Computer Fan


Active Member
not tryin to stir the pot. but i just bought a pc fan and don't have a 12v adapter so i used an old cell phone charger and it works. however it isn't producing the power that i need so i ordered a 12v adapter off ebay. i'll let yall know how they compare when i get it in.


Well-Known Member
All and all I'm shocked that ppl don't have dozens of old power adapters kicking around.. I probably have as many of those as I do 6' patch cables..


Active Member
ya ive been kind of in a bad situation, but i have tons of phone chargers n processor fans layin around, im sure 12v would b better, but im workn with wat i got


Well-Known Member
no not exactly, and these lil things are what tell me you really dont know what your talking about...

Amps (amperage) = volume of electricity
Volts = pressure of electricity

check your power supply it puts out 30000mA so what u said about the diffrence in mA when u switch the volts down doesint make much sence, cuz either way it puts out more then what your fan needs, my fan is .18mA at 12v and my cell phone charger puts out .7mA so again its fine, if u the charger doesint overheat within the few hours of it running its not going to anytime soon, besides the fact that my fan runs within the range of my cell phone adaptor,

now idk how many times ive said that it depends on what u need the fan for if this is right with you, i am not argueein that a drop in 7v will decrease the power of the fan, any moran with half a brain can figure that out, i already said that so stop tryin to make that point, first ur argueein about this then about that n now ur bringin this back, and lastly the comment about the ballest has nothin to do with a cellphone charger, ballests have starters n shit for certain sized lights, so no its not really the same thing, considerin that what im talkin about works and ur tryin to disprove it when u OBVIOUSLY have no clue what ur talkin about, so whats the real reason ur argueein with me? didnt get enuff hugs as a kid
Dude you obviously have no idea what you're talking about hahaha. Volume of electricity? What the fuck does that even mean? Pressure of electricity? That is one of the most retarded things I've ever read. Voltage= the difference of electrical potential between two points (the positive and negative terminals), and Current(Amperage)=the flow of electric charge. Pressure and volume have nothing to do with electronics. Read a book and stop spreading mis-information asshole.


Active Member
i actually did sum readin, thats an analogy i got on, comparably the same thing to water pipes and voltage isint the diffrence of electrical protential between two points, thats the resistence (ohms) and amps (current) the flow of electricity, how much electricity, the volume, why dont u do some fuckin reading and stop spreading misinformation u fuckin asshole


Active Member
and the diffrence in electricity between to points insint between the positive and negitive terminals bcuz there is no positive and negitive terminals in an AC system, its not a car battery, theres a hot n a neutral u fuckin moran


Well-Known Member
And now I confirm that DutchMasters has no Idea what he speaks of.. I actually understand concepts like voltage//current. (Noy thar4 thar is braggable,,


Active Member
ooh ya uve confirmed that have you? why dont you show me how you came about that, because if its just your to big of a moran to understand what i said, it doesint make me wrong, u understand the concept? understanding a concept, doesint mean you have any knowledge of voltage or current, which im pretty sure ive proved already, so if you really want to continue this argueement, why dont you explain to me n everyone else how im wrong? or you can shut the fuck up, or you can grow some balls and apoligize for down talking to the only person that is contributing to this thread that knows what he is talking about :clap::clap::clap:(theres no smily patin himself on the back, so a clap will do)


Well-Known Member
Well, first of all, I don't need to rely on to confirm my electrical knowhow.. There is most definately a positive and a negative on a charger, look up AC rectification on howstuffworks..


Well-Known Member
and the diffrence in electricity between to points insint between the positive and negitive terminals bcuz there is no positive and negitive terminals in an AC system, its not a car battery, theres a hot n a neutral u fuckin moran
Oh my god, you just fucking owned me... not. :finger:


Active Member
no its not i do residential construction AC is alternating current.... its alternating from one to another... once you get past the charger its DC and has a positive and a negitive terminal... u can move electricity a lot farther and more efficiantly with an alternating current, still voltage is NOT the diffrence in electrical potential, thats Ohms, and its not between the neg n pos termianl, even in a DC system, u figure out how much resistance whatever ur pluggin in has, the resistance of a wire is so minimal, its pretty irrelevant, unless ur pluggin in ur grow lights in like 100 feet away from ur set up (i wired a 500,000 doller house, that ive been living in for the past 10 years)

im not the one that cares about owning anybody, from the beginin of this thread i simply stated sumthin and a cpl idiots have wanted to arguee with me n tried to own me... dankhead look at the post u put up u iggnorant son of a bitch, u have no idea what ur talkin about, so you want to come at me and talk down to me i will do the fuckin same thing to you, especially when u start sum shit, ur wrong, and i finish it, and im right so why dont you both fuck off, same to the asshole who took one of my rep points(big deal) n said i shouldnt urge others to cut corners, i simply told someone that something could work, and then had to defend my statement to some asshole who doesint know what hes talking about.... i never said its the only way or the best way to go about anything

cuz nobody is tellin me how im wrong yet

Well, first of all, I don't need to rely on to confirm my electrical knowhow.. There is most definately a positive and a negative on a charger, look up AC rectification on howstuffworks..

well you had to look it up somewhere cuz ur storys n points have continued to change and youve been wrong, and you obviously looked something up on to confirm something, i used it bcuz i knew that would put it into laymans terms for u idiots, bcuz ive been tryin to explain the same shit to u for a while now... im pretty sure i got you to shut up cuz i was rite born2eatdick, dont get all cocky n think ur right cuz u brought one of ur idiotic friends along to try to disprove me, cuz it hasint happened yet, ur just pissin me off, n makin urself look like dumb assholes, talkin shit to someone who actually is tryin to teach you something, bcuz u obviously have no clue what ur talkin about PLUS i looked up what u told me to, and it came up with nothing, yet i have a feeling ive already explained what it was up in this post....


Well-Known Member
Oh ok, you had me confused.. I couldn't think of any reason why you'd be discussing unrectified A/C that feeds your charger, but thedankness did mention positive/negative without mentioning phase..
For the record though, thedankness isn't wrong either.. Ohm's law does apply in A/C but its more complex (I guess thats a pun of sorts).. Only for an instant every half cycle is there no positive and negative WRT each other..


Active Member
the current in a A/C circuit is constantly changin, it changes 60 times a second, thats why in a A/C circuit theyre called a hot and a neutral, besides the fact that HE IS WRONG because hes trying to say that ohms is voltage, and ohms really had nothin to do with this conversation, so now he is tellin me something is something else, thats misinformation... SO WTF DOES THAT MAKE YOU!?!?! tellin me i have no clue what im talkin about and laughin about it.. and telling me a whole bunch of shit WHEN HE HAS NO CLUE WHAT HES TALKIN ABOUT, obviously volume has nothing to directly do with electricity, unless someone has figure out a way to fill up a container with electricty and measure it, and u tellin me all this shit about the charger not working and all of that, when it does, im not spreadin misinformation, IM TELLIN PEOPLE ONE OF MANY WAYS TO HOOK UP A FAN THAT FUCKING WORKS SO STOP FUCKIN ARGUEEING WITH ME CUZ IM RIGHT

(i appreciate u bein humble in ur response, maybe i would be if certain ppl could hold a civilized intellegent conversation, instead of tellin me im an idiotic lien asshole, when im not)


Well-Known Member
I went to school for electronics. I know more about electricity than anyone ever could by browsing the web, its called hands on experience. I can tell you, without a doubt in my mind, that this guy^^^^^^^^^^^ has worked with little or no electronics in his life. Seems to me that each time he finds someone that disagrees with him, he just jumps on google to try and prove everyone wrong. I haven't even been reading that tripe, fucking paragraphs copy pasted from That's honestly what the younger generation considers intelligence it seems, jumping online whenever they need any information and pretending like they own that information, like they actually know what they're talking about. In fact, they are just regurgitating text book information. My favorite is when they take a minuscule detail like the difference between neutral and negative, and make it seem like you've made some huge error. Trust me kiddo, those of us that WORK in electronics substitute those words for one another quite frequently. My main point of this whole rant is: stop being a bitch you pseudo intellectual with internet access. Get a new hobby other than trying to start arguments, it won't get you very far in life.


Well-Known Member
My favorite is when you mention a boiling point, and ppl argue the fact that we aren't at sea-level..
And I've personally overpowered enough adapters to know that they can seem trustworthy for a really long time, but die when you least expect it.. This is a public forum, other uninformed ppl will read it, and their chargers may not be rated high enough to run their fans with any deserved long term confidence..
Your charger does happen to be rated for enough current.. Thats why I said this
Ok dude.. I assure you I know what I'm talking about.. But if your adapter is rated for 0.7A (not 0.7mA, that wouldn't power a fire-fly) then you are right, it should not overheat and die.. Not all cellphone chargers are that beefy though, so I don't want others reading this to hurt their plants because of your attitude..
right after you posted actual details of your setup..
And if you really want to learn about electricity then go to Fair warning though, if you go there and pull stuff like thedankness described the nerds are going to stomp you!

BTW, I never actually researched fire-flies when I said that.. I'm sure with enough research you could make me look pretty wrong..


Active Member
yes, anytime anybody disagrees with me, i do research (the same thing you did in school to be qualified enough to do what you claim you do) to find out if im right or wrong... if i was wrong i would have been humble enough to correct myself, i dont pretend to own any knowledge... considering that intellegence is the ability to learn something... i am intellegent, there is nothing wrong with doin research, u werint born knowing what you know... you researched stuff to, and unless youve made a enourmus break thru in your work disproving a currently known fact, ur experiance doesint mean shit, cuz u took what u researched and learnd, and you apply it to whatever it is your working on, i do know what im talkin about, and you were right about voltage, i must of misread what you said or something, if u knew anything you would have caught on to that, but see if im wrong i can admit it, i dont appreciate bein called an asshole for spreadin misinformation, when thats what your doing.... and your the bitch, cuz im not the one that started the argueement... im simply stated something will work, and it does, CERTAIN PEOPLE wanted to arguee the fact with me, when they obviously did not know what they were talking about, if he did he would have simply pointed out that some adaptors will flunk out but a majority of them will not, look it up online most cell phone chargers put out .7 - 1.2 A, , the smaller ones .25 A is still enough to run my fan, and he would have stated what to check on the fan and the charger to make sure theyre compatable... he would have posted some information i left out... but he didnt he said i was wrong, and i wasint... AND i dont care what u and the ppl u work with call shit, u could have a nickname for every electronical term ever used, coming on here and not using the correct term for ppl that arent electronically savy (the whole reason for this thread) IS CONFUSING AND YOUR THE ONE SPREADING MISINFORMATION, AND CALLING ME AN ASSHOLE BECAUSE UR CLAIMING IM DOIN JUST THAT, now im really sick of argueeing with two fuckin idiots who DONT KNOW WHAT THEYRE TALKIN ABOUT OR YOU WOULDNT BE STARTING AN ARGUEEMENT WITH ME IN THE FIRSTPLACE, and if u do beleive me to be wrong dont down talk to me, teach me something... dont keep switchin up ur points until u find somethin wrong, if u knew as much as u do, u would have nailed me for what i said that was wrong on the first try, not jumpin around to every aspect of hookin up a fan...

My main point of this whole rant is: stop being a bitch you pseudo intellectual with internet access. Get a new hobby other than trying to start arguments, it won't get you very far in life.
whos the one that started argueein with me???? BOTH OF YOU
i dont want to learn about electricity... if i did i would go to school for it, not ask a bunch of other nerds like u guys that could be spreadin misinformation like u guys, the only thing he "stomped" me for is his retarded ass not understanding my metaphor... i wouldnt have had to explain anything to any nerd on that site, they know what theyre talkin about, they would have asked me for specs and told me it would work, which i dont need any nerd to tell me

SO STOP ARGUEEIN WITH ME IM SICK OF DEFENDING MYSELF, OK IM AN ASSHOLE, IDC WHAT A BUNCH OF LOOSERS ON SOME WEBSITE THINK ABOUT ME, JUST KNOW THAT IM AN ASSHOLE AND IN THIS CASE IM RIGHT, and im an asshole to every1, especially ppl who arguee with me when i know im right, and claim to be so smart, when theyre obviously not, and bein an asshole is nice, ppl dun fuck with u, ppl kno im brutally honast, and i have a fullfillin social life, which u obviously dont since alls u can do is pick fights with me on here, its taken me weeks to respond in sum cases, uve responded to me withn 24 hours, and the fuckd up thing is im home 24/7 since feb 07 raising my premature daughter fulltime, no help, other then new years, i havint gone out in months, and i still find better things to do then arguee with you loosers so fuck what all this argueements about, explain how my fan can not work, or shut the fuck up