Conspiracy Theories america taddle tailing is pretty much telling on someone for something that they did wrong....its wut little kids do
It is not a conspiracy it is a fact that at night if I sit in front of a window without a curtain a sniper will shot me in back of the head. There will be brains splattered all over the walls. Gray matter oozing down the door. Yes it is a fact. I am not paranoid they are out there. LOL
Never heard that one before....are you serious?
lol of course I'm not serious. Hitler blamed the jews as a scapegoat for how poorly he ran his country. He had a thing for words so he told his country that the jews were hoarding all the profits that could be brought back to the economy. SO he started massacring people to get the heat off of him to correct his country. Of course he gt blown to hell anyways so I guess he's right back to where he started.
fishin... within this thread it has been established that the correct term and spelling is tattle tale, personally I'd rather write it tattle-tale, but hey it's your word(s).
It is not a conspiracy it is a fact that at night if I sit in front of a window without a curtain a sniper will shot me in back of the head. There will be brains splattered all over the walls. Gray matter oozing down the door. Yes it is a fact. I am not paranoid they are out there. LOL
Nope, sorry that's just me, I'll leave ya alone now:mrgreen:
lol of course I'm not serious. Hitler blamed the jews as a scapegoat for how poorly he ran his country. He had a thing for words so he told his country that the jews were hoarding all the profits that could be brought back to the economy. SO he started massacring people to get the heat off of him to correct his country. Of course he gt blown to hell anyways so I guess he's right back to where he started.

OK because I was like WTF?????
it was the fault of christianity and the teachings of the bible. Hitler was not the only one that didn't like the jews. In those days most hated the jews.
it was the fault of christianity and the teachings of the bible. Hitler was not the only one that didn't like the jews. In those days most hated the jews.

Yup, and Passion Plays (like Mel Gibson's The Passion of the Christ) were meant to stir up hate against the Jews. However, I seriously doubt any of those Passion Plays made nearly as much money as Adolf Gibson's did.
it was the fault of christianity and the teachings of the bible. Hitler was not the only one that didn't like the jews. In those days most hated the jews.
I know most hated the jews but adolf was really the only one who could rally the people against them, yes the hatred made it ALOT easier to do so but those were alot of his reasonings. he even went os far as to call certain diseases "jewish diseases" mainly syphilis. because he got it from a jewish prostitute in his younger years.
I know most hated the jews but adolf was really the only one who could rally the people against them, yes the hatred made it ALOT easier to do so but those were alot of his reasonings. he even went os far as to call certain diseases "jewish diseases" mainly syphilis. because he got it from a jewish prostitute in his younger years.

Where did this info' come from? Hitler was not a fool. There didn't need to be any rallying, everybody HATED the jews. Winston Churchill was famously anti semetic. The 3rd reich gave the world the opportunity to SAVE hundreds of thousands of jews. The 3rd reich wanted us to buy the jews off them. We refused, so did the Americans. Before the 3rd reich started killing the jews they looked into different ways of getting rid of them first. Including offering the jews to britain and america, we both refused.

We had aerial photographs of jewish prison camps, we had intel'. WE KNEW what was happening, we could have used special op's to take down these camps, but we did not. Why?

Where did this info' come from? Hitler was not a fool. There didn't need to be any rallying, everybody HATED the jews. Winston Churchill was famously anti semetic. The 3rd reich gave the world the opportunity to SAVE hundreds of thousands of jews. The 3rd reich wanted us to buy the jews off them. We refused, so did the Americans. Before the 3rd reich started killing the jews they looked into different ways of getting rid of them first. Including offering the jews to britain and america, we both refused.

We had aerial photographs of jewish prison camps, we had intel'. WE KNEW what was happening, we could have used special op's to take down these camps, but we did not. Why?
I'm not saying the rallying had to happen, but a large mass of people wouldn't do what they did without some kind of leadership. Yes the world hated jews I'm not arguing that. One of the big things that rallied america against the axis powers and our so called good hearts was pearl harbor I'm sure that most of the reasons we entered ww2 and fought against hitler wasn't to save the jews, it was for our own reasons.
The americans were already gearing up to join in the war. Were amassing their navy. The Jap's made a tactical decision.

Also with the USSR involved and gaining ground, the americans could not afford NOT to get involved. My point is that they (america) were in it anyway.

The jews were declared a bastard race (no homeland), and the whole world hated them. The whole world did not care. We knew what was happening two years into the war. Yet we did nothing.
The americans were already gearing up to join in the war. Were amassing their navy. The Jap's made a tactical decision.

Also with the USSR involved and gaining ground, the americans could not afford NOT to get involved. My point is that they (america) were in it anyway.

The jews were declared a bastard race (no homeland), and the whole world hated them. The whole world did not care. We knew what was happening two years into the war. Yet we did nothing.
Yes like I said we were involved in the war not for saving the jews(like I was taught in HS) but instead for our own reasons. The Navy was building a fleet of ships to joint he war but pearl harbor is what gave the american political leaders the support they needed for an all out attack. I have studied this quite alot while I was in school and alot afterwards seeing as I was born on Dec 7th(great to be born on a national tragedy right?)
Look at the current world landscape and you can see why the US jumped into the war. The opportunities were endless. It boosted American industrial production. That industrial might built arguably the strongest military in the world at the time. It made America a SuperPower.

Backing the Jews was the 1st step in gaining a foothold in the Middle East. From day one...America planned to "give" the Jews a state to call their own. The Leauge of Nations (like the UN back then)already planned for a Jewish State. Israel could have been placed anywhere in the world. They even considered what is currently The Congo in Africa because of all the mineral wealth. Diamonds, oil, rubber etc. was the US that pushed for it to be where it is....why? America needs the resources there and had NO allies in the region at the time. Israel is....and always has been a puppet government. You'd be surprised how many Amereicans are in power positions in Israel. They are Jews...but they a plants by the US to keep Israel in a direction that meshes with the Us's

Now is that Conspiracy enough for ya?

Hitler was WWI (Germany)...Japan was WWII.
Look at the current world landscape and you can see why the US jumped into the war. The opportunities were endless. It boosted American industrial production. That industrial might built arguably the strongest military in the world at the time. It made America a SuperPower.

Backing the Jews was the 1st step in gaining a foothold in the Middle East. From day one...America planned to "give" the Jews a state to call their own. The Leauge of Nations (like the UN back then)already planned for a Jewish State. Israel could have been placed anywhere in the world. They even considered what is currently The Congo in Africa because of all the mineral wealth. Diamonds, oil, rubber etc. was the US that pushed for it to be where it is....why? America needs the resources there and had NO allies in the region at the time. Israel is....and always has been a puppet government. You'd be surprised how many Amereicans are in power positions in Israel. They are Jews...but they a plants by the US to keep Israel in a direction that meshes with the Us's

Now is that Conspiracy enough for ya?
lol I agree, Isreal's military is almost a pure copy of the American military mainly because we GAVE them the ways to do it. But all in all it was a smart move for us. WHat is unfortunate is how the jews are now implementing that power. It's crazy how for every jew that is killed they take 2 Islamic lives of otherwise innocent people. They don't usually attack military positions because..there arent many. They attack towns and cities. Now alot of their radical enemies do abide in these places but so do millions of other people who want nothing to do with it. Not every arab is someone who's gonna go blow themselves up in a jewish town or school. Apparently the jews don't see it that way though.
Look at the current world landscape and you can see why the US jumped into the war. The opportunities were endless. It boosted American industrial production. That industrial might built arguably the strongest military in the world at the time. It made America a SuperPower.

Backing the Jews was the 1st step in gaining a foothold in the Middle East. From day one...America planned to "give" the Jews a state to call their own. The Leauge of Nations (like the UN back then)already planned for a Jewish State. Israel could have been placed anywhere in the world. They even considered what is currently The Congo in Africa because of all the mineral wealth. Diamonds, oil, rubber etc. was the US that pushed for it to be where it is....why? America needs the resources there and had NO allies in the region at the time. Israel is....and always has been a puppet government. You'd be surprised how many Amereicans are in power positions in Israel. They are Jews...but they a plants by the US to keep Israel in a direction that meshes with the Us's

Now is that Conspiracy enough for ya?

Hitler was WWI (Germany)...Japan was WWII.

Just got there before me bloodshot... i was just getting to how Israel is our (the wests) modern day Constantinople. Without the backing of the West Israel would have been crushed a long time ago.

We have positions of power within Israel as do the French. We need these positions as Israel could one day gain enough power in the East to turn on the West. A long way away, I agree. I believe the word I'm looking for is contingency.

Since the war the jews have been responsible for countless atrocities as they seek to strengthen their foothold. We did the same thing at Constantinople, and Saladin crushed us.