Dr Kynes
Well-Known Member
this data (if accurate despite being anecdotal) is well within the scope of natural fluctuations in the climate over the many thousands of years it has been charted. our current 5 yer cooling trend will continue for another year or three then another 5-10 year warming trend to a peak, followed by 900 years of cooling to a bottom, or even another glaciation.tell that to mongolian cattle herders. they can no longer use their ages old indicators and predictors.
The couple also complains of changing rainfall patterns. Goulden says he hears this often—that instead of gentle, light rains that might last for two or three days, the region these days mostly gets short downpours. He says locals call these “rains that don’t wet,” but that instead run off into creeks, leaving behind dry soil and poor grass.
The herders say this is a huge problem. “If the grass is not growing well,” Hurelchuluun asks, “then what the animals will eat? If the animals die, what’s the future for us?”
It’s a common lament, Goulden says. He says herders also complain that it’s gotten harder to predict the weather. They used to be able to forecast and prepare for conditions by watching things like how smoke moved away from stoves pipes, what field mice stored away in autumn, or whether ibex moved to summits or valleys in winter.
But Goulden says these omens don’t work anymore. “The weather has become much more unpredictable,” he says, “so it’s much more difficult for them to anticipate what the next winter might be”
this is why i prefer the term "anthropogenic climate destabilization" rather than "global warming" or "climate change". one would have to be a fool to think that the activities of man do not have some degree of effect on the earth and her climate.