• Here is a link to the full explanation: https://rollitup.org/t/welcome-back-did-you-try-turning-it-off-and-on-again.1104810/

Confirmed: Fox News makes people dumb

Dr Kynes

Well-Known Member
tell that to mongolian cattle herders. they can no longer use their ages old indicators and predictors.

The couple also complains of changing rainfall patterns. Goulden says he hears this often—that instead of gentle, light rains that might last for two or three days, the region these days mostly gets short downpours. He says locals call these “rains that don’t wet,” but that instead run off into creeks, leaving behind dry soil and poor grass.
The herders say this is a huge problem. “If the grass is not growing well,” Hurelchuluun asks, “then what the animals will eat? If the animals die, what’s the future for us?”
It’s a common lament, Goulden says. He says herders also complain that it’s gotten harder to predict the weather. They used to be able to forecast and prepare for conditions by watching things like how smoke moved away from stoves pipes, what field mice stored away in autumn, or whether ibex moved to summits or valleys in winter.
But Goulden says these omens don’t work anymore. “The weather has become much more unpredictable,” he says, “so it’s much more difficult for them to anticipate what the next winter might be”


this is why i prefer the term "anthropogenic climate destabilization" rather than "global warming" or "climate change". one would have to be a fool to think that the activities of man do not have some degree of effect on the earth and her climate.
this data (if accurate despite being anecdotal) is well within the scope of natural fluctuations in the climate over the many thousands of years it has been charted. our current 5 yer cooling trend will continue for another year or three then another 5-10 year warming trend to a peak, followed by 900 years of cooling to a bottom, or even another glaciation.


Well-Known Member
many central valley farmers due to their shitty soil management are unable to get a crop from their land thats worth more than the water rights they can sell to los angeles or san diego. many other farmers do quite well, even if the govt (as it has been) reduce their water allotment to promote the ecology of water snails and "vernal pools" (thats a fancy way of saying stagnant pools of seasonal rainwater for mosquito larvae) and increased allotments for urban water districts.

this year's snowpack and melt is way higher than the yearly average for the last 50 years, yet still farmers will only receive 40% of their allotment in the central valley. its not for environmental reasons that farmers get less water, its because each gallon of water makes more tax money in an urban water district than off a farm. the government is doing a short term accounting program and destroying long term agricultural economic viability with their short sighted foolishness.
i thought you guys had some of the best and most efficient soil and irrigation management techniques in the world, especially after driving through there countless times.


Well-Known Member
this data (if accurate despite being anecdotal) is well within the scope of natural fluctuations in the climate over the many thousands of years it has been charted. our current 5 yer cooling trend will continue for another year or three then another 5-10 year warming trend to a peak, followed by 900 years of cooling to a bottom, or even another glaciation.
we're in a 5 year cooling trend?

20 warmest years on record (°C anomaly from 1901–2000 mean)

Dr Kynes

Well-Known Member
View attachment 2199726

yes. a downward trend as a part of a continuing cycle of peaks and valleys trending upward since about 800 AD, and continuing for another 5-20 years (estimated, and hardly precise, since trees and glaciers dont keep super detailed records, just the highlights.) followed by 900-1000 years of cooling, and possibly continuing into a minor glaciation, but we arent scheduled for a major glaciation for about 4000-6000 more years. so mark your calenders cuz it might be a good time to buy equatorial land.

Canna Sylvan

Well-Known Member
Behavioral changes don't last once you quit. what? yes no fuck you im a dragon! wheres my sweater?
Once you quit, the symptoms you had which caused you to use it return. For some time afterwards, you feel worse after not toking anymore. Hence, even if there are good behavioral changes, they don't last. Well no shit.

The same thing happens with real medications. But somehow those are better.

Weed, sativa only (indica makes it worse), is the only thing which makes my mania and depression go away 100%. Even if it is only for about three hours.

The real meds turned me into a different person. Like I wasn't me. It was as if I was me and this other entitity was in control whose mind I could read.

For me sativa acts like a beta blocker but way more fun( I halucinate my ass off) and without the bullshit.

Canna Sylvan

Well-Known Member
The latest scientific evidence has concluded the current global warming is caused by man made increased sun spot activity.

Dr Kynes

Well-Known Member
i thought you guys had some of the best and most efficient soil and irrigation management techniques in the world, especially after driving through there countless times.
nah. what we got especially in the southern central valley/low desert region is a bunch of suits who dont know nitrate salts from nitroglycerine. all they know is if you buy a shitload of cheap synthetic fertilizers, and plant a shitty cheap but heavy producing variety of flavourless fast maturing crop and flood it with government subsidized water you can cash out before the land becomes a desert again. then it's the next guy's problem, or you can sell the water rights in perpetuity to LA county, and donate the land to a public trust then claim it's value with water as your donation so you pay nearly 0 in taxes at the end of the scam.

then the idiots in sacramento can trade the central valley lands to eastern pacific railway on an acre for acre trade for deep desert badlands or bare rock in the mojave. then eastern pacific can resell the land to housing speculators for a massive profit. its been dont over and over and over. the central valley south of mendota is basically gonna be desert and subdivisions of cheap crappy McMansions in a decade.

the real farmers in the central valley do great and have innovative ways to grow more crops with less water. with just the water LA county wastes in a year the central valley could be a garden again with some of those management systems.

check out solar evaporative desalination technologies. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Seawater_Greenhouse this shit works great and is basically foolproof.

check em:


2 years later:

and thats just the byproduct of the greenhouse's humidity while converting sea water to fresh for growing crops and drinking. theres a dozen projects as wild as this running in the central valley and southern coastal deserts. they dont make news though, cuz they arent government boondoggles or disastrous failures like solyndra.

edit: this operation is a british company in australia, but theres several similar programs in southern calif. and even a few wild ideas that work real well, and are currently being used all over the world.


New Member
[video=youtube;_ozI8TW4he8]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_ozI8TW4he8[/video] Global Warming is coming! Quick Give politicians your money!!!! wait what?


Active Member
you think is the only news wire in that makes people dumb? read the fucking subscriber comments on any rt articles. anybody that cites anything sourced from rt is also equally dumb and a putin ass licker to boot.


Well-Known Member
you think is the only news wire in that makes people dumb? read the fucking subscriber comments on any rt articles. anybody that cites anything sourced from rt is also equally dumb and a putin ass licker to boot.
It's all designed to dumb us into a black and white opinion set. Have you noticed the Tyranny of Opinion. The insistence that we take sides? CNN gives a dumb view, then Fox gives the counter dumb view. We have lost the idea that it's OK, to have no opinion about some issue or other. But, a modern person is consider to be a sad and stupid wreak, when we express that.

That to me this the essence. We are being forced to take sides, no middle ground. And since we can't be truly, and completely informed, any position we are forced to take, (including the Stupid Study about which news is dumber,) is a position of ignorance by definition. Long ago I realized, taking sides for no real reason or thought is what's stupid about our society.


Well-Known Member
CNN = DEMS FOX = REPUBS I used to watch both and can say without reservation they are both lying to you 100 percent of the time. ABC not political but then you get only half the news, IE the Travon Martin Case. They doctored the video, lied, and made us beleive it was a racial killing.

IF IT BLEEDS IT LEADS BOTTOM LINE THE MEDIA IS A BUNCH OF LIARS. One of these days Congress will get a couple of them and the rest will begin to report the real news. Until then dont believe a darn thing.

Dr Kynes

Well-Known Member
It's all designed to dumb us into a black and white opinion set. Have you noticed the Tyranny of Opinion. The insistence that we take sides? CNN gives a dumb view, then Fox gives the counter dumb view. We have lost the idea that it's OK, to have no opinion about some issue or other. But, a modern person is consider to be a sad and stupid wreak, when we express that.

That to me this the essence. We are being forced to take sides, no middle ground. And since we can't be truly, and completely informed, any position we are forced to take, (including the Stupid Study about which news is dumber,) is a position of ignorance by definition. Long ago I realized, taking sides for no real reason ior thought is what's stupid about our society.
its not a black and white option problem, its a black and white option in a universe of colourful options problem. One side gives us stupid opinions, the other side gives us retarded opinions, and the facts are beyond the grasp of the idiots who try to manufacture opinion (like WorldPublicOpinion.org Lulz at domain name convention in their incorporation name) or CNN or Fox. They really dont give two squirts of piss if we take a side or not, as long as we STAY THE FUCK AWAY from the real facts, and science that shape our society, world and universe.

the cited OPINION POLL was not a study by any stretch of the imagination, but the non thinking masses of "consumers" of manufactured opionin are conditioned to believe anything they are given by the media or politicians, and is called a "study" is sacred writ or "settled science" (lol at phrased only used by those with no interest in, or knowledge of science) despite the fact that they should have learned in middle school that science doesnt settle shit, it only asks more questions. Pluto isnt even a planet anymore for fucks sake!
When the data at question is a Goddamned Opinion Poll from a leftist political organization with either deliberate or lazy errors on the subject of economics, science and history, the real victim is the truth. Those who slavishly cite this Retarded Flawed Opinion Poll as a study are liars. the idea is sown in the fertile soil of the public unconscious of the seething masses, and the meme is born, "Fox News makes you dumb" when the truth is, listening to any of the media morons and believing they know jack shit about anything is the purest distillation of stupidity.

Journalism, "political science" and "education science" programs are populated by the second lowest tier of academic performance. "Students" who choose these programs are either teetering on the brink of failure, or are just at the end of their natural ability to be eductated. These 3 legs of the idiocy stool are the final stop on the higher education Slip-n-Slide of failure before you wind up in a Phys ed. program at community college and become a gym teacher. Sadly these three shit tier majors are the pool from which we are expected to draw the journalists who choose what does and does not go into the media's poison Kool-Aid, the political class of movers and shakers who craft the laws and make our rules, and the teachers and administrators who are expected to teach the youth of tomorrow, and give them the critical thinking and science background to become the leaders of the future.

When the craftsmen who create our most powerful societal institutions are drawn from the midden heaps of mediocrity and failure, the people who, with just one more keg-stand, would be relegated to teaching fat kids how to do jumping jacks, how can we expect anything more than 4 quintile performance? The people who run the media, our political theorists and the educators of our youth are intellectually just one step above the guy who mops the floors in a porno theatre and thinks he has a career. Allowing the dumbasses who are on the brink of flunking out of college to shape the nature of society for the next generation is why we are so deep in shit today. When the actual smart kids are studying physics, medicine, biology, engineering, and methematics, the middle tier students are studying law, business, economics, history and language, the assholes who are barely hangin in there gravitate to the easiest program they can squeeze into, and thats invariably, journalism, education and political "science".

What is truely stupid about our post-modern society is the slavish adherence to the idea that everyone is born equal, and nobody is really stupid. Brains, like any attribute span a wide arc, from the dimwits who cant figure out change from a simple transaction at a fast food joint without a consultation with the manager, to the brainiacs who leave the rest of the world wondering how the fuck they can turn a complex scientific concept into a simple equation that effectively predicts the output of a nuclear reaction that nobody can even create for another 30 years. Fuck you Einstein, stop being so smug.

Untill the masses stop venerating the high preists of mediocrity and start listening to those who know whereof they speak in their field of expertise we will continue to spiral into the abyss of suck fail and shit that the fourth quintile students create with their C student skills. I wouldnt ask my doctor whats wrong with my truck's transmission, i wouldnt ask my lawyer why my knee hurts in damp weather, and i wouldnt ask a physicist to keep me out of prison when the cops find a dead hooker stashed in my crawlspace. why the fuck do we ask the fuckwits and twats in the press to tell us whats important in the world every day?? I wouldnt count on chris mathews or glen beck to pump my gas for me, why the hell would i care what they think about anything more complex than ringing up a cup of coffee and a glazed doughnut? The tragic irony is, many of our society's under-performers are far more intelligent than members of the political class or the media circus acts. I can guarantee you that without the army of producers, writers, make-up experts, cameramen, lighting specialists and teleprompter typists, the trained monkeys who give you the news, and pass our laws would be as useless as tits on a mule. Most of em wouldnt even be able to manage at the menial jobs and minimum wage drudgery the rest of society's under-performers are shackled to.

Dr Kynes

Well-Known Member
CNN = DEMS FOX = REPUBS I used to watch both and can say without reservation they are both lying to you 100 percent of the time. ABC not political but then you get only half the news, IE the Travon Martin Case. They doctored the video, lied, and made us beleive it was a racial killing.

IF IT BLEEDS IT LEADS BOTTOM LINE THE MEDIA IS A BUNCH OF LIARS. One of these days Congress will get a couple of them and the rest will begin to report the real news. Until then dont believe a darn thing.
ABC news not political? check again homey. they hide it a little better than MSNBC ("lean forward" how cleverly "progressive") or fox news, but they are part of the same creaking clanking wheezing machine of disinformation, which is build on the shaky foundation of the New York Times, ("the paper of record" lol) and it's motto, "All the news that's fit to print" (yeah, not at all self aggrandizing and certainly not compensating for anything) The New York Times believes it's own hype, and the editors and reporters who make up it's staff actually believe they have the right and obligation to edit the news, and tell you whats important. These dimwits are drawn from the same C-student pool of shallow thinkers who espouse the liberal/conservative dichotomy of the partisan hack. Glen Beck believes what he believes because he was told that "conservative" (Nothing Should Ever Change!) opinions were the correct choice, while Chris Mathews gets a tingly boner from Barack Obama's teleprompter commentary because he was informed that "liberal" (We Must Change Everything Constantly!) ideals were the best choice. Once the sides are chosen by these weak minded fools, whichever side of popular opinion an idea or viewpoint falls on determines these dimwit's position on the issue.

Congress will get them? and ill fart in a tin can and rocket myself to the moon. Congress is largely made up of the same pool of soft serve brains, and mush spined wafflers as journalism. in the hallowed halls of congress, lawyers and history majors are the "smart ones" and physicians and scientists are all but unheard of, or (like Dr Ron Paul M.D.) labeled as fringe lunatics because they cant be pigeonholed into the easy to understand left/right dichotomy. These are the twats who will have to make a special law to exempt children's toys from their green agenda policies or explain why they are banning the Easy Bake Oven! Congress as an organization is nearly as stupid as the press, and only earns the faint praise of "nearly as stupid" because of a few far flung outliers that skew the demographics in favor of the less beef headed side of the dumbass/retard line.


Well-Known Member
thats right, boy
that is interesting. for one, it lends credence to the "bricktop's gay lover" hypothesis i have posited.
when there's no other option, play the gay card, lamo !
if you are so senior as to be calling me "boy", then it makes quite the sad, embarrassing statement about your maturity level. i mean, an old fart like you making multiple accounts and following me around like a lost puppy? LOL!
you flatter yourself, boy
the other thing it could be is that you're a mentally handicapped 17 year old trying to act like an internet tough guy. but i've already told you that riding huffies with your mentally competent "friends" doesn't mean that you're in a biker gang.
No gang here, I'm a lone wolf. I have left more friends behind that you will ever hope to have in your entire life
the only thing we know for sure is that you're pretty mad, bro. why so bitter?
Not mad. Just stating the facts. That and I don't like child molesters like you !!

Dr Kynes

Well-Known Member
buck and gyro sittin in a tree...

With a passion that burns for the ages, two men dare to seek Love in a world that told them NO! Their Passion was different, when to be different was to be Shamed, and to be shamed was to be FORSAKEN!

this romance novel practically writes itself... how many times will i have to use the word Torrid? Throbbing? Turgid? Tumescent?


Uncle Buck glared furiously at his computer readout, as once again his nemesis Gyroscope flamed him mercilessly on a forum full of doped up hop-heads. "I'll get that bastard this time!" Uncle Buck's enraged fingers danced across the keyboard like Dante's tormented souls in the Inferno, as he dashed out a response, the clattering of each keystroke a chattering cacophony of cutting barbs and clever insults, drowned out the placid quacking of the ducks so prominently displayed in Buck's profile. "This next flame will settle the score for sure", muttered Buck as he gleefully pressed the Post button, but little did he know what fate had in store.

These two men, so different in their own ways would soon come to realize how much they held in common, and how little the rules matter when hearts are on the line...

Dr Kynes

Well-Known Member
Greenhouse of Passion

Chapter One

Uncle Buck knew his last barb had struck a nerve, when Gyroscope failed to respond with a swift accusation of pederasty or deviance, but the victory somehow left him feeling more alone than he had ever experienced before. His rivalry with Gyroscope had awakened a passion he thought long abandoned. With a heavy sigh Buck rose from his computer desk and walked out to his garden, to examine his latest project. Few of his neighbors would ever suspect that this seemingly average suburban home held a secret, a secret fraught with danger and intrigue, but those are the risks you take when you enter the high stakes world of international treadmill sales and supply. Passing through his lush tomato rows, and fragrant herb garden Buck stepped over the sleeping form of one of his prized show ducks, and moved to an area which appeared to be a small row of cabbages. With a subtle press of a button on his seemingly ordinary wristwatch, the planting bed of cabbages rolled back, exposing the time worn stone steps descending deep into the bowels of the earth. Buck had trod these stairs many times in the past, as had his predecessors in the secret society whose mysteries few could comprehend. Since he was but a lad, Buck had been trained in the sacred rituals and mysterious laws of the Ordus Nordic Trac, the sworn brotherhood and secret society that quietly manipulated world events from behind the scenes. Unknown to all but the highest members of government, the Ordus Nordic Trac maintained their stranglehold on stationary exercise walking apparatus, and home ski simulators with a vicious and sometimes brutal rule of terror. Few had dared cross the Ordus, and fewer still had survived the repercussions. Buck passed down the long stone staircase deeper and deeper beneath the surface of the earth, and into another world far removed from the sun-dappled garden only a dozen meters above his head. Peering around to ensure he was alone, in the faint glow of the tritium vials which hung sparsely from the cavern's ceiling. Yes, he was alone, as always. No-one knew of his membership in the sinister shadowy organization that had guided the path of his life, nor did anyone know of this seemingly empty stone walled chamber so deep beneath his garden, and Buck liked it that way. Buck smiled inwardly, knowing that few people would ever see the wonders and horrors he had witnessed in the Ordus, and calmly placed his palm onto the gleaming surface of the ident-reader. The scanner's pale blue glow illuminated the dim chamber, and then, with a welcoming beep, the stone wall of the chamber slid aside, beckoning the man to enter his sanctum, his Gymnasium! Upon entering his secret facility, buck's eyes swept casually over the trophies and treasures he had accumulated in his missions for the Ordus. Leaning shattered against one wall, were the broken remains of an ultralight aircraft, which had nearly enabled the escape of Vince, the Sham-Wow guy after he fled the destruction of his fortress in Germany, almost. No-one ever found the body of Vince in the crevasse where Buck had concealed him, and hopefully no-one would ever dislodge the iron spike driven through the monster's body under the ever present snow pack of the Tyrolean Alps, pity the world should that creature re-awaken! Nearby, a gilded Bow-flex, its limbs still stained with the blood of the sacrificial victims who never satisfied the unending thirst of the ancient evil who inspired the infernal machine. Near his communication console, stood Buck's prized trophy, the Elliptical Machine of Tomás de Torquemada, a fabled device which allowed continuous aerobic and anaerobic exercise, while it drained the life force from the victims who were doomed to enter it's grip. While admiring his newest acquisition, Buck was startled to see hos console's New Message light flashing, indicating an incoming mission briefing from Le Chateau, the secret and well guarded base of operations and fortress home of the Senior Legates of the Ordus Nordic Trac. Buck immediately logged in to his encrypted console, the Senior Legates were not to be ignored!