because I will not tongue someone's ass while providing help, that's totally Kool and the Gang with me.


Well-Known Member
Maybe the newer growers should try stfu and listen to Bricktop instead of thinking they know everything? Iv read a shitload of his posts and although not candy coated they are some of the best nuggets of advice you'll probably read on this board.

He told the new guy to skip floros and go straight to HID, wish someone told me that at first, I got some good grows outta CFLs but when I changed to HPS it was a different game altogether.

Bricktop has helped me immensely since Iv joined without him even realising it just from reading his posts.

Serious lack of respect for the old timers on here, no wonder they all left to be honest.