Computer Fan


Well-Known Member
no not exactly, and these lil things are what tell me you really dont know what your talking about...

Amps (amperage) = volume of electricity
Volts = pressure of electricity

check your power supply it puts out 30000mA so what u said about the diffrence in mA when u switch the volts down doesint make much sence, cuz either way it puts out more then what your fan needs, my fan is .18mA at 12v and my cell phone charger puts out .7mA so again its fine, if u the charger doesint overheat within the few hours of it running its not going to anytime soon, besides the fact that my fan runs within the range of my cell phone adaptor,

now idk how many times ive said that it depends on what u need the fan for if this is right with you, i am not argueein that a drop in 7v will decrease the power of the fan, any moran with half a brain can figure that out, i already said that so stop tryin to make that point, first ur argueein about this then about that n now ur bringin this back, and lastly the comment about the ballest has nothin to do with a cellphone charger, ballests have starters n shit for certain sized lights, so no its not really the same thing, considerin that what im talkin about works and ur tryin to disprove it when u OBVIOUSLY have no clue what ur talkin about, so whats the real reason ur argueein with me? didnt get enuff hugs as a kid
Sounds like you were starting arguments before I even posted on this thread bucko. Who's the common denominator in all of the arguments on this thread? You. Obviously you do care about all of us disagreeing, it really seems to be pissing you off, actually. I am tired of name calling, I'm just surprised that someone with obviously so little electronics experience is being so bold in their statements. Humble yourself man, you seem to be rubbing everyone the wrong way, not just myself. Self-reflection is an extremely valualbe tool...:idea: