Conservative windbag Ben Shapiro whines against workers rights in Obama overtime ruling

Lol at the completely fabricated neighborhood to go with his completely fabricated opinion.

It's a picture of detroit. Clearly someone else used it for something else. As far as fabricated opinions go, I'm afraid I use nothing but logic, reason and evidence. You cry about problems caused by government and then beg for more.
You were arguing with Dessert Dude about it suggesting he was an idiot for calling for it's abolishment, also claimed there were no quotas - just "goals" (lol @ that pathetic word play). You can search Uncle Buck Affirmative Action for the thread yourself.

BTW the Supreme Court ruled in favor of completely nebulous and unspecified racial discrimination recently too, woo hoo. As long as it promotes diversity it can be as arbitrary as you want. MLK would be rolling in his grave.

so in other words, you cannot find any such quote from me, but MLK would totally stand with a skinhead like you in opposing affirmative action.

dickbag, you are delusional.
The image is from detroit actually. The 5-6% number comes from substantial evidence collection in markets that have been free historically. Money wasn't always controlled and the extensive regulation network didn't always exist.

It's interesting you conclude monopolization is the ultimate conclusion when there's nothing to support that at all. There isn't a monopoly or highly captured market in history that did not rely on government force to get to there position. Drug companies behind patents, Standard Oil receiving favorable rail road rates due to cronyism, etc etc.
Plenty of examples where a market became dominated by a single family. Diamonds, for instance, oil, railroads. Without regulation that's the way it will always be. The rich always have an advantage and they can just grind down the competition with lawyers, guns and money. Capitalism can't exist without governments, so too, markets

Libertarian ideology have never seen the light of day in any major sense. It's an imaginary economy that you preach.
You'll be happy to show an example where this has ever happened without government assistance... the answer is never by the way. It's impossible to make more than 5-6% margin in a free market.
Standard Oil
You whine about corporations, which are the creation of government, and then beg more for. Sounds kind of ridiculous to me.
Corporations are not the "creation of government" and I'm not "begging for more". I think corporations in America require strong regulation to avoid the kinds of monopolistic practices that lead to exploitation
Since the introduction of welfare states worldwide from the period of the 60's/70's income disparity has only dramatically increased too. Is it possible that making the poorest addicted to government isn't the most productive thing in the world? Nah.
Correlation doesn't equal causation. Social security was introduced in 1935 and dramatically reduced the elderly poverty rate. Wealth and income inequality has increased because of neoliberal economic policies introduced by right wing politicians, globalization, trade agreements like NAFTA, wage stagnation since 1968 and rising prices for goods and services. Social safety net programs have proven to be effective at reducing rates of poverty across the board.

In other words, you're mistaken

If you think $1.40/meal (2/3 of which go to kids under 18 years old) is "making the poorest addicted to government", you're a moron who has zero understanding of economics or human nature
The image is from detroit actually.
I looked. Can't find anything other than undead labs. So, show us, where did that image come from? It's not germane to your argument of course but is really funny that it can only be found at an imaginary place.
Standard Oil

Corporations are not the "creation of government" and I'm not "begging for more". I think corporations in America require strong regulation to avoid the kinds of monopolistic practices that lead to exploitation

Correlation doesn't equal causation. Social security was introduced in 1935 and dramatically reduced the elderly poverty rate. Wealth and income inequality has increased because of neoliberal economic policies introduced by right wing politicians, globalization, trade agreements like NAFTA, wage stagnation since 1968 and rising prices for goods and services. Social safety net programs have proven to be effective at reducing rates of poverty across the board.

In other words, you're mistaken

If you think $1.40/meal (2/3 of which go to kids under 18 years old) is "making the poorest addicted to government", you're a moron who has zero understanding of economics or human nature

I can't argue with someone who can't even acknowledge basic facts. So moving on.

Corporations are a legal fiction created by government.
It's a picture of detroit. Clearly someone else used it for something else. As far as fabricated opinions go, I'm afraid I use nothing but logic, reason and evidence. You cry about problems caused by government and then beg for more.

The government is being run by those who can buy it and thus make it serve their ends.

This is not democracy.
Two chuckleheads can't handle the fact that @doublejj is doing well and smartly following a policy intended to grow the electric car and solar energy markets.

Because global warming is an important issue to be dealt with.
What are you talking about? I am pleased doublejj is doing well. Instead of inventing things to denigrate, how about you address real questions or even just stick to reality.
I have no idea where you came up with your 5%-7% limits, certainly not empirically. There has never been a free market. Government has always set rules and maintains markets. The natural end state of an unregulated market is monopoly.

I did a search on that image to see where it came from and all I can find is undead labs. That, I think, is a CGI. Too funny that.

"The natural end state of an unregulated market is monopoly."

Aunt Gertrude grows tomatoes and sells them to neighbors, so eventually Gertrude controls the world market for tomatoes unless government stops her evil plans? Preposterous.
"The natural end state of an unregulated market is monopoly."

Aunt Gertrude grows tomatoes and sells them to neighbors, so eventually Gertrude controls the world market for tomatoes unless government stops her evil plans? Preposterous.
How obtuse can you be?

Aunt Gertrude ain't running a multinational operation growing tomatoes in her backyard now is she?

Standard Oil, Carnegie Steel, US Railroads, etc.. All reigned without regulation until government got involved. The US Supreme Court even ruled against Rockefeller's monopoly on oil in 1910

The fact is, without government regulation, corporations would exert an unrepresentative amount of power and influence over the industry and over the government (as they do now). Our problems in finance today exist because of the absence of said regulations.

Unregulated industries result in monopolies
How obtuse can you be?

Aunt Gertrude ain't running a multinational operation growing tomatoes in her backyard now is she?

Standard Oil, Carnegie Steel, US Railroads, etc.. All reigned without regulation until government got involved. The US Supreme Court even ruled against Rockefeller's monopoly on oil in 1910

The fact is, without government regulation, corporations would exert an unrepresentative amount of power and influence over the industry and over the government (as they do now). Our problems in finance today exist because of the absence of said regulations.

Unregulated industries result in monopolies

You certainly aren't shy about public displays of imbecility.
"The natural end state of an unregulated market is monopoly."

Aunt Gertrude grows tomatoes and sells them to neighbors, so eventually Gertrude controls the world market for tomatoes unless government stops her evil plans? Preposterous.
Yes, what you just said was preposterous. Have you degraded that much during your stay at the nursing home?
  1. (of a person) elderly and infirm.

adjective im·po·tent \ˈim-pə-tənt\
Popularity: Top 30% of words
Simple Definition of impotent
  • : lacking power or strength

  • of a man : unable to have sex : unable to get or keep an erection

nope, that's clearly you. i am young and virile.


less than a decade and natural causes will wipe you from this earth like the scourge that you are, klanman.

Whoa, hey now, is this 'To Catch a Predator'??

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