Computer Thread

Easier way to access all settings, admin tool, etc. Create new folder on desktop and rename it (copy this exactly):

I like Fractal Design cases....Asus mobos...Seasonic power fav video card either Nvidia or AMD/radeons.......only SSD drives...all the ram u can fit in the mobo slots.

Built all my pc's and families since 2002, unless its one brother....he buys new Apple crap every yr
I have all three major OSes Apple, Linux and MS. Apple just fucked me hard with their 2020-001 security update. It LOCKED my hard drive so it's read only. The ONLY way to fix it is to repartition and re-install. So now I have to do a scrupulous backup, make sure it is good and then reformat the bitch.

@Couch_Lock unlike your brother this is a 2011 iMac my last work bought me. It runs really fast and I love it. I had to get a new iPhone this year (my 6 died) so maybe it's time to upgrade. I built a new Linux server (Fedora 30) and I need to pull a 3 TB drive out of her and put it in my Time Capsule so it will back automagically LOL unless I feel like loading Ubuntu, maybe I will virtual box an install

Oh yes and my Levelor vertical blind's rod snapped and took out the little plastic header so for the past week while waiting for the part 5'4" me has to get up on a step ladder and use needle nose pliers to draw the blinds. Yeah yeah @raratt I know you'd have to bend over LOL The part showed up today so I got to do that fix.

I'm considering drinking my weight in wine and trying to see how well I can do a drunk backup.
Was given an Apple Mac Tower long ago, for a build I did. It sat around the house for a year or two but one day Beth's HD died. She wanted to print out a bunch of forms for work and I didn't really want her on my pc. So, we took out the old Mac Tower and fired it up. She ended up using it a few yrs before it bit the dust. Seemed pretty stable.......I bought a 9.7" Apple Ipad a few yrs ago, just never use it only exp with Apple. Seems like stable OS, though.

Windows is what I am used too. One laptop (bought for emergencies not long ago) has both Win 10 and Linux on it, dually. Typically I have the latest MicroShaft OS on it.....
I've used Ubuntu exclusively for 12+ years now. In the beginning I also tried Fedora Core but it was still a bit beyond me (I was, still am stupid). I've been pretty happy with it other than when they ditched Gnome 2 for Unity. Was too bubble gum looking for me. I've used the MATE environment since then and have been happy. I like a classic, minimalistic look. I'm the very definition of an "end user" so I like stuff to just work.
Today in Nerd History


"March 3, 1975: The Homebrew Computer Club, a hobbyist group that helps spark the personal computing revolution, holds it first meeting in Menlo Park, California.

It becomes a welcome forum for computer geeks at a time when few others cared. And regular attendee Steve Wozniak and his friend Steve Jobs will eventually show off the first Apple-1 unit at the club.

Homebrew Computer Club founders Fred Moore and Gordon French held the first meeting in their garage. At the time, the arrival of a kit computer called the Altair 8800 was the hot news in the tech world. The Altair kick-started the boom in personal computers and inspired a generation of techies.

Wozniak was far more of a prototypical computer geek than Jobs (and I say that in the nicest possible way!). Consequently, Woz got more deeply involved with Homebrew than his Apple co-founder.

Woz attended the very first Homebrew meeting and became inspired to build his own computer. “I did this computer … to show the people at Homebrew that it was possible to build a very affordable computer — a real computer you could program for the price of the Altair — with just a few chips,” Wozniak recalled in his autobiography.

Originally, Woz’s plan was to design the Apple-1 blueprints, then give them away to other Homebrew members to build themselves. “This was my way of socializing and getting recognized,” Woz wrote. “I had to build something to show other people.”

In the end, Jobs convinced Woz they should build and sell the Apple-1 rather than giving away the designs. This ultimately led to Jobs negotiating a deal with early computer store The Byte Shop. The rest is history.

As for the Homebrew Computer Club, it ran for the best part of three years, moving from the garage to the larger Stanford Linear Accelerator Center. The club come to an end in 1977, the same year Apple officially incorporated."

(Barnbuster's first home PC was a 1990 IBM clone (386SX), green screen and dot-matrix printer, yowzer! (cost about $2200 ($4300 today o_O )
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If you have a live or hotmail account, this is a useful link (account activity) if you've been getting any password reset emails from Microsoft. I've got a spate of those lately. Definitely make sure you have 2-stage auth on your account(s)

So my very expensive iMac finally died. I figured time to buy a new one. I found what I would need is about $3500. That motivated me to fix this one. An internal SSD later it's all good. Since it only cost 150 I figure I saved myself a cool 3350.

those new iMacs are nuts. Almost $20,000 cad for a top tier pro. I’d love to have one tho. I can’t see anyone paying that much.

those new iMacs are nuts. Almost $20,000 cad for a top tier pro. I’d love to have one tho. I can’t see anyone paying that much.

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Does it come with a glory hole?