lol @ the letter from 100 "scientists". why don't you list a few of those people here so i can point out that they are engineers and former exxon employees and whatnot.
and no, global temps have not been cooling for several years. so much LOL.
they are all right there in the reference material. including
A. Zichichi, PhD, President of the World Federation of Scientists, Geneva, Switzerland; Emeritus Professor of Advanced Physics, University of Bologna, Italy
Brian G Valentine, PhD, PE (Chem.), Technology Manager - Industrial Energy Efficiency, Adjunct Associate Professor of Engineering Science, University of Maryland at College Park; Dept of Energy, Washington, DC
Hendrik Tennekes, PhD, former director of research, Royal Netherlands Meteorological Institute
Roy W. Spencer, PhD, climatologist, Principal Research Scientist, Earth System Science Center, The University of Alabama, Huntsville
S. Fred Singer, PhD, Professor Emeritus of Environmental Sciences, University of Virginia and former director Weather Satellite Service
Tom V. Segalstad, PhD, (Geology/Geochemistry), Head of the Geological Museum and Associate Professor of Resource and Environmental Geology, University of Oslo, Norway
R.G. Roper, PhD, Professor Emeritus of Atmospheric Sciences, School of Earth and Atmospheric Sciences, Georgia Institute of Technology
Brian Pratt, PhD, Professor of Geology, Sedimentology, University of Saskatchewan
Ian Plimer, PhD, Professor of Geology, School of Earth and Environmental Sciences, University of Adelaide and Emeritus Professor of Earth Sciences, University of Melbourne, Australia
just to name a few. declaiming them as liars because you believe them to be pawns or shills for "Big Oil" doesnt make them liars, nor does it invalidate their research or credentials as real men of science.
no temp drop for the past several years hmmm? peep this homey:

source : Global average temperature history (January 1979 through January 2009 ) of the lower troposphere as produced by researchers at the University of Alabama-Huntsville (UAH, blue line) and from Remote Sensing Systems (RSS, red line).
and this bad boy here:

source: Global average temperature history during the past seven years (January 2001through January 2009 ) of the lower troposphere as produced by researchers at the University of Alabama-Huntsville (UAH, blue line) and from Remote Sensing Systems (RSS, red line).
or even this informative little number now with notations!

source: Climatologist Cliff Harris & Meteorologist Randy Mann (lulz at Randy Mann...)
or this scholarly masterpiece of ice core sedimentology:

I'd say thats kinda definitive Buck. it just wont help anybody get a grant to study the mating habits of english ground squirrels as effected by global warming (10,000 £ or around $17,000 us) funny part is, the same scientist tried for 12 years to get the same grant to study squirrel fucking and failed till he added global warming to the grant request, then it was approved. LOL government science .