Floors me when I've seen the few reports of people still in parks and wherever in a group. Fines are being handed out. Stupidity sure can run deep at times. And with the family there as well. WTF. Most of the sane folks I know have the kids locked away pretty good right now. If I had little ones so would I.
Religious believers gathering still at places of worship, social gatherings, looking for loopholes in the directives, on and on.
Keep it up dummies...maybe they should roll the troops.
Roving and static checks with armed soldiers may get the point across...maybe.
Religious believers gathering still at places of worship, social gatherings, looking for loopholes in the directives, on and on.
Keep it up dummies...maybe they should roll the troops.
Roving and static checks with armed soldiers may get the point across...maybe.
Well rolling the troops for helping out is fine by me. For enforcement would not be ok by me. I feel we have enough inspectors, municipal employees and cops to break up the groups of stupid folks if needed.
Of course the old folks are the big looser's in this. Old folks always get it worse for obvious reasons.
But it NOT ONLY the seniors taking it up the ass. PLENTY of younger folks have also died directly because of this.
I get very wife and father in law ( His lungs are compromised, 74 with Bakers Lung, kind of like coal miners lung but due to years of baking with flour, no precautions then) and I have been holed up at home for the last 3 weeks. I go out once a week for supplies if needed.
The longer others disregard the Heath directives, the fucking longer we will be.
People need to be smarter.
I think these fellas need to speak with some of the Families who have lost loved ones..fucking morons.
People will always do as they will, it is axiomatic.
Hence Murphy

I do have loved ones who are fighting this right now. Here’s hoping that you don’t. The virus is a nasty one.

In this particular case it was “misguided” exposure, which will affect many households. I think that is a fair description for not receiving relevant and current information about a known airborne hazard from an employer.

Be safe and be well.
I do have loved ones who are fighting this right now. Here’s hoping that you don’t. The virus is a nasty one.

In this particular case it was “misguided” exposure, which will affect many households. I think that is a fair description for not receiving relevant and current information about a known airborne hazard from an employer.

Be safe and be well.
Sorry to hear this man. Best wishes to your loved ones buddy!
I do have loved ones who are fighting this right now. Here’s hoping that you don’t. The virus is a nasty one.

In this particular case it was “misguided” exposure, which will affect many households. I think that is a fair description for not receiving relevant and current information about a known airborne hazard from an employer.

Be safe and be well.
I hope, my god, I hope they are doing well. I am so very sorry Friend.
I am not religious, but I'm hoping for your Family.
I think we'll get a second wave in maybe 3 weeks. We all need tested. That would help huge.
I've seen some excellent progress on this. Brilliant people are working like crazy to accomplish this.
Agreed, and many selfish asshole humans ate working to fuck it up for the rest.
Well rolling the troops for helping out is fine by me. For enforcement would not be ok by me. I feel we have enough inspectors, municipal employees and cops to break up the groups of stupid folks if needed.
Of course the old folks are the big looser's in this. Old folks always get it worse for obvious reasons.
But it NOT ONLY the seniors taking it up the ass. PLENTY of younger folks have also died directly because of this.
I know it could be very intimidating for many...that would be the point.
Sometimes hard decisions have to be made.
I'm sorry you disagree, but let's wait and see how bad this gets, before you say any to that.
Only the lawbreakers would have anything to worry about. Been there done that.
I know it could be very intimidating for many...that would be the point.
Sometimes hard decisions have to be made.
I'm sorry you disagree, but let's wait and see how bad this gets, before you say any to that.
Only the lawbreakers would have anything to worry about. Been there done that.
95% of folks get it and are doing the right thing. The other are easily spoken to......way less than 1% need a fine.
No need for the military other than to help with extra labor where needed. Canadian are a reasonable group mostly.
As long as the authorities are reasonable and respectful people will help out and be civil.
So far I personally haven't been asked to do anything I'm not cool with. And I'm usually not like that.
And trust me...if this goes on long enough, people are gonna start losing their shit, criminals will see it as a free for all...I been around. Individual persons can be great...people as a whole are self destructive...this gets tight will see.
I do have loved ones who are fighting this right now. Here’s hoping that you don’t. The virus is a nasty one.

In this particular case it was “misguided” exposure, which will affect many households. I think that is a fair description for not receiving relevant and current information about a known airborne hazard from an employer.

Be safe and be well.
head energy...wont eat...sweats...unlike anything anyone has ever felt before... :idea::!:
same shit people have been going through .............since LAST YEAR..
.and it's sad no one said anything then.
head energy...wont eat...sweats...unlike anything anyone has ever felt before... :idea::!:
same shit people have been going through .............since LAST YEAR..
.and it's sad no one said anything then.
May I see your credentials please?
Not arguing, but you must be a health care practitioner, with access to all recorded data?
Keep the conspiracy theories to yourself. There are people dying en masse from this.
I bet they would really appreciate your brevity on this.
It is the people calling for forced testing and forced quarantine that are concerning. I’m not the type to let government stick things in my mouth.

But but but wait how are they going to save us all?

Keep in mind that throughout history, people have survived pandemics by having a healthy amount of distrust and skepticism. If you rely on others for your soup, expect to stand in line.