coughing up black stuff

yep,my lungs feel a fuck load better, im gonna stop usin the vape for a few day coz its makin me cough, im just gonna go to camden in a week or 2 and buy loads of vapes, just take like 2 grand with me and buy loads of shit, oh and btw heres my new grinder:

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aw that sucks bro, you need to get a diamond shaped grinder like this!!

those point grinders like the one you got kinda do a rough grind that doesn't really break it up fine . . . . . diamond shape grinders will turn that shit into a fine powder.
i smoke heavily, weed and cigs, over the past 2 days my usual flem has changed from greyish to black, why? is it me? how can i stop it coz now it hurts to cough and becuase this stuff is quite solid small amounts of blood are coming out aswell, how can i stop this? i really need advice coz this is startin to hurt like hell.
Man you gotta see a doctor, that shit isnt right. The blood, anyway.
The black stuff is why i got a vaporizer. My lungs are so much cleaner now. Cigarettes gotta go too. I quit those; i can't justify all the health issues for something that does absolutely nothing for me.
Man you gotta see a doctor, that shit isnt right. The blood, anyway.
The black stuff is why i got a vaporizer. My lungs are so much cleaner now. Cigarettes gotta go too. I quit those; i can't justify all the health issues for something that does absolutely nothing for me.

already been to see the doc, its startin to clear up now, and to poplars, to me, so far as it grinds my erb' im happy, dont see why i need to have fancy stuff just to smoke weed, its why i dont get why someone would pay £250 for a bong when u can get one for £5, some people like nice things to show thier wealth, i dont want to show my wealth for obvious reasons, i forgot where i was going this, og kush and orange haze are a great mix.
The reason I pay for nice smoking devices is because to me they make smoking better. I have a 40 buck bong for taking around, and that is the cheapest I can find in my area, but I also have a $300 which rips so smooth, and a single bowl of that makes me higher then anything else. Then same thing with my volcano now my hotbox was good, but when you have the money I think its worth it to buy the best of most products. Bongs its a little different but if your paying a couple houndred bucks it will most likely be a quality

Edit: well actually if you burn like two bowls to yourself on 9 with the volcano that is the highest I can get, just found that out haha
no bro it isn't fancy . . . I'm just talking about a difference in the grinder heads. a diamond-shaped to diamond-shaped grinder heads are way better for grinding it up much finer than a pointed triangle tip grinder. nothing fancy about it, just more efficient ;).

but if you're totally happy with how much that thing grinds then it's all chill. just saying if you wanted a finer grind because it might work better with the volcano.
no bro it isn't fancy . . . I'm just talking about a difference in the grinder heads. a diamond-shaped to diamond-shaped grinder heads are way better for grinding it up much finer than a pointed triangle tip grinder. nothing fancy about it, just more efficient ;).

but if you're totally happy with how much that thing grinds then it's all chill. just saying if you wanted a finer grind because it might work better with the volcano.

i understand, im happy with it, ive got other grinders but the guy offered me a good deal, i go to a smoke shop to buy my blunts and papers (i have to buy in bulk lol) and the guy does me nice deals, this grinder was £15 but he did it to me for just £7, gave him 10 just coz hes so good to me.
i understand, im happy with it, ive got other grinders but the guy offered me a good deal, i go to a smoke shop to buy my blunts and papers (i have to buy in bulk lol) and the guy does me nice deals, this grinder was £15 but he did it to me for just £7, gave him 10 just coz hes so good to me.

good shit bro

now that I think about it, that triangle shape may be great for vapes like the volcano you know . . . I only used the diamond shaped grinder to roll hella nice joints and shit . . . . where you need it to have a certain consistency you know?

but yeah bro I got more details on the herbalaire, apparently the heating element is encased in steel, then there's an inner aluminum core that holds the crucible (that holds the bud) and then an outer aluminum core that is in direct contact with the steel core. so air only passes through the teflon and aluminum which is 100% safe. pretty sure the volcano just uses aluminum so its hella safe to.
good shit bro

now that I think about it, that triangle shape may be great for vapes like the volcano you know . . . I only used the diamond shaped grinder to roll hella nice joints and shit . . . . where you need it to have a certain consistency you know?

but yeah bro I got more details on the herbalaire, apparently the heating element is encased in steel, then there's an inner aluminum core that holds the crucible (that holds the bud) and then an outer aluminum core that is in direct contact with the steel core. so air only passes through the teflon and aluminum which is 100% safe. pretty sure the volcano just uses aluminum so its hella safe to.

well im buyin both so i might do a lil review when i get them, not to brag but ive gotten so good at rolling that it doesnt matter how the weed is grinded, so far as its grinded im ready to roll.
well im buyin both so i might do a lil review when i get them, not to brag but ive gotten so good at rolling that it doesnt matter how the weed is grinded, so far as its grinded im ready to roll.

I'm hella good at rolling too, but I find that I get the smoothest roll with /no/ crinkles if it's of a certain consistency you know?

I have some pics of my joints, I should upload one . . . .

edit: nvm it seems I deleted it . . . bah. and I don't roll joints anymore so I guess that's not gonna happen then :(
I'm hella good at rolling too, but I find that I get the smoothest roll with /no/ crinkles if it's of a certain consistency you know?

I have some pics of my joints, I should upload one . . . .

edit: nvm it seems I deleted it . . . bah. and I don't roll joints anymore so I guess that's not gonna happen then :(

ive got loads of pics of my rolls, check my sig, go straight to the end and ull see a very nice blunt i rolled.DSC-0261.jpg
ive got loads of pics of my rolls, check my sig, go straight to the end and ull see a very nice blunt i rolled.View attachment 1016298

yeah that's exactly how I roll joints too....

I met a french dude in yosemite and he rolled cones like that, totally picked up his technique and mastered it, those joints look /exactly/ like mine. good shit man.

by the way my doc gave me the OK to vape!!!!

*turns vape on*
yeah that's exactly how I roll joints too....

I met a french dude in yosemite and he rolled cones like that, totally picked up his technique and mastered it, those joints look /exactly/ like mine. good shit man.

by the way my doc gave me the OK to vape!!!!

*turns vape on*

lol my doc just told me to stop smokin ciggs, in his words "tobbaco smoke is dangerous, a crude mixture of chemicals that have no theraputic value, i advise you to quit, cannabis smoke on the other hand, altho containing carcinogenic matireal is non toxic and if anything healthy", ive been practicin different rollin techniques for years, my favorite always has been and always will be the king L, best zoots u can imgaine.
tobacco is pretty pointless . . . . . you have a lot of weed so there really is no reason to mix them into your joints, other than the fact that it helps keep them lit . . . .
tobacco is pretty pointless . . . . . you have a lot of weed so there really is no reason to mix them into your joints, other than the fact that it helps keep them lit . . . .

yh from now on the most im putin is around 1/10th of a ciggarete in my zoobies, just enough to keep them lit and give me a small dose of nicotine, im bout 2 have a lil session wit my boy, were gonna smoke some MK ultra and some orange haze.
right on, I mean tobacco wont fuck you up hardcore if you only smoke like 3-5 ciggs a day

anything more than that and you're pretty much doing a significant amount of damage to your lungs.

I mean of course someone could argue that even 3-5 ciggs is hella bad, but in your situation its an improvement if anything.
right on, I mean tobacco wont fuck you up hardcore if you only smoke like 3-5 ciggs a day

anything more than that and you're pretty much doing a significant amount of damage to your lungs.

I mean of course someone could argue that even 3-5 ciggs is hella bad, but in your situation its an improvement if anything.

well i had a ciggarete, needed to smoke sutin whilst rollin a fatty, my other boy came round and we smoked some blu cheese and dutch haze on top of what we already had.
I rolled up a thick 1.5 joint and my fucking boy I'm with doesn't have the lung power to inhale the thing, atleast I got hella high hahaa
I rolled up a thick 1.5 joint and my fucking boy I'm with doesn't have the lung power to inhale the thing, atleast I got hella high hahaa

lol that thing had a .5 of blu cheese .5 of m k ultra .5 of orange haze and some soveriegn tobbaco. tasted piff, the high is very nice and im melting into the sofa lol
jus had a vape of the mk ultra, i love this thing, gets u alot higher than normal and abit longer, im gna have a quik zoob of the blue cheese coz this shit is pure magic in taste and potency.