Well-Known Member
Got to be real about this, I think what you are saying is in the right direction, but way too amplified in its doom and gloom.Like to comment but it's yer folks business who the democratic nominee is, I don't care if they got horns a tail and four fucking hoofs, and look like a goddamn donkey. As long as they can beat Trump, help win back the senate and have a sizable mandate or governing responsibly, change and renewal. With this election I believe an old America will die and a newer better version will arise that will be able to defend itself from foreign interference and social division. It's the only way a modern multicultural society can survive into the future, look what happened in America, when circumstances let it get away from ya. Ya been fucked for almost 3 years and yer nation has suffered greatly and your security has been compromised by treasonous leadership (a fact, not an insult). America has become in effect a vassal state for Russia and yer lucky Vlad doesn't wanna nuke our asses, cause it would fuck up his and his buddies investments in Trump properties and all the other places they laundered their money into. Uncle Sam is gonna collect a lot of cold hard cash and property after 2021 as the twist arms around the world to get it and give half back to the country the money cam from to shut them up and induce cooperation, or just let them keep it themselves. There are gonna be a lot of poor Russians and the oligarchs and Putin will be lighter by hundreds of billions of dollars.
That's what I figure might happen, so expect a fight
BTW They are gonna chop MDS's fucking head off, cause he chose the wrong side and is unstable, he won't last long and I figure he knows it. It's literally life and death for him, so expect trouble from there too.
"America has become in effect a vassal state for Russia" no we are not. Trump might have gotten jammed up or was always in bed with Vlad and pulled a con to get the presidency, but everyday Americans still get up and do what they are going to do regardless of him. The president try as he might really has not had a huge impact on our economy (aside from his temper tantrums affecting a relatively small portion of our citizens) to this point.
And Vlad is having a hard enough time not nuking his own ass at the moment.
You kind of went off the deep end a little the last few days. Hope all is well irl. Don't let the trolling trolls get you worked up too much. They are eternal trained and paid to get you there.