Jesus I'm surprised you even remember it with all that Xanax, just use a rope next time.Also at a bad point in my life I tried to commit suicide one time. Apparently 80 xanax and a bunch of Zoloft wasn't enough lol
I had been seeing her for about a month, we had fucked before it got serious. And that's when I noticed it had gotten serious. I just completely stopped talking to her. Not calls, no Facebook, no text no nothing. She texted me for two weeks with just tearjerk material I had to delete without reading. Ran into her sister a week ago with my buddy at a bar "hey Chris, Sarah says hi. Indagrow she does not say hi to you" I don't know what made me do it, but at a certain point I couldn't go back too much dead air. Sorry Sarah I know you liked me and that's why we don't talk, I was just looking for a warm place to rest my...
My probation officer showed up like 4 hours after I took it all, I thought I was talking and acting normal. He disagreed with me however then he checked my med bottles and flipped shit which led to counciling and lots of piss tests smh. That was a miserable time in my life. Never count on somebody when it counts. A girl fucked my head up is what caused it all smh.Jesus I'm surprised you even remember it with all that Xanax, just use a rope next time.
was out in Plymouth last night in a house about a football field away from where Columbus stepped off. Girl was being a complete bitchface who owned the house. I had gone there just to sleep with her and just plain couldn't due to her cunty ways. Long story short I threw all her toothbrushes in the toliet ate all her egos and left. Tinder is a great app sometimes, but humans suck.
@ Singlemalt
"excellent! someday remind me to tell you about the Jehovah's Witness"
That day is here my friend - your turn.![]()
1985, freshly divorced, still fighting demons aquired during Uncle Sam's service 14 yrs before. Bought some rural property and trying to become a farmer and nursery business. Working like a dog, moving irrigation pipe all day long and in the evening drinking dago red like a fish. I know no one here, much less women. There was this JW had been coming around and was my only social event...he was a cool guy and I had told him that no religion was allowed. He was a former Marine, I was former Army both of us had been in RVN. So he'd give me the magazines and then we'd talk horticulture, RVN and shit, then they'd leave ( keep this in mind, they always come in at least 2's). One day he comes with 4 people...his wife, some old guy and a hot little nymph. He pulls me aside and says he's been getting shit from th JW's cuz we never talk religion...just bullshit; so would I please give a little and let them make the pitch. OK, I play along and I am fucking charming. He's happy and I can't stop thinking about that hot little nymph. Well, shit! 3 days later lil hottie shows up alone and I'm on the porch into my 3rd bottle of vino. Thank you Jesus! Turn on the charm, swear to God, and get her to drinking and drinking. Poor lil repressed baby. Wants a tour of the greenhouse and end up doing her on a bed of basil. It was heaven. She later leaves having exacted a promise from me to attend a bible study in a few days...of course I don't show, she comes over a couple days later with the Marine's wife (a nice but a tough true believing black lady) she dressed me down, calling me Satan and shit...the hottie is in tears, so I excuse myself and come back with 3 glasses and 3 bottles of wine and a steno tablet. Ms Marine is about to stroke out she's so pissed, hottie is wailing and I start drinking heavily; taking notes. Ms Marine is so pissed she can't speak anymore....they pack up and leave. About 6 months later, Mr Marine shows up alone and says I've been blacklisted by the JW's and he can't come around this day they have not been back
When I was younger, I liked to act like I was unaware that I was in the vicinity of funeral homes, churches, etc., and would hit on chicks, and when they acted all offended I'd be like "damn, you really need to get laid... Who died and wrecked your day?"
Yeah, it was mean. But the reactions were priceless.
I filled my hash pen up, when I first got here, and walked into the front yard of a police officer's house. His cruiser was parked out front, I walked over towards it, and got BAKED on some oil. Just so I could say that I once got baked in front of a squad car without getting in trouble, and so I could say that I smoked weed at a cop's house.
I've also recently begun to re-meet people that I met as a fugitive (law enforcement friends of the boss lady, mostly) I like to introduce myself, and when they say I look different, I say something like "Yeah, I had long black hair, brown eyes, and I had a different name, too."
I used to save up my stems and bag 'em up. When I had a nice bag of 'em, I'd just sprinkle them around random shit in the parking lot. The police dog would go ape shit. When the officer would walk away from his car, and leave the dog in it, parked by our apartment window, I'd take huge bong rips, and blow them at the car. And then, when the dog went nuts, I'd call the sheriff's department about a vicious dog in the parking lot. And the suspicious WHITE DUDE walking around the dumpsters or casing cars. They always sent an officer to investigate.
The Jehovah's Witnesses forbid military service... Which begs the question, did somebody actually take one of those sales pitches seriously and convert?1985, freshly divorced, still fighting demons aquired during Uncle Sam's service 14 yrs before. Bought some rural property and trying to become a farmer and nursery business. Working like a dog, moving irrigation pipe all day long and in the evening drinking dago red like a fish. I know no one here, much less women. There was this JW had been coming around and was my only social event...he was a cool guy and I had told him that no religion was allowed. He was a former Marine, I was former Army both of us had been in RVN. So he'd give me the magazines and then we'd talk horticulture, RVN and shit, then they'd leave ( keep this in mind, they always come in at least 2's). One day he comes with 4 people...his wife, some old guy and a hot little nymph. He pulls me aside and says he's been getting shit from th JW's cuz we never talk religion...just bullshit; so would I please give a little and let them make the pitch. OK, I play along and I am fucking charming. He's happy and I can't stop thinking about that hot little nymph. Well, shit! 3 days later lil hottie shows up alone and I'm on the porch into my 3rd bottle of vino. Thank you Jesus! Turn on the charm, swear to God, and get her to drinking and drinking. Poor lil repressed baby. Wants a tour of the greenhouse and end up doing her on a bed of basil. It was heaven. She later leaves having exacted a promise from me to attend a bible study in a few days...of course I don't show, she comes over a couple days later with the Marine's wife (a nice but a tough true believing black lady) she dressed me down, calling me Satan and shit...the hottie is in tears, so I excuse myself and come back with 3 glasses and 3 bottles of wine and a steno tablet. Ms Marine is about to stroke out she's so pissed, hottie is wailing and I start drinking heavily; taking notes. Ms Marine is so pissed she can't speak anymore....they pack up and leave. About 6 months later, Mr Marine shows up alone and says I've been blacklisted by the JW's and he can't come around this day they have not been back
Also at a bad point in my life I tried to commit suicide one time. Apparently 80 xanax and a bunch of Zoloft wasn't enough lol
I'm 6' 4" and around 220. I'm pretty sure that's all that saved meGuy I know did just north of 90 in one night turned purple and stopped breathing. He was also a small guy.
He was also an idiot. Not that I need to say it.
I'm 6' 4" and around 220. I'm pretty sure that's all that saved me