Well-Known Member
get a vaporizer dude....i had to switch back to my volcano after a few months of just bongrips. There is only so much you can smoke. With a habit like yours, I think you're a fine candidate for vaporizer.
Or make edibles! Or hash ( its more potent, pure thc). Vaporize hash, eat brownies. My suggestion.It will take a week or so to recover!
i woke up today and because of not smoking cigs last night my lungs actualy feel better, i had a blunt of super lemon haze and now im feelin better, today me n my boys r havin a day in, im prob gna smoke bout 30 grams of weed and eat fuck knows hoe many brownies with loads of delicious food, we got tunes bangin right now and i can feel the bass 2 rooms away, this is gonna be a good day