coughing up black stuff

get a vaporizer dude....i had to switch back to my volcano after a few months of just bongrips. There is only so much you can smoke. With a habit like yours, I think you're a fine candidate for vaporizer.

Or make edibles! Or hash ( its more potent, pure thc). Vaporize hash, eat brownies. My suggestion. :D It will take a week or so to recover!

i woke up today and because of not smoking cigs last night my lungs actualy feel better, i had a blunt of super lemon haze and now im feelin better, today me n my boys r havin a day in, im prob gna smoke bout 30 grams of weed and eat fuck knows hoe many brownies with loads of delicious food, we got tunes bangin right now and i can feel the bass 2 rooms away, this is gonna be a good day :)
smoking 30 grams of high grade weed in a day, how fucking depressing and dull.

thanks alot, today is a day just for weed food n my gyal who is coming over later, im 18 and have almost finished my A levels, im celebratin so i dont understand how that is dull and depressin.
the fact that you're only 18 and smoking that much is depressing. does it not occur that there is life to be lived, especially given the weather. people i know who'#ve finnished their A levels and fancy a smoke, well they go outside, toa field, in pilton, called glastonbury festival. just sounds like dull as shit imo, sitting around with your girl doing nothing but eating and getting out of your head, way to embrace life. i am a manic smoker, yet i can understand when things are a little bit silly.

if it's really how you enjoy spending your life then fair enough, go for it, i have bad habbits as well, just seems like a total waste.
it's just one day...

hottest day of the year though for us in the UK. doing some real gardening myself, just having a coffee break and checking the action on the forums.
the fact that you're only 18 and smoking that much is depressing. does it not occur that there is life to be lived, especially given the weather. people i know who'#ve finnished their A levels and fancy a smoke, well they go outside, toa field, in pilton, called glastonbury festival. just sounds like dull as shit imo, sitting around with your girl doing nothing but eating and getting out of your head, way to embrace life. i am a manic smoker, yet i can understand when things are a little bit silly.

if it's really how you enjoy spending your life then fair enough, go for it, i have bad habbits as well, just seems like a total waste.

i will prob go out tonight mate, im not gonna sit in this house with my gyal 3 stoners and a cupl rasta men all night, gonna smoke loads of weed eat shitloads of food then were gonna go west london, i bought a fresh new pair of sexy ass jeans and a bangin armani suit, im gonna drop the armani trousers and wear the jeans instead, prob go to a dubstep rave, maybe pop 1 or 2 e's and have a cup0l sativa spliffs, today is gonna be a good day and tonight will be a good night.
there was a guy on here called poplars who said this will happen to me literally about 2 days ago, i cant believe it i only 18 and shit like this is already happenin to me, i thought my 0 a day wasnt really that much, they lied to me, weed does fuck up ur lungs(if mixed with tobbaco)

wow bro . . what fuckin luck eh? sounds like you're getting pneumonia from all the abuse to your lungs bro . . . . blood is no good, lots of blood is really bad but a little blood you'll live . . . . . definitely have to stop EVERYTHING for a while . . . . heal . . . and all that jazz

get on edibles until your lungs heal bro . . . I wouldn't even blaze any bud or vape . . . gotta let those lungs heal for real . . . . you get enough bud to make edibles, so do so.

I guess technically black lung is a form of pneumonia . . . . either way go to the doc, have him listen to your lungs and probably get a chest xray too . . .
i will prob go out tonight mate, im not gonna sit in this house with my gyal 3 stoners and a cupl rasta men all night, gonna smoke loads of weed eat shitloads of food then were gonna go west london, i bought a fresh new pair of sexy ass jeans and a bangin armani suit, im gonna drop the armani trousers and wear the jeans instead, prob go to a dubstep rave, maybe pop 1 or 2 e's and have a cup0l sativa spliffs, today is gonna be a good day and tonight will be a good night.

ha, now that does sound like fun! i was jsut sat here picturing someone stoned blind on a couch systematically working his way through a big ass pile of nugs totally gurning haha

i agree with poplars in that it's probably best to lay off all smoking for the time being. black flem doesn't sound tasty!
ha, now that does sound like fun! i was jsut sat here picturing someone stoned blind on a couch systematically working his way through a big ass pile of nugs totally gurning haha

i agree with poplars in that it's probably best to lay off all smoking for the time being. black flem doesn't sound tasty!
you left out the part about the blood, too ;)
go to your local herb/health food store and get this shit called clear lung, its pills or powder, its feels like u drank too much coffee but if u take it, stop cigs for a week, maybe roll J's wit a filter, u cough alot of shit up but feel great after a few days. i also smoke alot, i do this like once every 3 months. Doc says i breath fine, just saw him last week
also if you have a high fever and are short of breath you need to go the emergency room immediately . . . . . hopefully you've gone to the doc regardless and getting this shit checked out . . . just don't overdo it and you'll heal just fine.
o.k o.k i havent had a cig all day but ive smoked around 20 grams soo far and eaten like 7 space cakes, my lungs feel better and the coughing is waaaay less, the blood has stopped and if anything i think i could be recovering, im seeing my doc tommorow just to be sure, ive borrowed a vape and will use it soon with some silver haze a super lemon haze, my girl is coming over in a hour or 2 so ive started gettin ready for tonight, shell keep me away from ciggs by rewardin me in her special way :) oh and the flem tastes like burnt barbecue lol
when you exhale just breathing normal is there a wisp or weezing sound coming from your throat? or chest?

you have to be in a quiet room to test it, if so, it can be bronchitis. which can be cured with some medicine, partiuclarly codiene. good luck mane
when you exhale just breathing normal is there a wisp or weezing sound coming from your throat? or chest?

you have to be in a quiet room to test it, if so, it can be bronchitis. which can be cured with some medicine, partiuclarly codiene. good luck mane

I got bronchitis and pneumonia . . . . if he has just bronchitis then yeah he will only feel it when he exhales . . . if you feel bubbling when you INHALE . . . then you have pneumonia. specifically in the bottom of your lung usually.

codeine will help him not smoke at all . . . get to sleep at night . . . it's not a great cough suppressant I mean it works but it mainly just gets you all tired so you can go to sleep.

he may need to get on antibiotics if he has pneumonia . . . but something tells me this isn't bacterial at all . . . so he'll just need to chill on the smoking entirely (weed and cigs) I wouldn't even vape . . . . just eat edibles.
when i breath i can feel my lungs, im not sure if its coz im high or coz i can actually feel it, it feels like there are holes in the bronchial tubes, the only thing im worried about is tonight when i take my e's, altho any drug other than weed and booze has almost no effect on me i.e heroin, ive noticed that e's give me a nice lil pleasant buzz, mix iit with some heavy sativa weed and im good to go, im worried i might collapse or sumthin, what about sex, ill defo be gettin it on with my girl tonight, im gonna take a few pennicilins to see if it helps and ill report back in a hour or 2, itl be a bit muddled up coz itl b on my iphone.
bro, you can't just take a FEW penicillin and expect to get better . . . .. you're likely to make the bacteria resistant to penicillin . . . . you know how long it takes to truly be sure you're totally done with a bacterial infection after starting antibiotics?

atleast 7 days . . . . . . .

if you're only taking that shit for 2 days, you can definitely expect to get a WORSE infection.

dude, seriously, take it the fuck easy.

you're living life like you're not sick, when you're walking around with fucked up lungs . . . . seriously bro, take it fuckin easy. don't chill with the girl, don't go out with your buddies, STAY HOME AND GET BETTER.
dude, you smoke tooo much lol.

20gs a day is insane. i dont know about you, but after i smoke a g or more i peak out and just dont get any higher.
dude, you smoke tooo much lol.

20gs a day is insane. i dont know about you, but after i smoke a g or more i peak out and just dont get any higher.
yeah I talked with him in another thread about that . .. told him it'd take something big like him getting hella sick to quit for a couple weeks like me . . . . .

and what do you know . . . . 2 days later he's coughing up nasty shit with a little bit of blood.