Went to buy a cup of coffee and smoke a bowl on the drive home.
Leaving Starbucks with my blonde roast grande, with 6 ice cubes, I get into my car, get all set to start and pull out, and the idling car next to me honks. I ignore it, thinking the silly chola is just tweaking on meth, or looking for her sharpie. Nope, she wanted to talk shit "Did you just hit my car?" "Probably, you should learn to park, instead of double parking." "Fuck you, move over in the spot <blah blah blah>." (I started my car and was ignoring her.) And then "Fuck you, your an asshole!" "I am indeed, you fucking chola cunt. I'm also a psychopath who hasn't taken his meds." ... I start pulling out, and she's YELLING more shit. So, I just took her license plate number down, and got a nice pic of the car, in case I forget the plate... "Fuck you, asshole, what the fuck are you going to do?" So, I stopped my car and started opening my door, and she rolled up her windows and locked her door. That's when I VERY evidently took the picture of her car.
So, my morning was almost ruined, by a sharpie wearing cunt that sat in a parking lot on the phone, double parked for like 15 minutes, partially in MY spot, and then talking shit to me. But, I recognized the face. She's met one of us before, and I think she peed a little when I started getting out. RAWR! Don't fuck with the dude that walks out of a coffee shop WEARING CUSTOM MADE KNUCKLE DUSTERS. (Maybe she should post that in the NTS thread. LoL.) -- The knuckles, it's a big juggalo hangout area with the Krispy Kremes right there and all. A subtle "Please don't ask me about clowns and their shitty music" statement goes a long way in just being left the fuck alone.
The existance of people like you is why I tell my gf to stop giving strangers the finger while she's driving. You never know when it'll be the wrong person. I mean this in a complimentary way lol.